use super::{FailMode, TestCx, WillExecute};
use crate::errors;
impl TestCx<'_> {
pub(super) fn run_incremental_test(&self) {
// Basic plan for a test incremental/foo/
// - load list of revisions rpass1, cfail2, rpass3
// - each should begin with `cpass`, `rpass`, `cfail`, or `rfail`
// - if `cpass`, expect compilation to succeed, don't execute
// - if `rpass`, expect compilation and execution to succeed
// - if `cfail`, expect compilation to fail
// - if `rfail`, expect compilation to succeed and execution to fail
// - create a directory build/foo/bar.incremental
// - compile foo/ with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass1
// - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success
// - compile foo/ with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C cfail2
// - because name of revision starts with "cfail", expect an error
// - load expected errors as usual, but filter for those that end in `[rfail2]`
// - compile foo/ with -C incremental=.../foo/bar.incremental and -C rpass3
// - because name of revision starts with "rpass", expect success
// - execute build/foo/bar.exe and save output
// FIXME -- use non-incremental mode as an oracle? That doesn't apply
// to #[rustc_dirty] and clean tests I guess
let revision = self.revision.expect("incremental tests require a list of revisions");
// Incremental workproduct directory should have already been created.
let incremental_dir = self.props.incremental_dir.as_ref().unwrap();
assert!(incremental_dir.exists(), "init_incremental_test failed to create incremental dir");
if self.config.verbose {
print!("revision={:?} props={:#?}", revision, self.props);
if revision.starts_with("cpass") {
if self.props.should_ice {
self.fatal("can only use should-ice in cfail tests");
} else if revision.starts_with("rpass") {
if self.props.should_ice {
self.fatal("can only use should-ice in cfail tests");
} else if revision.starts_with("rfail") {
if self.props.should_ice {
self.fatal("can only use should-ice in cfail tests");
} else if revision.starts_with("cfail") {
} else {
self.fatal("revision name must begin with cpass, rpass, rfail, or cfail");
fn run_cpass_test(&self) {
let emit_metadata = self.should_emit_metadata(self.pass_mode());
let proc_res = self.compile_test(WillExecute::No, emit_metadata);
if !proc_res.status.success() {
self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
// FIXME(#41968): Move this check to tidy?
if !errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision).is_empty() {
self.fatal("compile-pass tests with expected warnings should be moved to ui/");
fn run_rpass_test(&self) {
let emit_metadata = self.should_emit_metadata(self.pass_mode());
let should_run = self.run_if_enabled();
let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, emit_metadata);
if !proc_res.status.success() {
self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
// FIXME(#41968): Move this check to tidy?
if !errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision).is_empty() {
self.fatal("run-pass tests with expected warnings should be moved to ui/");
if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run {
let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
if !proc_res.status.success() {
self.fatal_proc_rec("test run failed!", &proc_res);
fn run_cfail_test(&self) {
let pm = self.pass_mode();
let proc_res = self.compile_test(WillExecute::No, self.should_emit_metadata(pm));
self.check_if_test_should_compile(Some(FailMode::Build), pm, &proc_res);
self.check_no_compiler_crash(&proc_res, self.props.should_ice);
let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res);
let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(&self.testpaths.file, self.revision);
if !expected_errors.is_empty() {
if !self.props.error_patterns.is_empty() || !self.props.regex_error_patterns.is_empty()
self.fatal("both error pattern and expected errors specified");
self.check_expected_errors(expected_errors, &proc_res);
} else {
self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm);
if self.props.should_ice {
match proc_res.status.code() {
Some(101) => (),
_ => self.fatal("expected ICE"),
self.check_forbid_output(&output_to_check, &proc_res);
fn run_rfail_test(&self) {
let pm = self.pass_mode();
let should_run = self.run_if_enabled();
let proc_res = self.compile_test(should_run, self.should_emit_metadata(pm));
if !proc_res.status.success() {
self.fatal_proc_rec("compilation failed!", &proc_res);
if let WillExecute::Disabled = should_run {
let proc_res = self.exec_compiled_test();
let output_to_check = self.get_output(&proc_res);
self.check_all_error_patterns(&output_to_check, &proc_res, pm);