use std::fmt;
use crate::borrow_tracker::BorTag;
/// An item in the per-location borrow stack.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Item(u64);
// An Item contains 3 bitfields:
// * Bits 0-61 store a BorTag.
// * Bits 61-63 store a Permission.
// * Bit 64 stores a flag which indicates if we might have a protector.
// This is purely an optimization: if the bit is set, the tag *might* be
// in `protected_tags`, but if the bit is not set then the tag is definitely
// not in `protected_tags`.
const TAG_MASK: u64 = u64::MAX >> 3;
const PERM_MASK: u64 = 0x3 << 61;
const PROTECTED_MASK: u64 = 0x1 << 63;
const PERM_SHIFT: u64 = 61;
const PROTECTED_SHIFT: u64 = 63;
impl Item {
pub fn new(tag: BorTag, perm: Permission, protected: bool) -> Self {
assert!(tag.get() <= TAG_MASK);
let packed_tag = tag.get();
let packed_perm = perm.to_bits() << PERM_SHIFT;
let packed_protected = u64::from(protected) << PROTECTED_SHIFT;
let new = Self(packed_tag | packed_perm | packed_protected);
debug_assert!(new.tag() == tag);
debug_assert!(new.perm() == perm);
debug_assert!(new.protected() == protected);
/// The pointers the permission is granted to.
pub fn tag(self) -> BorTag {
BorTag::new(self.0 & TAG_MASK).unwrap()
/// The permission this item grants.
pub fn perm(self) -> Permission {
Permission::from_bits((self.0 & PERM_MASK) >> PERM_SHIFT)
/// Whether or not there is a protector for this tag
pub fn protected(self) -> bool {
self.0 & PROTECTED_MASK > 0
/// Set the Permission stored in this Item
pub fn set_permission(&mut self, perm: Permission) {
// Clear the current set permission
self.0 &= !PERM_MASK;
// Write Permission::Disabled to the Permission bits
self.0 |= perm.to_bits() << PERM_SHIFT;
impl fmt::Debug for Item {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[{:?} for {:?}]", self.perm(), self.tag())
/// Indicates which permission is granted (by this item to some pointers)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Permission {
/// Grants unique mutable access.
/// Grants shared mutable access.
/// Grants shared read-only access.
/// Grants no access, but separates two groups of SharedReadWrite so they are not
/// all considered mutually compatible.
impl Permission {
const UNIQUE: u64 = 0;
const SHARED_READ_WRITE: u64 = 1;
const SHARED_READ_ONLY: u64 = 2;
const DISABLED: u64 = 3;
fn to_bits(self) -> u64 {
match self {
Permission::Unique => Self::UNIQUE,
Permission::SharedReadWrite => Self::SHARED_READ_WRITE,
Permission::SharedReadOnly => Self::SHARED_READ_ONLY,
Permission::Disabled => Self::DISABLED,
fn from_bits(perm: u64) -> Self {
match perm {
Self::UNIQUE => Permission::Unique,
Self::SHARED_READ_WRITE => Permission::SharedReadWrite,
Self::SHARED_READ_ONLY => Permission::SharedReadOnly,
Self::DISABLED => Permission::Disabled,
_ => unreachable!(),