pub struct FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
    pub(crate) body_id: LocalDefId,
    pub(crate) param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>,
    err_count_on_creation: usize,
    pub(crate) ret_coercion: Option<RefCell<CoerceMany<'tcx, 'tcx, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>>>,
    pub(crate) ret_coercion_span: Cell<Option<Span>>,
    pub(crate) resume_yield_tys: Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>,
    pub(crate) diverges: Cell<Diverges>,
    pub(crate) enclosing_breakables: RefCell<EnclosingBreakables<'tcx>>,
    pub(crate) inh: &'a Inherited<'tcx>,
    pub(crate) fallback_has_occurred: Cell<bool>,
Expand description

The FnCtxt stores type-checking context needed to type-check bodies of functions, closures, and consts, including performing type inference with InferCtxt.

This is in contrast to ItemCtxt, which is used to type-check item signatures and thus does not perform type inference.

See ItemCtxt’s docs for more.


§body_id: LocalDefId§param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>

The parameter environment used for proving trait obligations in this function. This can change when we descend into closures (as they bring new things into scope), hence it is not part of Inherited (as of the time of this writing, closures do not yet change the environment, but they will eventually).

§err_count_on_creation: usize

Number of errors that had been reported when we started checking this function. On exit, if we find that more errors have been reported, we will skip regionck and other work that expects the types within the function to be consistent.

§ret_coercion: Option<RefCell<CoerceMany<'tcx, 'tcx, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>>>

If Some, this stores coercion information for returned expressions. If None, this is in a context where return is inappropriate, such as a const expression.

This is a RefCell<DynamicCoerceMany>, which means that we can track all the return expressions and then use them to compute a useful coercion from the set, similar to a match expression or other branching context. You can use methods like expected_ty to access the declared return type (if any).

§ret_coercion_span: Cell<Option<Span>>

First span of a return site that we find. Used in error messages.

§resume_yield_tys: Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>§diverges: Cell<Diverges>

Whether the last checked node generates a divergence (e.g., return will set this to Always). In general, when entering an expression or other node in the tree, the initial value indicates whether prior parts of the containing expression may have diverged. It is then typically set to Maybe (and the old value remembered) for processing the subparts of the current expression. As each subpart is processed, they may set the flag to Always, etc. Finally, at the end, we take the result and “union” it with the original value, so that when we return the flag indicates if any subpart of the parent expression (up to and including this part) has diverged. So, if you read it after evaluating a subexpression X, the value you get indicates whether any subexpression that was evaluating up to and including X diverged.

We currently use this flag only for diagnostic purposes:

  • To warn about unreachable code: if, after processing a sub-expression but before we have applied the effects of the current node, we see that the flag is set to Always, we can issue a warning. This corresponds to something like foo(return); we warn on the foo() expression. (We then update the flag to WarnedAlways to suppress duplicate reports.) Similarly, if we traverse to a fresh statement (or tail expression) from an Always setting, we will issue a warning. This corresponds to something like {return; foo();} or {return; 22}, where we would warn on the foo() or 22.

An expression represents dead code if, after checking it, the diverges flag is set to something other than Maybe.

§enclosing_breakables: RefCell<EnclosingBreakables<'tcx>>§inh: &'a Inherited<'tcx>§fallback_has_occurred: Cell<bool>



impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_match( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, scrut: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, arms: &'tcx [Arm<'tcx>], orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx>, match_src: MatchSource ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn suggest_removing_semicolon_for_coerce( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, arm_ty: Ty<'tcx>, prior_arm: Option<(Option<HirId>, Ty<'tcx>, Span)> )


fn warn_arms_when_scrutinee_diverges(&self, arms: &'tcx [Arm<'tcx>])

When the previously checked expression (the scrutinee) diverges, warn the user about the match arms being unreachable.


pub(crate) fn if_fallback_coercion<T>( &self, span: Span, then_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, coercion: &mut CoerceMany<'tcx, '_, T> ) -> boolwhere T: AsCoercionSite,

Handle the fallback arm of a desugared if(-let) like a missing else.

Returns true if there was an error forcing the coercion to the () type.


pub fn maybe_get_coercion_reason( &self, hir_id: HirId, sp: Span ) -> Option<(Span, String)>


pub(crate) fn if_cause( &self, span: Span, cond_span: Span, then_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, else_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, then_ty: Ty<'tcx>, else_ty: Ty<'tcx>, opt_suggest_box_span: Option<Span> ) -> ObligationCause<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn demand_scrutinee_type( &self, scrut: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, contains_ref_bindings: Option<Mutability>, no_arms: bool ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn opt_suggest_box_span( &self, first_ty: Ty<'tcx>, second_ty: Ty<'tcx>, orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Option<Span>

When we have a match as a tail expression in a fn with a returned impl Trait we check if the different arms would work with boxed trait objects instead and provide a structured suggestion in that case.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn autoderef(&'a self, span: Span, base_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Autoderef<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn try_overloaded_deref( &self, span: Span, base_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<InferOk<'tcx, MethodCallee<'tcx>>>


pub fn adjust_steps( &self, autoderef: &Autoderef<'a, 'tcx> ) -> Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>

Returns the adjustment steps.


pub fn adjust_steps_as_infer_ok( &self, autoderef: &Autoderef<'a, 'tcx> ) -> InferOk<'tcx, Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>>


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_call( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn try_overloaded_call_step( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], autoderef: &Autoderef<'a, 'tcx> ) -> Option<CallStep<'tcx>>


fn try_overloaded_call_traits( &self, call_expr: &Expr<'_>, adjusted_ty: Ty<'tcx>, opt_arg_exprs: Option<&'tcx [Expr<'tcx>]> ) -> Option<(Option<Adjustment<'tcx>>, MethodCallee<'tcx>)>


fn identify_bad_closure_def_and_call( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, hir_id: HirId, callee_node: &ExprKind<'_>, callee_span: Span )

Give appropriate suggestion when encountering ||{/* not callable */}(), where the likely intention is to call the closure, suggest (||{})(). (#55851)


fn maybe_suggest_bad_array_definition( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> bool

Give appropriate suggestion when encountering [("a", 0) ("b", 1)], where the likely intention is to create an array containing tuples.


fn confirm_builtin_call( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn suggest_call_as_method( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, segment: &'tcx PathSegment<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> )

Attempts to reinterpret method(rcvr, args...) as rcvr.method(args...) and suggesting the fix if the method probe is successful.


fn report_invalid_callee( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, callee_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn confirm_deferred_closure_call( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx>, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, fn_sig: FnSig<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn enforce_context_effects( &self, call_expr_hir: HirId, span: Span, callee_did: DefId, callee_args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx> )


fn confirm_overloaded_call( &self, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, arg_exprs: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx>, method_callee: MethodCallee<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


fn pointer_kind( &self, t: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span ) -> Result<Option<PointerKind<'tcx>>, ErrorGuaranteed>

Returns the kind of unsize information of t, or None if t is unknown.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_expr_closure( &self, closure: &Closure<'tcx>, expr_span: Span, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_closure( &self, closure: &Closure<'tcx>, expr_span: Span, opt_kind: Option<ClosureKind>, body: &'tcx Body<'tcx>, expected_sig: Option<ExpectedSig<'tcx>> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn deduce_closure_signature( &self, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> (Option<ExpectedSig<'tcx>>, Option<ClosureKind>)

Given the expected type, figures out what it can about this closure we are about to type check:


fn deduce_closure_signature_from_predicates( &self, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, predicates: impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = (Predicate<'tcx>, Span)> ) -> (Option<ExpectedSig<'tcx>>, Option<ClosureKind>)


fn deduce_sig_from_projection( &self, cause_span: Option<Span>, projection: PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx> ) -> Option<ExpectedSig<'tcx>>

Given a projection like “<F as Fn(X)>::Result == Y”, we can deduce everything we need to know about a closure or generator.

