
clean 🔒
This module contains the “cleaned” pieces of the AST, and the functions that clean them.
config 🔒
core 🔒
docfs 🔒
Rustdoc’s FileSystem abstraction module.
doctest 🔒
error 🔒
fold 🔒
formats 🔒
json 🔒
Rustdoc’s JSON backend
lint 🔒
markdown 🔒
passes 🔒
Contains information about “passes”, used to modify crate information during the documentation process.
This module analyzes crates to find call sites that can serve as examples in the documentation.
theme 🔒
visit 🔒
visit_ast 🔒
The Rust AST Visitor. Extracts useful information and massages it into a form usable for clean.
visit_lib 🔒


map 🔒
A macro to create a FxHashMap.


get_args 🔒
main_args 🔒
opts 🔒
usage 🔒

Type Definitions

MainResult 🔒
A result type used by several functions under main().