//! Markdown footnote handling.
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Tag, TagEnd, html};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
use super::SpannedEvent;
/// Moves all footnote definitions to the end and add back links to the
/// references.
pub(super) struct Footnotes<'a, I> {
inner: I,
footnotes: FxIndexMap<String, FootnoteDef<'a>>,
/// The definition of a single footnote.
struct FootnoteDef<'a> {
content: Vec<Event<'a>>,
/// The number that appears in the footnote reference and list.
id: u16,
impl<'a, I> Footnotes<'a, I> {
pub(super) fn new(iter: I) -> Self {
Footnotes { inner: iter, footnotes: FxIndexMap::default() }
fn get_entry(&mut self, key: &str) -> (&mut Vec<Event<'a>>, u16) {
let new_id = self.footnotes.len() + 1;
let key = key.to_owned();
let FootnoteDef { content, id } = self
.or_insert(FootnoteDef { content: Vec::new(), id: new_id as u16 });
// Don't allow changing the ID of existing entrys, but allow changing the contents.
(content, *id)
impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item = SpannedEvent<'a>>> Iterator for Footnotes<'a, I> {
type Item = SpannedEvent<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
match self.inner.next() {
Some((Event::FootnoteReference(ref reference), range)) => {
// When we see a reference (to a footnote we may not know) the definition of,
// reserve a number for it, and emit a link to that number.
let (_, id) = self.get_entry(reference);
let reference =
format!("<sup id=\"fnref{0}\"><a href=\"#fn{0}\">{0}</a></sup>", id);
return Some((Event::Html(reference.into()), range));
Some((Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(def)), _)) => {
// When we see a footnote definition, collect the assocated content, and store
// that for rendering later.
let content = collect_footnote_def(&mut self.inner);
let (entry_content, _) = self.get_entry(&def);
*entry_content = content;
Some(e) => return Some(e),
None => {
if !self.footnotes.is_empty() {
// After all the markdown is emmited, emit an <hr> then all the footnotes
// in a list.
let defs: Vec<_> = self.footnotes.drain(..).map(|(_, x)| x).collect();
let defs_html = render_footnotes_defs(defs);
return Some((Event::Html(defs_html.into()), 0..0));
} else {
return None;
fn collect_footnote_def<'a>(events: impl Iterator<Item = SpannedEvent<'a>>) -> Vec<Event<'a>> {
let mut content = Vec::new();
for (event, _) in events {
if let Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) = event {
fn render_footnotes_defs(mut footnotes: Vec<FootnoteDef<'_>>) -> String {
let mut ret = String::from("<div class=\"footnotes\"><hr><ol>");
// Footnotes must listed in order of id, so the numbers the
// browser generated for <li> are right.
footnotes.sort_by_key(|x| x.id);
for FootnoteDef { mut content, id } in footnotes {
write!(ret, "<li id=\"fn{id}\">").unwrap();
let mut is_paragraph = false;
if let Some(&Event::End(TagEnd::Paragraph)) = content.last() {
is_paragraph = true;
html::push_html(&mut ret, content.into_iter());
write!(ret, " <a href=\"#fnref{id}\">↩</a>").unwrap();
if is_paragraph {