//! Interacts with the registry [search API][1].
//! [1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/registry-web-api.html#search
use std::cmp;
use anyhow::Context as _;
use url::Url;
use crate::util::style;
use crate::util::style::LITERAL;
use crate::util::truncate_with_ellipsis;
use crate::CargoResult;
use crate::GlobalContext;
use super::RegistryOrIndex;
pub fn search(
query: &str,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
reg_or_index: Option<RegistryOrIndex>,
limit: u32,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let source_ids = super::get_source_id(gctx, reg_or_index.as_ref())?;
let (mut registry, _) =
super::registry(gctx, &source_ids, None, reg_or_index.as_ref(), false, None)?;
let (crates, total_crates) = registry.search(query, limit).with_context(|| {
"failed to retrieve search results from the registry at {}",
let names = crates
.map(|krate| format!("{} = \"{}\"", krate.name, krate.max_version))
let description_margin = names.iter().map(|s| s.len()).max().unwrap_or_default() + 4;
let description_length = cmp::max(80, 128 - description_margin);
let descriptions = crates.iter().map(|krate| {
.map(|desc| truncate_with_ellipsis(&desc.replace("\n", " "), description_length))
let mut shell = gctx.shell();
let stdout = shell.out();
let good = style::GOOD;
for (name, description) in names.into_iter().zip(descriptions) {
let line = match description {
Some(desc) => format!("{name: <description_margin$}# {desc}"),
None => name,
let mut fragments = line.split(query).peekable();
while let Some(fragment) = fragments.next() {
let _ = write!(stdout, "{fragment}");
if fragments.peek().is_some() {
let _ = write!(stdout, "{good}{query}{good:#}");
let _ = writeln!(stdout);
let search_max_limit = 100;
if total_crates > limit && limit < search_max_limit {
let _ = writeln!(
"... and {} crates more (use --limit N to see more)",
total_crates - limit
} else if total_crates > limit && limit >= search_max_limit {
let extra = if source_ids.original.is_crates_io() {
let url = Url::parse_with_params("https://crates.io/search", &[("q", query)])?;
format!(" (go to {url} to see more)")
} else {
let _ = writeln!(
"... and {} crates more{}",
total_crates - limit,
if total_crates > 0 {
let literal = LITERAL;
"to learn more about a package, run `{literal}cargo info <name>{literal:#}`",