The cause_span should be the span that caused us to have this expected signature, or None if we can’t readily know that.


fn sig_of_closure( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_>, expected_sig: Option<ExpectedSig<'tcx>> ) -> ClosureSignatures<'tcx>


fn sig_of_closure_no_expectation( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_> ) -> ClosureSignatures<'tcx>

If there is no expected signature, then we will convert the types that the user gave into a signature.


fn sig_of_closure_with_expectation( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_>, expected_sig: ExpectedSig<'tcx> ) -> ClosureSignatures<'tcx>

Invoked to compute the signature of a closure expression. This combines any user-provided type annotations (e.g., |x: u32| -> u32 { .. }) with the expected signature.

The approach is as follows:

  • Let S be the (higher-ranked) signature that we derive from the user’s annotations.
  • Let E be the (higher-ranked) signature that we derive from the expectations, if any.
    • If we have no expectation E, then the signature of the closure is S.
    • Otherwise, the signature of the closure is E. Moreover:
      • Skolemize the late-bound regions in E, yielding E'.
      • Instantiate all the late-bound regions bound in the closure within S with fresh (existential) variables, yielding S'
      • Require that E' = S'
        • We could use some kind of subtyping relationship here, I imagine, but equality is easier and works fine for our purposes.

The key intuition here is that the user’s types must be valid from “the inside” of the closure, but the expectation ultimately drives the overall signature.

fn with_closure<F>(_: F)
  where F: Fn(&u32) -> &u32 { .. }

with_closure(|x: &u32| { ... })


  • E would be fn(&u32) -> &u32.
  • S would be fn(&u32) -> ?T
  • E’ is &'!0 u32 -> &'!0 u32
  • S’ is &'?0 u32 -> ?T

S’ can be unified with E’ with ['?0 = '!0, ?T = &'!10 u32].

  • expr_def_id: the LocalDefId of the closure expression
  • decl: the HIR declaration of the closure
  • body: the body of the closure
  • expected_sig: the expected signature (if any). Note that this is missing a binder: that is, there may be late-bound regions with depth 1, which are bound then by the closure.

fn sig_of_closure_with_mismatched_number_of_arguments( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_>, expected_sig: ExpectedSig<'tcx> ) -> ClosureSignatures<'tcx>


fn merge_supplied_sig_with_expectation( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_>, expected_sigs: ClosureSignatures<'tcx> ) -> InferResult<'tcx, ClosureSignatures<'tcx>>

Enforce the user’s types against the expectation. See sig_of_closure_with_expectation for details on the overall strategy.


fn supplied_sig_of_closure( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body: &Body<'_> ) -> PolyFnSig<'tcx>

If there is no expected signature, then we will convert the types that the user gave into a signature.

Also, record this closure signature for later.


fn deduce_future_output_from_obligations( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, body_def_id: LocalDefId ) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>

Invoked when we are translating the generator that results from desugaring an async fn. Returns the “sugared” return type of the async fn – that is, the return type that the user specified. The “desugared” return type is an impl Future<Output = T>, so we do this by searching through the obligations to extract the T.


fn deduce_future_output_from_projection( &self, cause_span: Span, predicate: PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx> ) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>

Given a projection like

<X as Future>::Output = T

where X is some type that has no late-bound regions, returns Some(T). If the projection is for some other trait, returns None.


fn error_sig_of_closure( &self, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, guar: ErrorGuaranteed ) -> PolyFnSig<'tcx>

Converts the types that the user supplied, in case that doing so should yield an error, but returns back a signature where all parameters are of type ty::Error.


fn closure_sigs( &self, expr_def_id: LocalDefId, body: &Body<'_>, bound_sig: PolyFnSig<'tcx> ) -> ClosureSignatures<'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn coerce( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, target: Ty<'tcx>, allow_two_phase: AllowTwoPhase, cause: Option<ObligationCause<'tcx>> ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>

Attempt to coerce an expression to a type, and return the adjusted type of the expression, if successful. Adjustments are only recorded if the coercion succeeded. The expressions must not have any preexisting adjustments.


pub fn can_coerce(&self, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, target: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool

Same as coerce(), but without side-effects.

Returns false if the coercion creates any obligations that result in errors.


pub fn deref_steps(&self, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, target: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<usize>

Given a type and a target type, this function will calculate and return how many dereference steps needed to achieve expr_ty <: target. If it’s not possible, return None.


pub fn deref_once_mutably_for_diagnostic( &self, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>

Given a type, this function will calculate and return the type given for <Ty as Deref>::Target only if Ty also implements DerefMut.

This function is for diagnostics only, since it does not register trait or region sub-obligations. (presumably we could, but it’s not particularly important for diagnostics…)


fn try_find_coercion_lub<E>( &self, cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>, exprs: &[E], prev_ty: Ty<'tcx>, new: &Expr<'_>, new_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>where E: AsCoercionSite,

Given some expressions, their known unified type and another expression, tries to unify the types, potentially inserting coercions on any of the provided expressions and returns their LUB (aka “common supertype”).

This is really an internal helper. From outside the coercion module, you should instantiate a CoerceMany instance.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn emit_type_mismatch_suggestions( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, error: Option<TypeError<'tcx>> )


pub fn emit_coerce_suggestions( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, error: Option<TypeError<'tcx>> )


fn adjust_expr_for_assert_eq_macro( &self, found_expr: &mut &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected_expr: &mut Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> )

Really hacky heuristic to remap an assert_eq! error to the user expressions provided to the macro.


pub fn demand_suptype(&self, sp: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>)

Requires that the two types unify, and prints an error message if they don’t.


pub fn demand_suptype_diag( &self, sp: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn demand_suptype_with_origin( &self, cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn demand_eqtype(&self, sp: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>)


pub fn demand_eqtype_diag( &self, sp: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn demand_eqtype_with_origin( &self, cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


pub fn demand_coerce( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, allow_two_phase: AllowTwoPhase ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub fn demand_coerce_diag( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, allow_two_phase: AllowTwoPhase ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>)

Checks that the type of expr can be coerced to expected.

