//! These two passes provide no value to the compiler, so are off at every level.
//! However, they can be enabled on the command line
//! (`-Zmir-enable-passes=+ReorderBasicBlocks,+ReorderLocals`)
//! to make the MIR easier to read for humans.
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_index::{IndexSlice, IndexVec};
use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{MutVisitor, PlaceContext, Visitor};
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_session::Session;
/// Rearranges the basic blocks into a *reverse post-order*.
/// Thus after this pass, all the successors of a block are later than it in the
/// `IndexVec`, unless that successor is a back-edge (such as from a loop).
pub(super) struct ReorderBasicBlocks;
impl<'tcx> crate::MirPass<'tcx> for ReorderBasicBlocks {
fn is_enabled(&self, _session: &Session) -> bool {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
let rpo: IndexVec<BasicBlock, BasicBlock> =
if rpo.iter().is_sorted() {
let mut updater = BasicBlockUpdater { map: rpo.invert_bijective_mapping(), tcx };
debug_assert_eq!(updater.map[START_BLOCK], START_BLOCK);
permute(body.basic_blocks.as_mut(), &updater.map);
/// Rearranges the locals into *use* order.
/// Thus after this pass, a local with a smaller [`Location`] where it was first
/// assigned or referenced will have a smaller number.
/// (Does not reorder arguments nor the [`RETURN_PLACE`].)
pub(super) struct ReorderLocals;
impl<'tcx> crate::MirPass<'tcx> for ReorderLocals {
fn is_enabled(&self, _session: &Session) -> bool {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
let mut finder =
LocalFinder { map: IndexVec::new(), seen: BitSet::new_empty(body.local_decls.len()) };
// We can't reorder the return place or the arguments
for local in (0..=body.arg_count).map(Local::from_usize) {
for (bb, bbd) in body.basic_blocks.iter_enumerated() {
finder.visit_basic_block_data(bb, bbd);
// Track everything in case there are some locals that we never saw,
// such as in non-block things like debug info or in non-uses.
for local in body.local_decls.indices() {
if finder.map.iter().is_sorted() {
let mut updater = LocalUpdater { map: finder.map.invert_bijective_mapping(), tcx };
for local in (0..=body.arg_count).map(Local::from_usize) {
debug_assert_eq!(updater.map[local], local);
permute(&mut body.local_decls, &updater.map);
fn permute<I: rustc_index::Idx + Ord, T>(data: &mut IndexVec<I, T>, map: &IndexSlice<I, I>) {
// FIXME: It would be nice to have a less-awkward way to apply permutations,
// but I don't know one that exists. `sort_by_cached_key` has logic for it
// internally, but not in a way that we're allowed to use here.
let mut enumerated: Vec<_> = std::mem::take(data).into_iter_enumerated().collect();
enumerated.sort_by_key(|p| map[p.0]);
*data = enumerated.into_iter().map(|p| p.1).collect();
struct BasicBlockUpdater<'tcx> {
map: IndexVec<BasicBlock, BasicBlock>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for BasicBlockUpdater<'tcx> {
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn visit_terminator(&mut self, terminator: &mut Terminator<'tcx>, _location: Location) {
for succ in terminator.successors_mut() {
*succ = self.map[*succ];
struct LocalFinder {
map: IndexVec<Local, Local>,
seen: BitSet<Local>,
impl LocalFinder {
fn track(&mut self, l: Local) {
if self.seen.insert(l) {
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for LocalFinder {
fn visit_local(&mut self, l: Local, context: PlaceContext, _location: Location) {
// Exclude non-uses to keep `StorageLive` from controlling where we put
// a `Local`, since it might not actually be assigned until much later.
if context.is_use() {
struct LocalUpdater<'tcx> {
map: IndexVec<Local, Local>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for LocalUpdater<'tcx> {
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &mut Local, _: PlaceContext, _: Location) {
*l = self.map[*l];