use std::sync::{LazyLock, OnceLock};
pub use jobserver_crate::Client;
use jobserver_crate::{FromEnv, FromEnvErrorKind};
// We can only call `from_env_ext` once per process
// We stick this in a global because there could be multiple rustc instances
// in this process, and the jobserver is per-process.
static GLOBAL_CLIENT: LazyLock<Result<Client, String>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
// Note that this is unsafe because it may misinterpret file descriptors
// on Unix as jobserver file descriptors. We hopefully execute this near
// the beginning of the process though to ensure we don't get false
// positives, or in other words we try to execute this before we open
// any file descriptors ourselves.
let FromEnv { client, var } = unsafe { Client::from_env_ext(true) };
let error = match client {
Ok(client) => return Ok(client),
Err(e) => e,
if matches!(
| FromEnvErrorKind::NoJobserver
| FromEnvErrorKind::NegativeFd
| FromEnvErrorKind::Unsupported
) {
return Ok(default_client());
// Environment specifies jobserver, but it looks incorrect.
// Safety: `error.kind()` should be `NoEnvVar` if `var == None`.
let (name, value) = var.unwrap();
"failed to connect to jobserver from environment variable `{name}={:?}`: {error}",
// Create a new jobserver if there's no inherited one.
fn default_client() -> Client {
// Pick a "reasonable maximum" capping out at 32
// so we don't take everything down by hogging the process run queue.
// The fixed number is used to have deterministic compilation across machines.
let client = Client::new(32).expect("failed to create jobserver");
// Acquire a token for the main thread which we can release later
static GLOBAL_CLIENT_CHECKED: OnceLock<Client> = OnceLock::new();
pub fn initialize_checked(report_warning: impl FnOnce(&'static str)) {
let client_checked = match &*GLOBAL_CLIENT {
Ok(client) => client.clone(),
Err(e) => {
const ACCESS_ERROR: &str = "jobserver check should have been called earlier";
pub fn client() -> Client {
pub fn acquire_thread() {
pub fn release_thread() {