use crate::future::Future;
use crate::marker::Tuple;
/// An async-aware version of the [`Fn`](crate::ops::Fn) trait.
/// All `async fn` and functions returning futures implement this trait.
#[unstable(feature = "async_closure", issue = "62290")]
#[must_use = "async closures are lazy and do nothing unless called"]
#[lang = "async_fn"]
pub trait AsyncFn<Args: Tuple>: AsyncFnMut<Args> {
/// Call the [`AsyncFn`], returning a future which may borrow from the called closure.
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
extern "rust-call" fn async_call(&self, args: Args) -> Self::CallRefFuture<'_>;
/// An async-aware version of the [`FnMut`](crate::ops::FnMut) trait.
/// All `async fn` and functions returning futures implement this trait.
#[unstable(feature = "async_closure", issue = "62290")]
#[must_use = "async closures are lazy and do nothing unless called"]
#[lang = "async_fn_mut"]
pub trait AsyncFnMut<Args: Tuple>: AsyncFnOnce<Args> {
/// Future returned by [`AsyncFnMut::async_call_mut`] and [`AsyncFn::async_call`].
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
#[lang = "call_ref_future"]
type CallRefFuture<'a>: Future<Output = Self::Output>
Self: 'a;
/// Call the [`AsyncFnMut`], returning a future which may borrow from the called closure.
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_mut(&mut self, args: Args) -> Self::CallRefFuture<'_>;
/// An async-aware version of the [`FnOnce`](crate::ops::FnOnce) trait.
/// All `async fn` and functions returning futures implement this trait.
#[unstable(feature = "async_closure", issue = "62290")]
#[must_use = "async closures are lazy and do nothing unless called"]
#[lang = "async_fn_once"]
pub trait AsyncFnOnce<Args: Tuple> {
/// Future returned by [`AsyncFnOnce::async_call_once`].
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
#[lang = "call_once_future"]
type CallOnceFuture: Future<Output = Self::Output>;
/// Output type of the called closure's future.
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
#[lang = "async_fn_once_output"]
type Output;
/// Call the [`AsyncFnOnce`], returning a future which may move out of the called closure.
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_once(self, args: Args) -> Self::CallOnceFuture;
mod impls {
use super::{AsyncFn, AsyncFnMut, AsyncFnOnce};
use crate::marker::Tuple;
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
impl<A: Tuple, F: ?Sized> AsyncFn<A> for &F
F: AsyncFn<A>,
extern "rust-call" fn async_call(&self, args: A) -> Self::CallRefFuture<'_> {
F::async_call(*self, args)
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
impl<A: Tuple, F: ?Sized> AsyncFnMut<A> for &F
F: AsyncFn<A>,
type CallRefFuture<'a> = F::CallRefFuture<'a> where Self: 'a;
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_mut(&mut self, args: A) -> Self::CallRefFuture<'_> {
F::async_call(*self, args)
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
impl<'a, A: Tuple, F: ?Sized> AsyncFnOnce<A> for &'a F
F: AsyncFn<A>,
type Output = F::Output;
type CallOnceFuture = F::CallRefFuture<'a>;
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_once(self, args: A) -> Self::CallOnceFuture {
F::async_call(self, args)
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
impl<A: Tuple, F: ?Sized> AsyncFnMut<A> for &mut F
F: AsyncFnMut<A>,
type CallRefFuture<'a> = F::CallRefFuture<'a> where Self: 'a;
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_mut(&mut self, args: A) -> Self::CallRefFuture<'_> {
F::async_call_mut(*self, args)
#[unstable(feature = "async_fn_traits", issue = "none")]
impl<'a, A: Tuple, F: ?Sized> AsyncFnOnce<A> for &'a mut F
F: AsyncFnMut<A>,
type Output = F::Output;
type CallOnceFuture = F::CallRefFuture<'a>;
extern "rust-call" fn async_call_once(self, args: A) -> Self::CallOnceFuture {
F::async_call_mut(self, args)
mod internal_implementation_detail {
/// A helper trait that is used to enforce that the `ClosureKind` of a goal
/// is within the capabilities of a `CoroutineClosure`, and which allows us
/// to delay the projection of the tupled upvar types until after upvar
/// analysis is complete.
/// The `Self` type is expected to be the `kind_ty` of the coroutine-closure,
/// and thus either `?0` or `i8`/`i16`/`i32` (see docs for `ClosureKind`
/// for an explanation of that). The `GoalKind` is also the same type, but
/// representing the kind of the trait that the closure is being called with.
#[lang = "async_fn_kind_helper"]
trait AsyncFnKindHelper<GoalKind> {
// Projects a set of closure inputs (arguments), a region, and a set of upvars
// (by move and by ref) to the upvars that we expect the coroutine to have
// according to the `GoalKind` parameter above.
// The `Upvars` parameter should be the upvars of the parent coroutine-closure,
// and the `BorrowedUpvarsAsFnPtr` will be a function pointer that has the shape
// `for<'env> fn() -> (&'env T, ...)`. This allows us to represent the binder
// of the closure's self-capture, and these upvar types will be instantiated with
// the `'closure_env` region provided to the associated type.
#[lang = "async_fn_kind_upvars"]
type Upvars<'closure_env, Inputs, Upvars, BorrowedUpvarsAsFnPtr>;