N.B., this code relies on self.diverges to be accurate. In particular, assignments to ! will be permitted if the diverges flag is currently “always”.


pub fn note_source_of_type_mismatch_constraint( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, source: TypeMismatchSource<'tcx> ) -> bool

Notes the point at which a variable is constrained to some type incompatible with some expectation given by source.


pub fn annotate_loop_expected_due_to_inference( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, error: Option<TypeError<'tcx>> )


fn annotate_expected_due_to_let_ty( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, error: Option<TypeError<'tcx>> )


fn annotate_alternative_method_deref( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, error: Option<TypeError<'tcx>> )


pub(crate) fn suggest_coercing_result_via_try_operator( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


fn suggest_compatible_variants( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

If the expected type is an enum (Issue #55250) with any variants whose sole field is of the found type, suggest such variants. (Issue #42764)


fn suggest_non_zero_new_unwrap( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub fn get_conversion_methods( &self, span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, hir_id: HirId ) -> Vec<AssocItem>


fn has_only_self_parameter(&self, method: &AssocItem) -> bool

This function checks whether the method is not static and does not accept other parameters than self.


fn can_use_as_ref( &self, expr: &Expr<'_> ) -> Option<(Vec<(Span, String)>, &'static str)>

Identify some cases where as_ref() would be appropriate and suggest it.

Given the following code:

struct Foo;
fn takes_ref(_: &Foo) {}
let ref opt = Some(Foo);|param| takes_ref(param));

Suggest using opt.as_ref().map(|param| takes_ref(param)); instead.

It only checks for Option and Result and won’t work with|param| { takes_ref(param) });

pub(crate) fn maybe_get_block_expr( &self, expr: &Expr<'tcx> ) -> Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>

If the given HirId corresponds to a block with a trailing expression, return that expression


pub(crate) fn is_else_if_block(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool

Returns whether the given expression is an else if.


pub(crate) fn is_destruct_assignment_desugaring(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool


pub fn suggest_deref_or_ref( &self, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<(Vec<(Span, String)>, String, Applicability, bool, bool)>

This function is used to determine potential “simple” improvements or users’ errors and provide them useful help. For example:

fn some_fn(s: &str) {}

let x = "hey!".to_owned();
some_fn(x); // error

No need to find every potential function which could make a coercion to transform a String into a &str since a & would do the trick!

In addition of this check, it also checks between references mutability state. If the expected is mutable but the provided isn’t, maybe we could just say “Hey, try with &mut!”.


pub fn suggest_cast( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> ) -> bool


pub fn suggest_method_call_on_range_literal( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> )

Identify when the user has written instead of


fn suggest_return_binding_for_missing_tail_expr( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> )

Identify when the type error is because () is found in a binding that was assigned a block without a tail expression.


fn note_wrong_return_ty_due_to_generic_arg( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, checked_ty: Ty<'tcx> )


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_expr_has_type_or_error( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, extend_err: impl FnOnce(&mut Diagnostic) ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr_coercible_to_type( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr_with_hint( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_with_expectation_and_needs( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, needs: Needs ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr(&self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr_with_needs( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, needs: Needs ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr_with_expectation( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Invariant: If an expression has any sub-expressions that result in a type error, inspecting that expression’s type with ty.references_error() will return true. Likewise, if an expression is known to diverge, inspecting its type with ty::type_is_bot will return true (n.b.: since Rust is strict, | can appear in the type of an expression that does not, itself, diverge: for example, fn() -> |.) Note that inspecting a type’s structure directly may expose the fact that there are actually multiple representations for Error, so avoid that when err needs to be handled differently.


pub(crate) fn check_expr_with_expectation_and_args( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Same as check_expr_with_expectation, but allows us to pass in the arguments of a ExprKind::Call when evaluating its callee when it is an ExprKind::Path.


fn check_expr_kind( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_unary( &self, unop: UnOp, oprnd: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_addr_of( &self, kind: BorrowKind, mutbl: Mutability, oprnd: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_named_place_expr(&self, oprnd: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>)

Does this expression refer to a place that either:

  • Is based on a local or static.
  • Contains a dereference Note that the adjustments for the children of expr should already have been resolved.

fn check_lang_item_path( &self, lang_item: LangItem, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, hir_id: Option<HirId> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_expr_path( &self, qpath: &'tcx QPath<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_break( &self, destination: Destination, expr_opt: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_return( &self, expr_opt: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_become( &self, call: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_return_expr( &self, return_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, explicit_return: bool )

Check an expression that is being returned. For example, this is called with return_expr: $expr when return $expr is encountered.

Note that this function must only be called in function bodies.

explicit_return is true if we’re checking an explicit return expr, and false if we’re checking a trailing expression.


fn emit_return_outside_of_fn_body( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, kind: ReturnLikeStatementKind )

Emit an error because return or become is used outside of a function body.

expr is the return (become) “statement”, kind is the kind of the statement either Return or Become.


fn point_at_return_for_opaque_ty_error( &self, errors: &mut Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>>, span: Span, return_expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, return_span: Span )


pub(crate) fn check_lhs_assignable( &self, lhs: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, err_code: &'static str, op_span: Span, adjust_err: impl FnOnce(&mut Diagnostic) )


pub(crate) fn comes_from_while_condition( &self, original_expr_id: HirId, then: impl FnOnce(&Expr<'_>) )

as opposed from the body of a while loop, which we can naively check by iterating parents until we find a loop…


fn check_then_else( &self, cond_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, then_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, opt_else_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, sp: Span, orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_assign( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, lhs: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, span: Span ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Type check assignment expression expr of form lhs = rhs. The expected type is () and is passed to the function for the purposes of diagnostics.


pub(crate) fn check_expr_let(&self, let_expr: &'tcx Let<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_loop( &self, body: &'tcx Block<'tcx>, source: LoopSource, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_method_call( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_>, rcvr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Checks a method call.


fn check_expr_cast( &self, e: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, t: &'tcx Ty<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_array( &self, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn suggest_array_len(&self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, array_len: u64)


fn check_expr_const_block( &self, block: &'tcx ConstBlock, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, _expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_repeat( &self, element: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, count: &'tcx ArrayLen, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_repeat_element_needs_copy_bound( &self, element: &Expr<'_>, count: Const<'tcx>, element_ty: Ty<'tcx> )


fn check_expr_tuple( &self, elts: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_struct( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, qpath: &QPath<'_>, fields: &'tcx [ExprField<'tcx>], base_expr: &'tcx Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_struct_fields( &self, adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, expr: &Expr<'_>, span: Span, variant: &'tcx VariantDef, ast_fields: &'tcx [ExprField<'tcx>], base_expr: &'tcx Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> )


fn check_struct_fields_on_error( &self, fields: &'tcx [ExprField<'tcx>], base_expr: &'tcx Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> )


fn report_missing_fields( &self, adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, remaining_fields: FxHashMap<Ident, (FieldIdx, &FieldDef)>, variant: &'tcx VariantDef, ast_fields: &'tcx [ExprField<'tcx>], args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx> )

Report an error for a struct field expression when there are fields which aren’t provided.

error: missing field `you_can_use_this_field` in initializer of `foo::Foo`
 --> src/
8 |     foo::Foo {};
  |     ^^^^^^^^ missing `you_can_use_this_field`

error: aborting due to previous error

fn suggest_fru_from_range( &self, last_expr_field: &ExprField<'tcx>, variant: &VariantDef, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, err: &mut Diagnostic )

If the last field is a range literal, but it isn’t supposed to be, then they probably meant to use functional update syntax.


fn report_private_fields( &self, adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, private_fields: Vec<&FieldDef>, used_fields: &'tcx [ExprField<'tcx>] )

Report an error for a struct field expression when there are invisible fields.

