use rustc_middle::mir;
mod alignment;
pub(crate) mod caller_location;
mod check_validity_requirement;
mod compare_types;
mod type_name;
pub use self::alignment::{is_disaligned, is_within_packed};
pub use self::check_validity_requirement::check_validity_requirement;
pub use self::compare_types::{is_equal_up_to_subtyping, relate_types};
pub use self::type_name::type_name;
/// Classify whether an operator is "left-homogeneous", i.e., the LHS has the
/// same type as the result.
pub fn binop_left_homogeneous(op: mir::BinOp) -> bool {
use rustc_middle::mir::BinOp::*;
match op {
Add | AddUnchecked | Sub | SubUnchecked | Mul | MulUnchecked | Div | Rem | BitXor
| BitAnd | BitOr | Offset | Shl | ShlUnchecked | Shr | ShrUnchecked => true,
AddWithOverflow | SubWithOverflow | MulWithOverflow | Eq | Ne | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge | Cmp => {
/// Classify whether an operator is "right-homogeneous", i.e., the RHS has the
/// same type as the LHS.
pub fn binop_right_homogeneous(op: mir::BinOp) -> bool {
use rustc_middle::mir::BinOp::*;
match op {
Add | AddUnchecked | AddWithOverflow | Sub | SubUnchecked | SubWithOverflow | Mul
| MulUnchecked | MulWithOverflow | Div | Rem | BitXor | BitAnd | BitOr | Eq | Ne | Lt
| Le | Gt | Ge | Cmp => true,
Offset | Shl | ShlUnchecked | Shr | ShrUnchecked => false,