Expand description

The Rust compiler.


This API is completely unstable and subject to change.


pub extern crate rustc_plugin_impl as plugin;


The various pretty-printing routines.


This is the primary entry point for rustc.


Whether to stop or continue compilation.


Exit status code used for compilation failures and invalid flags.
Exit status code used for successful compilation and help output.




Runs a closure and catches unwinds triggered by fatal errors.
Variant of catch_fatal_errors for the interface::Result return type that also computes the exit code.
Write to stdout lint command options, together with a list of all available lints
Gets a list of extra command-line flags provided by the user, as strings.
Process command line options. Emits messages as appropriate. If compilation should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args, otherwise returns None.
This allows tools to enable rust logging without having to magically match rustc’s tracing crate version. In contrast to init_rustc_env_logger it allows you to choose an env var other than RUSTC_LOG.
This allows tools to enable rust logging without having to magically match rustc’s tracing crate version.
Installs a panic hook that will print the ICE message on unexpected panics.
make_input 🔒
Prints the ICE message, including query stack, but without backtrace.
usage 🔒
Prints version information