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A framework that can express both gen-kill and generic dataflow problems.

To use this framework, implement either the Analysis or the GenKillAnalysis trait. If your transfer function can be expressed with only gen/kill operations, prefer GenKillAnalysis since it will run faster while iterating to fixpoint. The impls module contains several examples of gen/kill dataflow analyses.

Create an Engine for your analysis using the into_engine method on the Analysis trait, then call iterate_to_fixpoint. From there, you can use a ResultsCursor to inspect the fixpoint solution to your dataflow problem, or implement the ResultsVisitor interface and use visit_results. The following example uses the ResultsCursor approach.

use rustc_const_eval::dataflow::Analysis; // Makes `into_engine` available.

fn do_my_analysis(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mir::Body<'tcx>) {
    let analysis = MyAnalysis::new()
        .into_engine(tcx, body)

    // Print the dataflow state *after* each statement in the start block.
    for (_, statement_index) in body.block_data[START_BLOCK].statements.iter_enumerated() {
        cursor.seek_after(Location { block: START_BLOCK, statement_index });
        let state = cursor.get();
        println!("{:?}", state);



  • cursor 🔒
    Random access inspection of the results of a dataflow analysis.
  • direction 🔒
  • engine 🔒
    A solver for dataflow problems.
  • Custom formatting traits used when outputting Graphviz diagrams with the results of a dataflow analysis.
  • A helpful diagram for debugging dataflow problems.
  • Traits used to represent lattices for use as the domain of a dataflow analysis.
  • visitor 🔒




  • A dataflow problem with an arbitrarily complex transfer function.
  • Defines the domain of a dataflow problem.
  • Analysis domains are all bitsets of various kinds. This trait holds operations needed by all of them.
  • Defines an Analysis which can be cloned for use in multiple ResultsCursors or ResultsVisitors. Note this need not be a full clone, only enough of one to be used with a new ResultsCursor or ResultsVisitor
  • The legal operations for a transfer function in a gen/kill problem.
  • A gen/kill dataflow problem.
  • A type that records the edge-specific effects for a SwitchInt terminator.