//! Implementation of `cargo info`.
use anyhow::bail;
use cargo_util_schemas::core::{PackageIdSpec, PartialVersion};
use crate::core::registry::PackageRegistry;
use crate::core::{Dependency, Package, PackageId, PackageIdSpecQuery, Registry, Workspace};
use crate::ops::registry::info::view::pretty_view;
use crate::ops::registry::{get_source_id_with_package_id, RegistryOrIndex, RegistrySourceIds};
use crate::ops::resolve_ws;
use crate::sources::source::QueryKind;
use crate::sources::{IndexSummary, SourceConfigMap};
use crate::util::cache_lock::CacheLockMode;
use crate::util::command_prelude::root_manifest;
use crate::{CargoResult, GlobalContext};
mod view;
pub fn info(
spec: &PackageIdSpec,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
reg_or_index: Option<RegistryOrIndex>,
) -> CargoResult<()> {
let source_config = SourceConfigMap::new(gctx)?;
let mut registry = PackageRegistry::new_with_source_config(gctx, source_config)?;
// Make sure we get the lock before we download anything.
let _lock = gctx.acquire_package_cache_lock(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive)?;
// If we can find it in workspace, use it as a specific version.
let nearest_manifest_path = root_manifest(None, gctx).ok();
let ws = nearest_manifest_path
.and_then(|root| Workspace::new(root, gctx).ok());
validate_locked_and_frozen_options(ws.is_some(), gctx)?;
let nearest_package = ws.as_ref().and_then(|ws| {
.and_then(|path| ws.members().find(|p| p.manifest_path() == path))
let (mut package_id, is_member) = find_pkgid_in_ws(nearest_package, ws.as_ref(), spec);
let (use_package_source_id, source_ids) =
get_source_id_with_package_id(gctx, package_id, reg_or_index.as_ref())?;
// If we don't use the package's source, we need to query the package ID from the specified registry.
if !use_package_source_id {
package_id = None;
let msrv_from_nearest_manifest_path_or_ws =
try_get_msrv_from_nearest_manifest_or_ws(nearest_package, ws.as_ref());
// If the workspace does not have a specific Rust version,
// or if the command is not called within the workspace, then fallback to the global Rust version.
let rustc_version = match msrv_from_nearest_manifest_path_or_ws {
Some(msrv) => msrv,
None => {
let current_rustc = gctx.load_global_rustc(ws.as_ref())?.version;
// Remove any pre-release identifiers for easier comparison.
// Otherwise, the MSRV check will fail if the current Rust version is a nightly or beta version.
// Only suggest cargo tree command when the package is not a workspace member.
// For workspace members, `cargo tree --package <SPEC> --invert` is useless. It only prints itself.
let suggest_cargo_tree_command = package_id.is_some() && !is_member;
let summaries = query_summaries(spec, &mut registry, &source_ids)?;
let package_id = match package_id {
Some(id) => id,
None => find_pkgid_in_summaries(&summaries, spec, &rustc_version, &source_ids)?,
let package = registry.get(&[package_id])?;
let package = package.get_one(package_id)?;
pretty_view(package, &summaries, suggest_cargo_tree_command, gctx)?;
fn find_pkgid_in_ws(
nearest_package: Option<&Package>,
ws: Option<&Workspace<'_>>,
spec: &PackageIdSpec,
) -> (Option<PackageId>, bool) {
let Some(ws) = ws else {
return (None, false);
if let Some(member) = ws.members().find(|p| spec.matches(p.package_id())) {
return (Some(member.package_id()), true);
let Ok((_, resolve)) = resolve_ws(ws, false) else {
return (None, false);
if let Some(package_id) = nearest_package
.map(|p| p.package_id())
.flat_map(|p| resolve.deps(p))
.map(|(p, _)| p)
.filter(|&p| spec.matches(p))
.max_by_key(|&p| p.version())
return (Some(package_id), false);
if let Some(package_id) = ws
.map(|p| p.package_id())
.flat_map(|p| resolve.deps(p))
.map(|(p, _)| p)
.filter(|&p| spec.matches(p))
.max_by_key(|&p| p.version())
return (Some(package_id), false);
if let Some(package_id) = resolve
.filter(|&p| spec.matches(p))
.max_by_key(|&p| p.version())
return (Some(package_id), false);
(None, false)
fn find_pkgid_in_summaries(
summaries: &[IndexSummary],
spec: &PackageIdSpec,
rustc_version: &PartialVersion,
source_ids: &RegistrySourceIds,
) -> CargoResult<PackageId> {
let summary = summaries
.filter(|s| spec.matches(s.package_id()))
.max_by(|s1, s2| {
// Check the MSRV compatibility.
let s1_matches = s1
.map(|v| v.is_compatible_with(rustc_version))
.unwrap_or_else(|| false);
let s2_matches = s2
.map(|v| v.is_compatible_with(rustc_version))
.unwrap_or_else(|| false);
// MSRV compatible version is preferred.
match (s1_matches, s2_matches) {
(true, false) => std::cmp::Ordering::Greater,
(false, true) => std::cmp::Ordering::Less,
// If both summaries match the current Rust version or neither do, try to
// pick the latest version.
_ => s1.package_id().version().cmp(s2.package_id().version()),
match summary {
Some(summary) => Ok(summary.package_id()),
None => {
"could not find `{}` in registry `{}`",
fn query_summaries(
spec: &PackageIdSpec,
registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'_>,
source_ids: &RegistrySourceIds,
) -> CargoResult<Vec<IndexSummary>> {
// Query without version requirement to get all index summaries.
let dep = Dependency::parse(spec.name(), None, source_ids.original)?;
loop {
// Exact to avoid returning all for path/git
match registry.query_vec(&dep, QueryKind::Exact) {
std::task::Poll::Ready(res) => {
break res;
std::task::Poll::Pending => registry.block_until_ready()?,
fn validate_locked_and_frozen_options(
in_workspace: bool,
gctx: &GlobalContext,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// Only in workspace, we can use --frozen or --locked.
if !in_workspace {
if gctx.locked() {
bail!("the option `--locked` can only be used within a workspace");
if gctx.frozen() {
bail!("the option `--frozen` can only be used within a workspace");
fn try_get_msrv_from_nearest_manifest_or_ws(
nearest_package: Option<&Package>,
ws: Option<&Workspace<'_>>,
) -> Option<PartialVersion> {
// Try to get the MSRV from the nearest manifest.
let rust_version = nearest_package.and_then(|p| p.rust_version().map(|v| v.as_partial()));
// If the nearest manifest does not have a specific Rust version, try to get it from the workspace.
.or_else(|| ws.and_then(|ws| ws.lowest_rust_version().map(|v| v.as_partial())))