error: cannot construct `Foo` with struct literal syntax due to private fields
 --> src/
8 |     foo::Foo {};
  |     ^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

fn report_unknown_field( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, variant: &'tcx VariantDef, expr: &Expr<'_>, field: &ExprField<'_>, skip_fields: &[ExprField<'_>], kind_name: &str ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn available_field_names( &self, variant: &'tcx VariantDef, expr: &Expr<'_>, skip_fields: &[ExprField<'_>] ) -> Vec<Symbol>


fn name_series_display(&self, names: Vec<Symbol>) -> String


fn check_field( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, base: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, field: Ident, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn suggest_await_on_field_access( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, field_ident: Ident, base: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx> )


fn ban_nonexisting_field( &self, ident: Ident, base: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, base_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn ban_private_field_access( &self, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expr_t: Ty<'tcx>, field: Ident, base_did: DefId, return_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>> ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn ban_take_value_of_method( &self, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expr_t: Ty<'tcx>, field: Ident ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn point_at_param_definition(&self, err: &mut Diagnostic, param: ParamTy)


fn suggest_fields_on_recordish( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, def: AdtDef<'tcx>, field: Ident )


fn maybe_suggest_array_indexing( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, base: &Expr<'_>, field: Ident, len: Const<'tcx> )


fn suggest_first_deref_field( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, base: &Expr<'_>, field: Ident )


fn no_such_field_err( &self, field: Ident, expr_t: Ty<'tcx>, id: HirId ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>


fn private_field_err( &self, field: Ident, base_did: DefId ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>


pub(crate) fn get_field_candidates_considering_privacy( &self, span: Span, base_ty: Ty<'tcx>, mod_id: DefId ) -> Option<(impl Iterator<Item = &'tcx FieldDef> + 'tcx, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>)>


pub(crate) fn check_for_nested_field_satisfying( &self, span: Span, matches: &impl Fn(&FieldDef, Ty<'tcx>) -> bool, candidate_field: &FieldDef, subst: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, field_path: Vec<Ident>, mod_id: DefId ) -> Option<Vec<Ident>>

This method is called after we have encountered a missing field error to recursively search for the field


fn check_expr_index( &self, base: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, idx: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, brackets_span: Span ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn find_and_report_unsatisfied_index_impl( &self, base_expr: &Expr<'_>, base_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<(ErrorGuaranteed, Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>

Try to match an implementation of Index against a self type, and report the unsatisfied predicates that result from confirming this impl.

Given an index expression, sometimes the Self type shallowly but does not deeply satisfy an impl predicate. Instead of simply saying that the type does not support being indexed, we want to point out exactly what nested predicates cause this to be, so that the user can add them to fix their code.


fn point_at_index_if_possible( &self, errors: &mut Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>>, span: Span )


fn check_expr_yield( &self, value: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, src: &'tcx YieldSource ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_expr_asm_operand(&self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, is_input: bool)


fn check_expr_asm(&self, asm: &'tcx InlineAsm<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_offset_of( &self, container: &'tcx Ty<'tcx>, fields: &[Ident], expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


impl<'tcx> FnCtxt<'_, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn type_inference_fallback(&self)

Performs type inference fallback, setting FnCtxt::fallback_has_occurred if fallback has occurred.


fn fallback_types(&self) -> bool


fn fallback_effects(&self) -> bool


fn fallback_if_possible( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, diverging_fallback: &UnordMap<Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>> )


fn calculate_diverging_fallback( &self, unsolved_variables: &[Ty<'tcx>] ) -> UnordMap<Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>>

The “diverging fallback” system is rather complicated. This is a result of our need to balance ‘do the right thing’ with backwards compatibility.

“Diverging” type variables are variables created when we coerce a ! type into an unbound type variable ?X. If they never wind up being constrained, the “right and natural” thing is that ?X should “fallback” to !. This means that e.g. an expression like Some(return) will ultimately wind up with a type like Option<!> (presuming it is not assigned or constrained to have some other type).

However, the fallback used to be () (before the ! type was added). Moreover, there are cases where the ! type ‘leaks out’ from dead code into type variables that affect live code. The most common case is something like this:

match foo() {
    22 => Default::default(), // call this type `?D`
    _ => return, // return has type `!`
} // call the type of this match `?M`

Here, coercing the type ! into ?M will create a diverging type variable ?X where ?X <: ?M. We also have that ?D <: ?M. If ?M winds up unconstrained, then ?X will fallback. If it falls back to !, then all the type variables will wind up equal to ! – this includes the type ?D (since ! doesn’t implement Default, we wind up a “trait not implemented” error in code like this). But since the original fallback was (), this code used to compile with ?D = (). This is somewhat surprising, since Default::default() on its own would give an error because the types are insufficiently constrained.

Our solution to this dilemma is to modify diverging variables so that they can either fallback to ! (the default) or to () (the backwards compatibility case). We decide which fallback to use based on whether there is a coercion pattern like this:

?Diverging -> ?V
?NonDiverging -> ?V
?V != ?NonDiverging

Here ?Diverging represents some diverging type variable and ?NonDiverging represents some non-diverging type variable. ?V can be any type variable (diverging or not), so long as it is not equal to ?NonDiverging.

Intuitively, what we are looking for is a case where a “non-diverging” type variable (like ?M in our example above) is coerced into some variable ?V that would otherwise fallback to !. In that case, we make ?V fallback to !, along with anything that would flow into ?V.

The algorithm we use:

  • Identify all variables that are coerced into by a diverging variable. Do this by iterating over each diverging, unsolved variable and finding all variables reachable from there. Call that set D.
  • Walk over all unsolved, non-diverging variables, and find any variable that has an edge into D.

fn create_coercion_graph(&self) -> VecGraph<TyVid>

Returns a graph whose nodes are (unresolved) inference variables and where an edge ?A -> ?B indicates that the variable ?A is coerced to ?B.


fn root_vid(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<TyVid>

If ty is an unresolved type variable, returns its root vid.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn warn_if_unreachable(&self, id: HirId, span: Span, kind: &str)

Produces warning on the given node, if the current point in the function is unreachable, and there hasn’t been another warning.


pub(crate) fn resolve_vars_with_obligations(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Resolves type and const variables in ty if possible. Unlike the infcx version (resolve_vars_if_possible), this version will also select obligations if it seems useful, in an effort to get more type information.


pub(crate) fn record_deferred_call_resolution( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, r: DeferredCallResolution<'tcx> )


pub(crate) fn remove_deferred_call_resolutions( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId ) -> Vec<DeferredCallResolution<'tcx>>


pub fn tag(&self) -> String


pub fn local_ty(&self, span: Span, nid: HirId) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub fn write_ty(&self, id: HirId, ty: Ty<'tcx>)


pub fn write_field_index(&self, hir_id: HirId, index: FieldIdx)


pub(crate) fn write_resolution( &self, hir_id: HirId, r: Result<(DefKind, DefId), ErrorGuaranteed> )


pub fn write_method_call(&self, hir_id: HirId, method: MethodCallee<'tcx>)


pub fn write_args(&self, node_id: HirId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>)


pub fn write_user_type_annotation_from_args( &self, hir_id: HirId, def_id: DefId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, user_self_ty: Option<UserSelfTy<'tcx>> )

Given the args that we just converted from the HIR, try to canonicalize them and store them as user-given substitutions (i.e., substitutions that must be respected by the NLL check).

