use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::OnceLock;
/// Invokes `build_helper::util::detail_exit` with `cfg!(test)`
/// This is a macro instead of a function so that it uses `cfg(test)` in the *calling* crate, not in build helper.
macro_rules! exit {
($code:expr) => {
$crate::util::detail_exit($code, cfg!(test));
/// If code is not 0 (successful exit status), exit status is 101 (rust's default error code.)
/// If `is_test` true and code is an error code, it will cause a panic.
pub fn detail_exit(code: i32, is_test: bool) -> ! {
// if in test and code is an error code, panic with status code provided
if is_test {
panic!("status code: {}", code);
} else {
// otherwise,exit with provided status code
pub fn fail(s: &str) -> ! {
eprintln!("\n\n{}\n\n", s);
detail_exit(1, cfg!(test));
pub fn try_run(cmd: &mut Command, print_cmd_on_fail: bool) -> Result<(), ()> {
let status = match cmd.status() {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(e) => fail(&format!("failed to execute command: {:?}\nerror: {}", cmd, e)),
if !status.success() {
if print_cmd_on_fail {
"\n\ncommand did not execute successfully: {:?}\n\
expected success, got: {}\n\n",
cmd, status
} else {
/// Returns the submodule paths from the `.gitmodules` file in the given directory.
pub fn parse_gitmodules(target_dir: &Path) -> &[String] {
static SUBMODULES_PATHS: OnceLock<Vec<String>> = OnceLock::new();
let gitmodules = target_dir.join(".gitmodules");
assert!(gitmodules.exists(), "'{}' file is missing.", gitmodules.display());
let init_submodules_paths = || {
let file = File::open(gitmodules).unwrap();
let mut submodules_paths = vec![];
for line in BufReader::new(file).lines().map_while(Result::ok) {
let line = line.trim();
if line.starts_with("path") {
let actual_path = line.split(' ').last().expect("Couldn't get value of path");
SUBMODULES_PATHS.get_or_init(|| init_submodules_paths())