use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustc_ast::ptr;
use rustc_span::Span;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::FormatReport;
use crate::config::{Config, IndentStyle};
use crate::parse::session::ParseSess;
use crate::shape::Shape;
use crate::skip::SkipContext;
use crate::visitor::SnippetProvider;
pub(crate) type RewriteResult = Result<String, RewriteError>;
pub(crate) trait Rewrite {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String>;
fn rewrite_result(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
self.rewrite(context, shape).unknown_error()
impl<T: Rewrite> Rewrite for ptr::P<T> {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
(**self).rewrite(context, shape)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum MacroErrorKind {
impl std::fmt::Display for MacroErrorKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
MacroErrorKind::ParseFailure => write!(f, "(parse failure)"),
MacroErrorKind::ReplaceMacroVariable => write!(f, "(replacing macro variables with $)"),
MacroErrorKind::Unknown => write!(f, ""),
#[derive(Clone, Error, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum RewriteError {
#[error("Formatting was skipped due to skip attribute or out of file range.")]
#[error("It exceeds the required width of {configured_width} for the span: {span:?}")]
ExceedsMaxWidth { configured_width: usize, span: Span },
#[error("Failed to format given macro{} at: {span:?}", kind)]
MacroFailure { kind: MacroErrorKind, span: Span },
#[error("An unknown error occurred during formatting.")]
pub(crate) trait RewriteErrorExt<T> {
fn max_width_error(self, width: usize, span: Span) -> Result<T, RewriteError>;
fn macro_error(self, kind: MacroErrorKind, span: Span) -> Result<T, RewriteError>;
fn unknown_error(self) -> Result<T, RewriteError>;
impl<T> RewriteErrorExt<T> for Option<T> {
fn max_width_error(self, width: usize, span: Span) -> Result<T, RewriteError> {
self.ok_or_else(|| RewriteError::ExceedsMaxWidth {
configured_width: width,
span: span,
fn macro_error(self, kind: MacroErrorKind, span: Span) -> Result<T, RewriteError> {
self.ok_or_else(|| RewriteError::MacroFailure {
kind: kind,
span: span,
fn unknown_error(self) -> Result<T, RewriteError> {
self.ok_or_else(|| RewriteError::Unknown)
pub(crate) struct RewriteContext<'a> {
pub(crate) psess: &'a ParseSess,
pub(crate) config: &'a Config,
pub(crate) inside_macro: Rc<Cell<bool>>,
pub(crate) use_block: Cell<bool>,
pub(crate) is_if_else_block: Cell<bool>,
pub(crate) force_one_line_chain: Cell<bool>,
pub(crate) snippet_provider: &'a SnippetProvider,
pub(crate) macro_rewrite_failure: Cell<bool>,
pub(crate) is_macro_def: bool,
pub(crate) report: FormatReport,
pub(crate) skip_context: SkipContext,
pub(crate) skipped_range: Rc<RefCell<Vec<(usize, usize)>>>,
pub(crate) struct InsideMacroGuard {
is_nested_macro_context: bool,
inside_macro_ref: Rc<Cell<bool>>,
impl InsideMacroGuard {
pub(crate) fn is_nested(&self) -> bool {
impl Drop for InsideMacroGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<'a> RewriteContext<'a> {
pub(crate) fn snippet(&self, span: Span) -> &str {
pub(crate) fn use_block_indent(&self) -> bool {
self.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Block || self.use_block.get()
pub(crate) fn budget(&self, used_width: usize) -> usize {
pub(crate) fn inside_macro(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn enter_macro(&self) -> InsideMacroGuard {
let is_nested_macro_context = self.inside_macro.replace(true);
InsideMacroGuard {
inside_macro_ref: self.inside_macro.clone(),
pub(crate) fn leave_macro(&self) {
pub(crate) fn is_if_else_block(&self) -> bool {