This should be invoked before any unifications have occurred, so that annotations like Vec<_> are preserved properly.


pub fn write_user_type_annotation( &self, hir_id: HirId, canonical_user_type_annotation: CanonicalUserType<'tcx> )


pub fn apply_adjustments(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>, adj: Vec<Adjustment<'tcx>>)


pub(crate) fn instantiate_bounds( &self, span: Span, def_id: DefId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx> ) -> InstantiatedPredicates<'tcx>

Instantiates and normalizes the bounds for a given item


pub(crate) fn normalize<T>(&self, span: Span, value: T) -> Twhere T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,


pub fn require_type_meets( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, code: ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, def_id: DefId )


pub fn require_type_is_sized( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, code: ObligationCauseCode<'tcx> )


pub fn require_type_is_sized_deferred( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, code: ObligationCauseCode<'tcx> )


pub fn register_bound( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, def_id: DefId, cause: ObligationCause<'tcx> )


pub fn handle_raw_ty(&self, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> RawTy<'tcx>


pub fn to_ty(&self, ast_t: &Ty<'_>) -> RawTy<'tcx>


pub fn to_ty_saving_user_provided_ty(&self, ast_ty: &Ty<'_>) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(super) fn user_args_for_adt(ty: RawTy<'tcx>) -> UserArgs<'tcx>


pub fn array_length_to_const(&self, length: &ArrayLen) -> Const<'tcx>


pub fn const_arg_to_const( &self, ast_c: &AnonConst, param_def_id: DefId ) -> Const<'tcx>


fn can_contain_user_lifetime_bounds<T>(t: T) -> boolwhere T: TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,


pub fn node_ty(&self, id: HirId) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub fn node_ty_opt(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>


pub fn register_wf_obligation( &self, arg: GenericArg<'tcx>, span: Span, code: ObligationCauseCode<'tcx> )

Registers an obligation for checking later, during regionck, that arg is well-formed.


pub fn add_wf_bounds(&self, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, expr: &Expr<'_>)

Registers obligations that all args are well-formed.


pub fn field_ty( &self, span: Span, field: &'tcx FieldDef, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn resolve_rvalue_scopes(&self, def_id: DefId)


pub(crate) fn resolve_generator_interiors(&self, def_id: DefId)

Unify the inference variables corresponding to generator witnesses, and save all the predicates that were stalled on those inference variables.

This process allows to conservatively save all predicates that do depend on the generator interior types, for later processing by check_generator_obligations.

We must not attempt to select obligations after this method has run, or risk query cycle ICE.


pub(crate) fn report_ambiguity_errors(&self)


pub(crate) fn select_obligations_where_possible( &self, mutate_fulfillment_errors: impl Fn(&mut Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>>) )

Select as many obligations as we can at present.


pub(crate) fn make_overloaded_place_return_type( &self, method: MethodCallee<'tcx> ) -> TypeAndMut<'tcx>

For the overloaded place expressions (*x, x[3]), the trait returns a type of &T, but the actual type we assign to the expression is T. So this function just peels off the return type by one layer to yield T.


fn self_type_matches_expected_vid( &self, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_vid: TyVid ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn obligations_for_self_ty<'b>( &'b self, self_ty: TyVid ) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = PredicateObligation<'tcx>> + Captures<'tcx> + 'b


pub(crate) fn type_var_is_sized(&self, self_ty: TyVid) -> bool


pub(crate) fn err_args(&self, len: usize) -> Vec<Ty<'tcx>>


pub(crate) fn expected_inputs_for_expected_output( &self, call_span: Span, expected_ret: Expectation<'tcx>, formal_ret: Ty<'tcx>, formal_args: &[Ty<'tcx>] ) -> Option<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>

Unifies the output type with the expected type early, for more coercions and forward type information on the input expressions.


pub(crate) fn resolve_lang_item_path( &self, lang_item: LangItem, span: Span, hir_id: HirId, expr_hir_id: Option<HirId> ) -> (Res, Ty<'tcx>)


pub fn resolve_ty_and_res_fully_qualified_call( &self, qpath: &'tcx QPath<'tcx>, hir_id: HirId, span: Span ) -> (Res, Option<RawTy<'tcx>>, &'tcx [PathSegment<'tcx>])

Resolves an associated value path into a base type and associated constant, or method resolution. The newly resolved definition is written into type_dependent_defs.


pub(crate) fn get_node_fn_decl( &self, node: Node<'tcx> ) -> Option<(HirId, &'tcx FnDecl<'tcx>, Ident, bool)>

Given a function Node, return its HirId and FnDecl if it exists. Given a closure that is the child of a function, return that function’s HirId and FnDecl instead. This may seem confusing at first, but this is used in diagnostics for async fn, for example, where most of the type checking actually happens within a nested closure, but we often want access to the parent function’s signature.

Otherwise, return false.


pub fn get_fn_decl( &self, blk_id: HirId ) -> Option<(HirId, &'tcx FnDecl<'tcx>, bool)>

Given a HirId, return the HirId of the enclosing function, its FnDecl, and whether a suggestion can be made, None otherwise.


pub(crate) fn note_internal_mutation_in_method( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, found: Ty<'tcx> )


pub fn instantiate_value_path( &self, segments: &[PathSegment<'_>], self_ty: Option<RawTy<'tcx>>, res: Res, span: Span, hir_id: HirId ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, Res)


pub(crate) fn add_required_obligations_for_hir( &self, span: Span, def_id: DefId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, hir_id: HirId )

Add all the obligations that are required, substituting and normalized appropriately.


fn add_required_obligations_with_code( &self, span: Span, def_id: DefId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>, code: impl Fn(usize, Span) -> ObligationCauseCode<'tcx> )


pub fn try_structurally_resolve_type(&self, sp: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Try to resolve ty to a structural type, normalizing aliases.

In case there is still ambiguity, the returned type may be an inference variable. This is different from structurally_resolve_type which errors in this case.


pub fn structurally_resolve_type(&self, sp: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Resolves ty by a single level if ty is a type variable.

When the new solver is enabled, this will also attempt to normalize the type if it’s a projection (note that it will not deeply normalize projections within the type, just the outermost layer of the type).

If no resolution is possible, then an error is reported. Numeric inference variables may be left unresolved.


pub(crate) fn with_breakable_ctxt<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>( &self, id: HirId, ctxt: BreakableCtxt<'tcx>, f: F ) -> (BreakableCtxt<'tcx>, R)


pub(crate) fn probe_instantiate_query_response( &self, span: Span, original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>, query_result: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>> ) -> InferResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>

Instantiate a QueryResponse in a probe context, without a good ObligationCause.


pub(crate) fn expr_in_place(&self, expr_id: HirId) -> bool

Returns true if an expression is contained inside the LHS of an assignment expression.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn adjust_fulfillment_error_for_expr_obligation( &self, error: &mut FulfillmentError<'tcx> ) -> bool


fn point_at_path_if_possible( &self, error: &mut FulfillmentError<'tcx>, def_id: DefId, param: GenericArg<'tcx>, qpath: &QPath<'tcx> ) -> bool


fn point_at_generic_if_possible( &self, error: &mut FulfillmentError<'tcx>, def_id: DefId, param_to_point_at: GenericArg<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'tcx> ) -> bool


fn find_ambiguous_parameter_in<T: TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>( &self, item_def_id: DefId, t: T ) -> Option<GenericArg<'tcx>>


fn closure_span_overlaps_error( &self, error: &FulfillmentError<'tcx>, span: Span ) -> bool


fn point_at_field_if_possible( &self, def_id: DefId, param_to_point_at: GenericArg<'tcx>, variant_def_id: DefId, expr_fields: &[ExprField<'tcx>] ) -> Option<(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>


fn blame_specific_arg_if_possible( &self, error: &mut FulfillmentError<'tcx>, def_id: DefId, param_to_point_at: GenericArg<'tcx>, call_hir_id: HirId, callee_span: Span, receiver: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] ) -> bool

  • blame_specific_* means that the function will recursively traverse the expression, looking for the most-specific-possible span to blame.

