use crate::core::compiler::standard_lib;
use crate::core::compiler::{BuildConfig, CompileMode, RustcTargetData};
use crate::core::{PackageSet, Resolve, Workspace};
use crate::ops;
use crate::util::context::JobsConfig;
use crate::util::CargoResult;
use crate::util::GlobalContext;
use std::collections::HashSet;
pub struct FetchOptions<'a> {
pub gctx: &'a GlobalContext,
/// The target arch triple to fetch dependencies for
pub targets: Vec<String>,
/// Executes `cargo fetch`.
pub fn fetch<'a>(
ws: &Workspace<'a>,
options: &FetchOptions<'a>,
) -> CargoResult<(Resolve, PackageSet<'a>)> {
let dry_run = false;
let (mut packages, resolve) = ops::resolve_ws(ws, dry_run)?;
let jobs = Some(JobsConfig::Integer(1));
let keep_going = false;
let gctx = ws.gctx();
let build_config =
BuildConfig::new(gctx, jobs, keep_going, &options.targets, CompileMode::Build)?;
let mut data = RustcTargetData::new(ws, &build_config.requested_kinds)?;
let mut fetched_packages = HashSet::new();
let mut deps_to_fetch = ws.members().map(|p| p.package_id()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut to_download = Vec::new();
while let Some(id) = deps_to_fetch.pop() {
if !fetched_packages.insert(id) {
let deps = resolve
.filter(|&(_id, deps)| {
deps.iter().any(|d| {
// If no target was specified then all dependencies are
// fetched.
if options.targets.is_empty() {
return true;
// Otherwise we only download this dependency if any of the
// requested platforms would match this dependency. Note
// that this is a bit lossy because not all dependencies are
// always compiled for all platforms, but it should be
// "close enough" for now.
.any(|kind| data.dep_platform_activated(d, *kind))
.map(|(id, _deps)| id);
// If -Zbuild-std was passed, download dependencies for the standard library.
// We don't know ahead of time what jobs we'll be running, so tell `std_crates` that.
if let Some(crates) = standard_lib::std_crates(gctx, None) {
let (std_package_set, _, _) =
standard_lib::resolve_std(ws, &mut data, &build_config, &crates)?;
Ok((resolve, packages))