//! Checks that a list of items is in alphabetical order
//! Use the following marker in the code:
//! ```rust
//! // tidy-alphabetical-start
//! fn aaa() {}
//! fn eee() {}
//! fn z() {}
//! // tidy-alphabetical-end
//! ```
//! The following lines are ignored:
//! - Empty lines
//! - Lines that are indented with more or less spaces than the first line
//! - Lines starting with `//`, `#` (except those starting with `#!`), `)`, `]`, `}` if the comment
//! has the same indentation as the first line
//! - Lines starting with a closing delimiter (`)`, `[`, `}`) are ignored.
//! If a line ends with an opening delimiter, we effectively join the following line to it before
//! checking it. E.g. `foo(\nbar)` is treated like `foo(bar)`.
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::walk::{filter_dirs, walk};
mod tests;
fn indentation(line: &str) -> usize {
line.find(|c| c != ' ').unwrap_or(0)
fn is_close_bracket(c: char) -> bool {
matches!(c, ')' | ']' | '}')
const START_MARKER: &str = "tidy-alphabetical-start";
const END_MARKER: &str = "tidy-alphabetical-end";
fn check_section<'a>(
file: impl Display,
lines: impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &'a str)>,
err: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> std::io::Result<()>,
bad: &mut bool,
) {
let mut prev_line = String::new();
let mut first_indent = None;
let mut in_split_line = None;
for (idx, line) in lines {
if line.is_empty() {
if line.contains(START_MARKER) {
"{file}:{} found `{START_MARKER}` expecting `{END_MARKER}`",
idx + 1
if line.contains(END_MARKER) {
let indent = first_indent.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let indent = indentation(line);
first_indent = Some(indent);
let line = if let Some(prev_split_line) = in_split_line {
// Join the split lines.
in_split_line = None;
format!("{prev_split_line}{}", line.trim_start())
} else {
if indentation(&line) != indent {
let trimmed_line = line.trim_start_matches(' ');
if trimmed_line.starts_with("//")
|| (trimmed_line.starts_with('#') && !trimmed_line.starts_with("#!"))
|| trimmed_line.starts_with(is_close_bracket)
if line.trim_end().ends_with('(') {
in_split_line = Some(line);
let prev_line_trimmed_lowercase = prev_line.trim_start_matches(' ').to_lowercase();
if trimmed_line.to_lowercase() < prev_line_trimmed_lowercase {
tidy_error_ext!(err, bad, "{file}:{}: line not in alphabetical order", idx + 1);
prev_line = line;
tidy_error_ext!(err, bad, "{file}: reached end of file expecting `{END_MARKER}`")
fn check_lines<'a>(
file: &impl Display,
mut lines: impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &'a str)>,
err: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> std::io::Result<()>,
bad: &mut bool,
) {
while let Some((idx, line)) = lines.next() {
if line.contains(END_MARKER) {
"{file}:{} found `{END_MARKER}` expecting `{START_MARKER}`",
idx + 1
if line.contains(START_MARKER) {
check_section(file, &mut lines, err, bad);
pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let skip =
|path: &_, _is_dir| filter_dirs(path) || path.ends_with("tidy/src/alphabetical/tests.rs");
walk(path, skip, &mut |entry, contents| {
let file = &entry.path().display();
let lines = contents.lines().enumerate();
check_lines(file, lines, &mut crate::tidy_error, bad)