  • point_at_* means that the function will only go “one level”, pointing at the specific expression mentioned.

blame_specific_arg_if_possible will find the most-specific expression anywhere inside the provided function call expression, and mark it as responsible for the fulfillment error.


pub fn blame_specific_expr_if_possible( &self, error: &mut FulfillmentError<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> )

Recursively searches for the most-specific blameable expression. For example, if you have a chain of constraints like:

  • want Vec<i32>: Copy
  • because Option<Vec<i32>>: Copy needs Vec<i32>: Copy because impl <T: Copy> Copy for Option<T>
  • because (Option<Vec<i32>, bool) needs Option<Vec<i32>>: Copy because impl <A: Copy, B: Copy> Copy for (A, B) then if you pass in (Some(vec![1, 2, 3]), false), this helper point_at_specific_expr_if_possible will find the expression vec![1, 2, 3] as the “most blameable” reason for this missing constraint.

This function only updates the error span.


fn blame_specific_expr_if_possible_for_obligation_cause_code( &self, obligation_cause_code: &ObligationCauseCode<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Result<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>


fn blame_specific_expr_if_possible_for_derived_predicate_obligation( &self, obligation: &ImplDerivedObligationCause<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Result<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>

We want to achieve the error span in the following example:

struct Burrito<Filling> {
  filling: Filling,
impl <Filling: Delicious> Delicious for Burrito<Filling> {}
fn eat_delicious_food<Food: Delicious>(_food: Food) {}

fn will_type_error() {
  eat_delicious_food(Burrito { filling: Kale });
} //                                    ^--- The trait bound `Kale: Delicious`
  //                                         is not satisfied

Without calling this function, the error span will cover the entire argument expression.

Before we do any of this logic, we recursively call point_at_specific_expr_if_possible on the parent obligation. Hence we refine the expr “outwards-in” and bail at the first kind of expression/impl we don’t recognize.

This function returns a Result<&Expr, &Expr> - either way, it returns the Expr whose span should be reported as an error. If it is Ok, then it means it refined successful. If it is Err, then it may be only a partial success - but it cannot be refined even further.


fn blame_specific_part_of_expr_corresponding_to_generic_param( &self, param: GenericArg<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, in_ty: GenericArg<'tcx> ) -> Result<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>

Drills into expr to arrive at the equivalent location of find_generic_param in in_ty. For example, given

  • expr: (Some(vec![1, 2, 3]), false)
  • param: T
  • in_ty: (Option<Vec<T>, bool) we would drill until we arrive at vec![1, 2, 3].

If successful, we return Ok(refined_expr). If unsuccessful, we return Err(partially_refined_expr), which will go as far as possible. For example, given (foo(), false) instead, we would drill to foo() and then return Err("foo()").

This means that you can (and should) use the ? try operator to chain multiple calls to this function with different types, since you can only continue drilling the second time if you succeeded the first time.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_casts(&mut self)


pub(crate) fn check_transmutes(&self)


pub(crate) fn check_asms(&self)


pub(crate) fn check_method_argument_types( &self, sp: Span, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, method: Result<MethodCallee<'tcx>, ()>, args_no_rcvr: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], tuple_arguments: TupleArgumentsFlag, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_argument_types( &self, call_span: Span, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, formal_input_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>], expected_input_tys: Option<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>, provided_args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>], c_variadic: bool, tuple_arguments: TupleArgumentsFlag, fn_def_id: Option<DefId> )

Generic function that factors out common logic from function calls, method calls and overloaded operators.


fn report_arg_errors( &self, compatibility_diagonal: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, Compatibility<'tcx>>, formal_and_expected_inputs: IndexVec<ExpectedIdx, (Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>, provided_args: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, c_variadic: bool, err_code: &str, fn_def_id: Option<DefId>, call_span: Span, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> )


fn suggest_ptr_null_mut( &self, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, provided_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arg: &Expr<'tcx>, err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed> )


pub(crate) fn check_lit( &self, lit: &Lit, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub fn check_struct_path( &self, qpath: &QPath<'_>, hir_id: HirId ) -> Result<(&'tcx VariantDef, Ty<'tcx>), ErrorGuaranteed>


pub fn check_decl_initializer( &self, hir_id: HirId, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, init: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_decl(&self, decl: Declaration<'tcx>)


pub fn check_decl_local(&self, local: &'tcx Local<'tcx>)

Type check a let statement.


pub fn check_stmt(&self, stmt: &'tcx Stmt<'tcx>)


pub fn check_block_no_value(&self, blk: &'tcx Block<'tcx>)


pub(crate) fn check_block_with_expected( &self, blk: &'tcx Block<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn parent_item_span(&self, id: HirId) -> Option<Span>


fn get_parent_fn_decl( &self, blk_id: HirId ) -> Option<(&'tcx FnDecl<'tcx>, Ident)>

Given a function block’s HirId, returns its FnDecl if it exists, or None otherwise.


fn get_expr_coercion_span(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Span

If expr is a match expression that has only one non-! arm, use that arm’s tail expression’s Span, otherwise return expr.span. This is done to give better errors when given code like the following:

if false { return 0i32; } else { 1u32 }
//                               ^^^^ point at this instead of the whole `if` expression

fn overwrite_local_ty_if_err( &self, hir_id: HirId, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx> )


fn finish_resolving_struct_path( &self, qpath: &QPath<'_>, path_span: Span, hir_id: HirId ) -> (Res, RawTy<'tcx>)


pub(super) fn adjust_fulfillment_errors_for_expr_obligation( &self, errors: &mut Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>> )

Given a vector of fulfillment errors, try to adjust the spans of the errors to more accurately point at the cause of the failure.

