use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::Data;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use synstructure::Structure;
pub(crate) fn try_from_u32(s: Structure<'_>) -> TokenStream {
let span_error = |span, message: &str| {
quote_spanned! { span => const _: () = ::core::compile_error!(#message); }
// Must be applied to an enum type.
if let Some(span) = match &s.ast().data {
Data::Enum(_) => None,
Data::Struct(s) => Some(s.struct_token.span()),
Data::Union(u) => Some(u.union_token.span()),
} {
return span_error(span, "type is not an enum (TryFromU32)");
// The enum's variants must not have fields.
let variant_field_errors = s
.filter_map(|v| v.ast().fields.iter().map(|f| f.span()).next())
.map(|span| span_error(span, "enum variant cannot have fields (TryFromU32)"))
if !variant_field_errors.is_empty() {
return variant_field_errors;
let ctor = s
.map(|v| v.construct(|_, _| -> TokenStream { unreachable!() }))
// FIXME(edition_2024): Fix the `keyword_idents_2024` lint to not trigger here?
s.gen_impl(quote! {
// The surrounding code might have shadowed these identifiers.
use ::core::convert::TryFrom;
use ::core::primitive::u32;
use ::core::result::Result::{self, Ok, Err};
gen impl TryFrom<u32> for @Self {
type Error = u32;
#[allow(deprecated)] // Don't warn about deprecated variants.
fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
#( if value == const { #ctor as u32 } { return Ok(#ctor) } )*