use std::fmt::Write;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use crate::common::Config;
use crate::runtest::ProcRes;
/// Representation of information to invoke a debugger and check its output
pub(super) struct DebuggerCommands {
/// Commands for the debuuger
pub commands: Vec<String>,
/// Lines to insert breakpoints at
pub breakpoint_lines: Vec<usize>,
/// Contains the source line number to check and the line itself
check_lines: Vec<(usize, String)>,
/// Source file name
file: PathBuf,
impl DebuggerCommands {
pub fn parse_from(
file: &Path,
config: &Config,
debugger_prefixes: &[&str],
) -> Result<Self, String> {
let directives = debugger_prefixes
.map(|prefix| (format!("{prefix}-command"), format!("{prefix}-check")))
let mut breakpoint_lines = vec![];
let mut commands = vec![];
let mut check_lines = vec![];
let mut counter = 0;
let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(file).unwrap());
for (line_no, line) in reader.lines().enumerate() {
counter += 1;
let line = line.map_err(|e| format!("Error while parsing debugger commands: {}", e))?;
// Breakpoints appear on lines with actual code, typically at the end of the line.
if line.contains("#break") {
let Some(line) = line.trim_start().strip_prefix("//").map(str::trim_start) else {
for &(ref command_directive, ref check_directive) in &directives {
.parse_name_value_directive(&line, command_directive)
.map(|cmd| commands.push(cmd));
.parse_name_value_directive(&line, check_directive)
.map(|cmd| check_lines.push((line_no, cmd)));
Ok(Self { commands, breakpoint_lines, check_lines, file: file.to_owned() })
/// Given debugger output and lines to check, ensure that every line is
/// contained in the debugger output. The check lines need to be found in
/// order, but there can be extra lines between.
pub fn check_output(&self, debugger_run_result: &ProcRes) -> Result<(), String> {
// (src_lineno, ck_line) that we did find
let mut found = vec![];
// (src_lineno, ck_line) that we couldn't find
let mut missing = vec![];
// We can find our any current match anywhere after our last match
let mut last_idx = 0;
let dbg_lines: Vec<&str> = debugger_run_result.stdout.lines().collect();
for (src_lineno, ck_line) in &self.check_lines {
if let Some(offset) = dbg_lines
.position(|out_line| check_single_line(out_line, &ck_line))
last_idx += offset;
found.push((src_lineno, dbg_lines[last_idx]));
} else {
missing.push((src_lineno, ck_line));
if missing.is_empty() {
} else {
let fname = self.file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
let mut msg = format!(
"check directive(s) from `{}` not found in debugger output. errors:",
for (src_lineno, err_line) in missing {
write!(msg, "\n ({fname}:{num}) `{err_line}`", num = src_lineno + 1).unwrap();
if !found.is_empty() {
let init = "\nthe following subset of check directive(s) was found successfully:";
for (src_lineno, found_line) in found {
write!(msg, "\n ({fname}:{num}) `{found_line}`", num = src_lineno + 1)
/// Check that the pattern in `check_line` applies to `line`. Returns `true` if they do match.
fn check_single_line(line: &str, check_line: &str) -> bool {
// Allow check lines to leave parts unspecified (e.g., uninitialized
// bits in the wrong case of an enum) with the notation "[...]".
let line = line.trim();
let check_line = check_line.trim();
let can_start_anywhere = check_line.starts_with("[...]");
let can_end_anywhere = check_line.ends_with("[...]");
let check_fragments: Vec<&str> =
check_line.split("[...]").filter(|frag| !frag.is_empty()).collect();
if check_fragments.is_empty() {
return true;
let (mut rest, first_fragment) = if can_start_anywhere {
let Some(pos) = line.find(check_fragments[0]) else {
return false;
(&line[pos + check_fragments[0].len()..], 1)
} else {
(line, 0)
for current_fragment in &check_fragments[first_fragment..] {
let Some(pos) = rest.find(current_fragment) else {
return false;
rest = &rest[pos + current_fragment.len()..];
can_end_anywhere || rest.is_empty()