This applies to calls, methods, and struct expressions. This will also try to deduplicate errors that are due to the same cause but might have been created with different ObligationCauses.


fn label_fn_like( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, callable_def_id: Option<DefId>, callee_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, expected_idx: Option<usize>, is_method: bool )


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn body_fn_sig(&self) -> Option<FnSig<'tcx>>


pub(crate) fn suggest_semicolon_at_end(&self, span: Span, err: &mut Diagnostic)


pub fn suggest_mismatched_types_on_tail( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx>, blk_id: HirId ) -> bool

On implicit return expressions with mismatched types, provides the following suggestions:

  • Points out the method’s return type as the reason for the expected type.
  • Possible missing semicolon.
  • Possible missing return type if the return type is the default, and not fn main().

pub(crate) fn suggest_fn_call( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, found: Ty<'tcx>, can_satisfy: impl FnOnce(Ty<'tcx>) -> bool ) -> bool

When encountering an fn-like type, try accessing the output of the type and suggesting calling it if it satisfies a predicate (i.e. if the output has a method or a field):

fn foo(x: usize) -> usize { x }
let x: usize = foo;  // suggest calling the `foo` function: `foo(42)`

pub(crate) fn extract_callable_info( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<(DefIdOrName, Ty<'tcx>, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>)>

Extracts information about a callable type for diagnostics. This is a heuristic – it doesn’t necessarily mean that a type is always callable, because the callable type must also be well-formed to be called.


pub fn suggest_two_fn_call( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, lhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, lhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, rhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, can_satisfy: impl FnOnce(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>) -> bool ) -> bool


pub fn suggest_remove_last_method_call( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub fn suggest_deref_ref_or_into( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>> ) -> bool


fn deconstruct_option_or_result( &self, found_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>, Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>)>


pub(crate) fn suggest_boxing_when_appropriate( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, span: Span, hir_id: HirId, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

When encountering the expected boxed value allocated in the stack, suggest allocating it in the heap by calling Box::new().


pub(crate) fn suggest_no_capture_closure( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

When encountering a closure that captures variables, where a FnPtr is expected, suggest a non-capturing closure


pub(crate) fn suggest_calling_boxed_future_when_appropriate( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

When encountering an impl Future where BoxFuture is expected, suggest Box::pin.


pub fn suggest_missing_semicolon( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expression: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, needs_block: bool )

A common error is to forget to add a semicolon at the end of a block, e.g.,

fn foo() {

This routine checks if the return expression in a block would make sense on its own as a statement and the return type has been left as default or has been specified as (). If so, it suggests adding a semicolon.

If the expression is the expression of a closure without block (|| expr), a block is needed to be added too (|| { expr; }). This is denoted by needs_block.


pub(crate) fn suggest_missing_return_type( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, fn_decl: &FnDecl<'_>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx>, can_suggest: bool, fn_id: HirId ) -> bool

A possible error is to forget to add a return type that is needed:

fn foo() {

This routine checks if the return type is left as default, the method is not part of an impl block and that it isn’t the main method. If so, it suggests setting the return type.


fn try_suggest_return_impl_trait( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx>, fn_id: HirId )

check whether the return type is a generic type with a trait bound only suggest this if the generic param is not present in the arguments if this is true, hint them towards changing the return type to impl Trait

fn cant_name_it<T: Fn() -> u32>() -> T {
    || 3

pub(crate) fn suggest_missing_break_or_return_expr( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, fn_decl: &FnDecl<'_>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, found: Ty<'tcx>, id: HirId, fn_id: HirId )


pub(crate) fn suggest_missing_parentheses( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_> ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_block_to_brackets_peeling_refs( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

Given an expression type mismatch, peel any & expressions until we get to a block expression, and then suggest replacing the braces with square braces if it was possibly mistaken array syntax.


pub(crate) fn suggest_clone_for_ref( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_copied_cloned_or_as_ref( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_into( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_option_to_bool( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

When expecting a bool and finding an Option, suggests using let Some(..) or .is_some()


pub(crate) fn suggest_block_to_brackets( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, blk: &Block<'_>, blk_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> )

Suggest wrapping the block in square brackets instead of curly braces in case the block was mistaken array syntax, e.g. { 1 } -> [ 1 ].


pub(crate) fn suggest_floating_point_literal( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_null_ptr_for_literal_zero_given_to_ptr_arg( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

Suggest providing std::ptr::null() or std::ptr::null_mut() if they pass in a literal 0 to an raw pointer.


pub(crate) fn suggest_associated_const( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool


fn is_loop(&self, id: HirId) -> bool


fn is_local_statement(&self, id: HirId) -> bool


pub(crate) fn note_type_is_not_clone( &self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, found_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expr: &Expr<'_> )

Suggest that &T was cloned instead of T because T does not implement Clone, which is a side-effect of autoref.


fn note_type_is_not_clone_inner_expr<'b>( &'b self, expr: &'b Expr<'b> ) -> &'b Expr<'b>

Given a type mismatch error caused by &T being cloned instead of T, and the expr as the source of this type mismatch, try to find the method call as the source of this error and return that instead. Otherwise, return the original expression.


pub(crate) fn consider_removing_semicolon( &self, blk: &'tcx Block<'tcx>, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, err: &mut Diagnostic ) -> bool

A common error is to add an extra semicolon:

fn foo() -> usize {

This routine checks if the final statement in a block is an expression with an explicit semicolon whose type is compatible with expected_ty. If so, it suggests removing the semicolon.


pub(crate) fn is_field_suggestable( &self, field: &FieldDef, hir_id: HirId, span: Span ) -> bool


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn new( inh: &'a Inherited<'tcx>, param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>, body_id: LocalDefId ) -> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn cause( &self, span: Span, code: ObligationCauseCode<'tcx> ) -> ObligationCause<'tcx>


pub fn misc(&self, span: Span) -> ObligationCause<'tcx>


pub fn sess(&self) -> &Session


pub fn err_ctxt(&'a self) -> TypeErrCtxt<'a, 'tcx>

Creates an TypeErrCtxt with a reference to the in-progress TypeckResults which is used for diagnostics. Use InferCtxt::err_ctxt to start one without a TypeckResults.


pub fn errors_reported_since_creation(&self) -> bool


pub fn next_root_ty_var(&self, origin: TypeVariableOrigin) -> Ty<'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_transmute(&self, from: Ty<'tcx>, to: Ty<'tcx>, hir_id: HirId)


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn confirm_method( &self, span: Span, self_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, unadjusted_self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, pick: &Pick<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_> ) -> ConfirmResult<'tcx>


pub fn confirm_method_for_diagnostic( &self, span: Span, self_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, unadjusted_self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, pick: &Pick<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_> ) -> ConfirmResult<'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(super) fn lint_dot_call_from_2018( &self, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_>, span: Span, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, self_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, pick: &Pick<'tcx>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] )


pub(super) fn lint_fully_qualified_call_from_2018( &self, span: Span, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, self_ty_span: Span, expr_id: HirId, pick: &Pick<'tcx> )


fn trait_path_or_bare_name( &self, span: Span, expr_hir_id: HirId, trait_def_id: DefId ) -> String


fn trait_path( &self, span: Span, expr_hir_id: HirId, trait_def_id: DefId ) -> Option<String>


fn adjust_expr( &self, pick: &Pick<'tcx>, expr: &Expr<'tcx>, outer: Span ) -> (String, bool)

Creates a string version of the expr that includes explicit adjustments. Returns the string and also a bool indicating whether this is a precise suggestion.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn probe_for_return_type( &self, span: Span, mode: Mode, return_type: Ty<'tcx>, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, scope_expr_id: HirId, candidate_filter: impl Fn(&AssocItem) -> bool ) -> Vec<AssocItem>

This is used to offer suggestions to users. It returns methods that could have been called which have the desired return type. Some effort is made to rule out methods that, if called, would result in an error (basically, the same criteria we would use to decide if a method is a plausible fit for ambiguity purposes).


