use std::fmt::Write;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{Hash64, HashStable, StableHasher};
use rustc_hir::def_id::CrateNum;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Instance, TyCtxt};
use crate::v0;
pub(super) fn mangle<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
instantiating_crate: Option<CrateNum>,
full_mangling_name: impl FnOnce() -> String,
) -> String {
// The symbol of a generic function may be scattered in multiple downstream dylibs.
// If the symbol of a generic function still contains `crate name`, hash conflicts between the
// generic function and other symbols of the same `crate` cannot be detected in time during
// construction. This symbol conflict is left over until it occurs during run time.
// In this case, `instantiating-crate name` is used to replace `crate name` can completely
// eliminate the risk of the preceding potential hash conflict.
let crate_num =
if let Some(krate) = instantiating_crate { krate } else { instance.def_id().krate };
let mut symbol = "_RNxC".to_string();
v0::push_ident(tcx.crate_name(crate_num).as_str(), &mut symbol);
let hash = tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|mut hcx| {
let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
full_mangling_name().hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut hasher);
push_hash64(hash, &mut symbol);
// The hash is encoded based on `base-62` and the final terminator `_` is removed because it does
// not help prevent hash collisions
fn push_hash64(hash: u64, output: &mut String) {
let hash = v0::encode_integer_62(hash);
let hash_len = hash.len();
let _ = write!(output, "{hash_len}H{}", &hash[..hash_len - 1]);