use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use rustc_infer::infer::InferCtxt;
use rustc_infer::traits::solve::inspect::ProbeKind;
use rustc_infer::traits::solve::{CandidateSource, Certainty, Goal};
use rustc_infer::traits::{
BuiltinImplSource, ImplSource, ImplSourceUserDefinedData, Obligation, ObligationCause,
PolyTraitObligation, Selection, SelectionError, SelectionResult,
use rustc_macros::extension;
use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
use rustc_span::Span;
use crate::solve::inspect::{self, ProofTreeInferCtxtExt};
#[extension(pub trait InferCtxtSelectExt<'tcx>)]
impl<'tcx> InferCtxt<'tcx> {
fn select_in_new_trait_solver(
obligation: &PolyTraitObligation<'tcx>,
) -> SelectionResult<'tcx, Selection<'tcx>> {
Goal::new(self.tcx, obligation.param_env, obligation.predicate),
&mut Select { span: obligation.cause.span },
struct Select {
span: Span,
impl<'tcx> inspect::ProofTreeVisitor<'tcx> for Select {
type Result = ControlFlow<SelectionResult<'tcx, Selection<'tcx>>>;
fn span(&self) -> Span {
fn visit_goal(&mut self, goal: &inspect::InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>) -> Self::Result {
let mut candidates = goal.candidates();
candidates.retain(|cand| cand.result().is_ok());
// No candidates -- not implemented.
if candidates.is_empty() {
return ControlFlow::Break(Err(SelectionError::Unimplemented));
// One candidate, no need to winnow.
if candidates.len() == 1 {
return ControlFlow::Break(Ok(to_selection(
// Don't winnow until `Certainty::Yes` -- we don't need to winnow until
// codegen, and only on the good path.
if matches!(goal.result().unwrap(), Certainty::Maybe(..)) {
return ControlFlow::Break(Ok(None));
// We need to winnow. See comments on `candidate_should_be_dropped_in_favor_of`.
let mut i = 0;
while i < candidates.len() {
let should_drop_i = (0..candidates.len())
.filter(|&j| i != j)
.any(|j| candidate_should_be_dropped_in_favor_of(&candidates[i], &candidates[j]));
if should_drop_i {
} else {
i += 1;
if i > 1 {
return ControlFlow::Break(Ok(None));
ControlFlow::Break(Ok(to_selection(self.span, candidates.into_iter().next().unwrap())))
/// This is a lot more limited than the old solver's equivalent method. This may lead to more `Ok(None)`
/// results when selecting traits in polymorphic contexts, but we should never rely on the lack of ambiguity,
/// and should always just gracefully fail here. We shouldn't rely on this incompleteness.
fn candidate_should_be_dropped_in_favor_of<'tcx>(
victim: &inspect::InspectCandidate<'_, 'tcx>,
other: &inspect::InspectCandidate<'_, 'tcx>,
) -> bool {
// Don't winnow until `Certainty::Yes` -- we don't need to winnow until
// codegen, and only on the good path.
if matches!(other.result().unwrap(), Certainty::Maybe(..)) {
return false;
let inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate { source: victim_source, result: _ } = victim.kind()
else {
return false;
let inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate { source: other_source, result: _ } = other.kind()
else {
return false;
match (victim_source, other_source) {
(_, CandidateSource::CoherenceUnknowable) | (CandidateSource::CoherenceUnknowable, _) => {
bug!("should not have assembled a CoherenceUnknowable candidate")
// In the old trait solver, we arbitrarily choose lower vtable candidates
// over higher ones.
) => a >= b,
// Prefer dyn candidates over non-dyn candidates. This is necessary to
// handle the unsoundness between `impl<T: ?Sized> Any for T` and `dyn Any: Any`.
CandidateSource::Impl(_) | CandidateSource::ParamEnv(_) | CandidateSource::AliasBound,
CandidateSource::BuiltinImpl(BuiltinImplSource::Object { .. }),
) => true,
// Prefer specializing candidates over specialized candidates.
(CandidateSource::Impl(victim_def_id), CandidateSource::Impl(other_def_id)) => {
victim.goal().infcx().tcx.specializes((other_def_id, victim_def_id))
_ => false,
fn to_selection<'tcx>(
span: Span,
cand: inspect::InspectCandidate<'_, 'tcx>,
) -> Option<Selection<'tcx>> {
if let Certainty::Maybe(..) = cand.shallow_certainty() {
return None;
let (nested, impl_args) = cand.instantiate_nested_goals_and_opt_impl_args(span);
let nested = nested
.map(|nested| {
Some(match cand.kind() {
ProbeKind::TraitCandidate { source, result: _ } => match source {
CandidateSource::Impl(impl_def_id) => {
// FIXME: Remove this in favor of storing this in the tree
// For impl candidates, we do the rematch manually to compute the args.
ImplSource::UserDefined(ImplSourceUserDefinedData {
args: impl_args.expect("expected recorded impl args for impl candidate"),
CandidateSource::BuiltinImpl(builtin) => ImplSource::Builtin(builtin, nested),
CandidateSource::ParamEnv(_) | CandidateSource::AliasBound => ImplSource::Param(nested),
CandidateSource::CoherenceUnknowable => {
span_bug!(span, "didn't expect to select an unknowable candidate")
ProbeKind::TryNormalizeNonRigid { result: _ }
| ProbeKind::NormalizedSelfTyAssembly
| ProbeKind::UnsizeAssembly
| ProbeKind::UpcastProjectionCompatibility
| ProbeKind::OpaqueTypeStorageLookup { result: _ }
| ProbeKind::Root { result: _ }
| ProbeKind::ShadowedEnvProbing
| ProbeKind::RigidAlias { result: _ } => {
span_bug!(span, "didn't expect to assemble trait candidate from {:#?}", cand.kind())