//! Propagates stability to child items.
//! The purpose of this pass is to make items whose parents are "more unstable"
//! than the item itself inherit the parent's stability.
//! For example, [`core::error::Error`] is marked as stable since 1.0.0, but the
//! [`core::error`] module is marked as stable since 1.81.0, so we want to show
//! [`core::error::Error`] as stable since 1.81.0 as well.
use rustc_attr::{Stability, StabilityLevel};
use rustc_hir::def_id::CRATE_DEF_ID;
use crate::clean::{Crate, Item, ItemId, ItemKind};
use crate::core::DocContext;
use crate::fold::DocFolder;
use crate::passes::Pass;
pub(crate) const PROPAGATE_STABILITY: Pass = Pass {
name: "propagate-stability",
run: Some(propagate_stability),
description: "propagates stability to child items",
pub(crate) fn propagate_stability(cr: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Crate {
let crate_stability = cx.tcx.lookup_stability(CRATE_DEF_ID);
StabilityPropagator { parent_stability: crate_stability, cx }.fold_crate(cr)
struct StabilityPropagator<'a, 'tcx> {
parent_stability: Option<Stability>,
cx: &'a mut DocContext<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> DocFolder for StabilityPropagator<'a, 'tcx> {
fn fold_item(&mut self, mut item: Item) -> Option<Item> {
let parent_stability = self.parent_stability;
let stability = match item.item_id {
ItemId::DefId(def_id) => {
let own_stability = self.cx.tcx.lookup_stability(def_id);
let (ItemKind::StrippedItem(box kind) | kind) = &item.kind;
match kind {
ItemKind::ExternCrateItem { .. }
| ItemKind::ImportItem(..)
| ItemKind::StructItem(..)
| ItemKind::UnionItem(..)
| ItemKind::EnumItem(..)
| ItemKind::FunctionItem(..)
| ItemKind::ModuleItem(..)
| ItemKind::TypeAliasItem(..)
| ItemKind::StaticItem(..)
| ItemKind::TraitItem(..)
| ItemKind::TraitAliasItem(..)
| ItemKind::StructFieldItem(..)
| ItemKind::VariantItem(..)
| ItemKind::ForeignFunctionItem(..)
| ItemKind::ForeignStaticItem(..)
| ItemKind::ForeignTypeItem
| ItemKind::MacroItem(..)
| ItemKind::ProcMacroItem(..)
| ItemKind::ConstantItem(..) => {
// If any of the item's parents was stabilized later or is still unstable,
// then use the parent's stability instead.
merge_stability(own_stability, parent_stability)
// Don't inherit the parent's stability for these items, because they
// are potentially accessible even if the parent is more unstable.
| ItemKind::TyMethodItem(..)
| ItemKind::MethodItem(..)
| ItemKind::TyAssocConstItem(..)
| ItemKind::AssocConstItem(..)
| ItemKind::TyAssocTypeItem(..)
| ItemKind::AssocTypeItem(..)
| ItemKind::PrimitiveItem(..)
| ItemKind::KeywordItem => own_stability,
ItemKind::StrippedItem(..) => unreachable!(),
ItemId::Auto { .. } | ItemId::Blanket { .. } => {
// For now, we do now show stability for synthesized impls.
item.inner.stability = stability;
self.parent_stability = stability;
let item = self.fold_item_recur(item);
self.parent_stability = parent_stability;
fn merge_stability(
own_stability: Option<Stability>,
parent_stability: Option<Stability>,
) -> Option<Stability> {
if let Some(own_stab) = own_stability
&& let StabilityLevel::Stable { since: own_since, allowed_through_unstable_modules: false } =
&& let Some(parent_stab) = parent_stability
&& (parent_stab.is_unstable()
|| parent_stab.stable_since().is_some_and(|parent_since| parent_since > own_since))
} else {