//! Collection of assertions and assertion-related helpers.
use std::panic;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::{fs, regex};
/// Assert that `actual` is equal to `expected`.
pub fn assert_equals<A: AsRef<str>, E: AsRef<str>>(actual: A, expected: E) {
let actual = actual.as_ref();
let expected = expected.as_ref();
if actual != expected {
eprintln!("=== ACTUAL TEXT ===");
eprintln!("{}", actual);
eprintln!("=== EXPECTED ===");
eprintln!("{}", expected);
panic!("expected text was not found in actual text");
/// Assert that `haystack` contains `needle`.
pub fn assert_contains<H: AsRef<str>, N: AsRef<str>>(haystack: H, needle: N) {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
let needle = needle.as_ref();
if !haystack.contains(needle) {
eprintln!("=== HAYSTACK ===");
eprintln!("{}", haystack);
eprintln!("=== NEEDLE ===");
eprintln!("{}", needle);
panic!("needle was not found in haystack");
/// Assert that `haystack` does not contain `needle`.
pub fn assert_not_contains<H: AsRef<str>, N: AsRef<str>>(haystack: H, needle: N) {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
let needle = needle.as_ref();
if haystack.contains(needle) {
eprintln!("=== HAYSTACK ===");
eprintln!("{}", haystack);
eprintln!("=== NEEDLE ===");
eprintln!("{}", needle);
panic!("needle was unexpectedly found in haystack");
/// Assert that `haystack` contains the regex pattern `needle`.
pub fn assert_contains_regex<H: AsRef<str>, N: AsRef<str>>(haystack: H, needle: N) {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
let needle = needle.as_ref();
let re = regex::Regex::new(needle).unwrap();
if !re.is_match(haystack) {
eprintln!("=== HAYSTACK ===");
eprintln!("{}", haystack);
eprintln!("=== NEEDLE ===");
eprintln!("{}", needle);
panic!("needle was not found in haystack");
/// Assert that `haystack` does not contain the regex pattern `needle`.
pub fn assert_not_contains_regex<H: AsRef<str>, N: AsRef<str>>(haystack: H, needle: N) {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
let needle = needle.as_ref();
let re = regex::Regex::new(needle).unwrap();
if re.is_match(haystack) {
eprintln!("=== HAYSTACK ===");
eprintln!("{}", haystack);
eprintln!("=== NEEDLE ===");
eprintln!("{}", needle);
panic!("needle was unexpectedly found in haystack");
/// Assert that `haystack` contains `needle` a `count` number of times.
pub fn assert_count_is<H: AsRef<str>, N: AsRef<str>>(count: usize, haystack: H, needle: N) {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
let needle = needle.as_ref();
if count != haystack.matches(needle).count() {
eprintln!("=== HAYSTACK ===");
eprintln!("{}", haystack);
eprintln!("=== NEEDLE ===");
eprintln!("{}", needle);
panic!("needle did not appear {count} times in haystack");
/// Assert that all files in `dir1` exist and have the same content in `dir2`
pub fn assert_dirs_are_equal(dir1: impl AsRef<Path>, dir2: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let dir2 = dir2.as_ref();
fs::read_dir_entries(dir1, |entry_path| {
let entry_name = entry_path.file_name().unwrap();
if entry_path.is_dir() {
assert_dirs_are_equal(&entry_path, &dir2.join(entry_name));
} else {
let path2 = dir2.join(entry_name);
let file1 = fs::read(&entry_path);
let file2 = fs::read(&path2);
// We don't use `assert_eq!` because they are `Vec<u8>`, so not great for display.
// Why not using String? Because there might be minified files or even potentially
// binary ones, so that would display useless output.
file1 == file2,
"`{}` and `{}` have different content",