//! The "main crate" of the Rust compiler. This crate contains common
//! type definitions that are used by the other crates in the rustc
//! "family". Some prominent examples (note that each of these modules
//! has their own README with further details).
//! - **HIR.** The "high-level (H) intermediate representation (IR)" is
//! defined in the [`hir`] module.
//! - **MIR.** The "mid-level (M) intermediate representation (IR)" is
//! defined in the [`mir`] module. This module contains only the
//! *definition* of the MIR; the passes that transform and operate
//! on MIR are found in `rustc_const_eval` crate.
//! - **Types.** The internal representation of types used in rustc is
//! defined in the [`ty`] module. This includes the
//! [**type context**][ty::TyCtxt] (or `tcx`), which is the central
//! context during most of compilation, containing the interners and
//! other things.
//! For more information about how rustc works, see the [rustc dev guide].
//! [rustc dev guide]: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/
//! # Note
//! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
// tidy-alphabetical-start
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/")]
// tidy-alphabetical-end
mod tests;
mod macros;
pub mod arena;
pub mod error;
pub mod hir;
pub mod hooks;
pub mod infer;
pub mod lint;
pub mod metadata;
pub mod middle;
pub mod mir;
pub mod thir;
pub mod traits;
pub mod ty;
pub mod util;
mod values;
pub mod query;
pub mod dep_graph;
// Allows macros to refer to this crate as `::rustc_middle`
extern crate self as rustc_middle;
rustc_fluent_macro::fluent_messages! { "../messages.ftl" }