pub fn probe_for_name( &self, mode: Mode, item_name: Ident, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, is_suggestion: IsSuggestion, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, scope_expr_id: HirId, scope: ProbeScope ) -> Result<Pick<'tcx>, MethodError<'tcx>>


pub(crate) fn probe_for_name_many( &self, mode: Mode, item_name: Ident, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, is_suggestion: IsSuggestion, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, scope_expr_id: HirId, scope: ProbeScope ) -> Vec<Candidate<'tcx>>


fn probe_op<OP, R>( &'a self, span: Span, mode: Mode, method_name: Option<Ident>, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, is_suggestion: IsSuggestion, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, scope_expr_id: HirId, scope: ProbeScope, op: OP ) -> Result<R, MethodError<'tcx>>where OP: FnOnce(ProbeContext<'_, 'tcx>) -> Result<R, MethodError<'tcx>>,


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


fn is_fn_ty(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> bool


fn is_slice_ty(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> bool


pub fn report_method_error( &self, span: Span, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, error: MethodError<'tcx>, args: Option<MethodCallComponents<'tcx>>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, trait_missing_method: bool ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>>


fn suggest_missing_writer( &self, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, args: MethodCallComponents<'tcx> ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>


pub fn report_no_match_method_error( &self, span: Span, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, args: Option<MethodCallComponents<'tcx>>, sugg_span: Span, no_match_data: &mut NoMatchData<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx>, trait_missing_method: bool ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>>


fn note_candidates_on_method_error( &self, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, args: Option<MethodCallComponents<'tcx>>, span: Span, err: &mut Diagnostic, sources: &mut Vec<CandidateSource>, sugg_span: Option<Span> )


fn suggest_associated_call_syntax( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, static_candidates: &Vec<CandidateSource>, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, args: Option<MethodCallComponents<'tcx>>, sugg_span: Span )

Suggest calling Ty::method if .method() isn’t found because the method doesn’t take a self receiver.


fn suggest_calling_field_as_fn( &self, span: Span, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, expr: &Expr<'_>, item_name: Ident, err: &mut Diagnostic ) -> bool

Suggest calling a field with a type that implements the Fn* traits instead of a method with the same name as the field i.e. (a.my_fn_ptr)(10) instead of a.my_fn_ptr(10).


fn suggest_wrapping_range_with_parens( &self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, span: Span, item_name: Ident, ty_str: &str ) -> bool

Suggest possible range with adding parentheses, for example: when encountering|i| i + 1) suggest (0..1).map(|i| i + 1).


fn suggest_constraining_numerical_ty( &self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, source: SelfSource<'_>, span: Span, item_kind: &str, item_name: Ident, ty_str: &str ) -> bool


pub(crate) fn suggest_assoc_method_call(&self, segs: &[PathSegment<'_>])

For code rect::area(...), if rect is a local variable and area is a valid assoc method for it, we try to suggest rect.area()


fn suggest_calling_method_on_field( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, span: Span, actual: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>> )

Suggest calling a method on a field i.e. instead of


fn suggest_unwrapping_inner_self( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident )


pub(crate) fn note_unmet_impls_on_type( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, errors: Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>> )


pub fn suggest_derive( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, unsatisfied_predicates: &[(Predicate<'tcx>, Option<Predicate<'tcx>>, Option<ObligationCause<'tcx>>)] )


fn note_derefed_ty_has_method( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, self_source: SelfSource<'tcx>, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, expected: Expectation<'tcx> )


fn ty_to_value_string(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> String

Print out the type for use in value namespace.


fn suggest_await_before_method( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, item_name: Ident, ty: Ty<'tcx>, call: &Expr<'_>, span: Span, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>> )


fn suggest_use_candidates( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, msg: String, candidates: Vec<DefId> )


fn suggest_valid_traits( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, valid_out_of_scope_traits: Vec<DefId> ) -> bool


fn suggest_traits_to_import( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, span: Span, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, item_name: Ident, inputs_len: Option<usize>, source: SelfSource<'tcx>, valid_out_of_scope_traits: Vec<DefId>, unsatisfied_predicates: &[(Predicate<'tcx>, Option<Predicate<'tcx>>, Option<ObligationCause<'tcx>>)], static_candidates: &[CandidateSource], unsatisfied_bounds: bool, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>>, trait_missing_method: bool )


pub(crate) fn suggest_else_fn_with_closure( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, expr: &Expr<'_>, found: Ty<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx> ) -> bool

issue #102320, for unwrap_or with closure as argument, suggest unwrap_or_else FIXME: currently not working for suggesting map_or_else, see #102408


fn type_derefs_to_local( &self, span: Span, rcvr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, source: SelfSource<'tcx> ) -> bool

Checks whether there is a local type somewhere in the chain of autoderefs of rcvr_ty.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn method_exists( &self, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, call_expr_id: HirId, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>> ) -> bool

Determines whether the type self_ty supports a visible method named method_name or not.


pub(crate) fn suggest_method_call( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, msg: impl Into<SubdiagnosticMessage> + Debug, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, call_expr: &Expr<'tcx>, span: Option<Span> )

Adds a suggestion to call the given method to the provided diagnostic.


pub fn lookup_method( &self, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_>, span: Span, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, self_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, args: &'tcx [Expr<'tcx>] ) -> Result<MethodCallee<'tcx>, MethodError<'tcx>>

Performs method lookup. If lookup is successful, it will return the callee and store an appropriate adjustment for the self-expr. In some cases it may report an error (e.g., invoking the drop method).


Given a method call like<T1,...Tn>(a, b + 1, ...):

  • self: the surrounding FnCtxt (!)
  • self_ty: the (unadjusted) type of the self expression (foo)
  • segment: the name and generic arguments of the method (bar::<T1, ...Tn>)
  • span: the span for the method call
  • call_expr: the complete method call: (<T1,...Tn>(...))
  • self_expr: the self expression (foo)
  • args: the expressions of the arguments (a, b + 1, ...)

pub fn lookup_method_for_diagnostic( &self, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, segment: &PathSegment<'_>, span: Span, call_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, self_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx> ) -> Result<MethodCallee<'tcx>, MethodError<'tcx>>


pub fn lookup_probe( &self, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, call_expr: &Expr<'_>, scope: ProbeScope ) -> Result<Pick<'tcx>, MethodError<'tcx>>


pub fn lookup_probe_for_diagnostic( &self, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, call_expr: &Expr<'_>, scope: ProbeScope, return_type: Option<Ty<'tcx>> ) -> Result<Pick<'tcx>, MethodError<'tcx>>


pub(crate) fn obligation_for_method( &self, cause: ObligationCause<'tcx>, trait_def_id: DefId, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, opt_input_types: Option<&[Ty<'tcx>]> ) -> (PredicateObligation<'tcx>, &'tcx List<GenericArg<'tcx>>)


pub(crate) fn lookup_method_in_trait( &self, cause: ObligationCause<'tcx>, m_name: Ident, trait_def_id: DefId, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, opt_input_types: Option<&[Ty<'tcx>]> ) -> Option<InferOk<'tcx, MethodCallee<'tcx>>>

lookup_method_in_trait is used for overloaded operators. It does a very narrow slice of what the normal probe/confirm path does. In particular, it doesn’t really do any probing: it simply constructs an obligation for a particular trait with the given self type and checks whether that trait is implemented.


fn construct_obligation_for_trait( &self, m_name: Ident, trait_def_id: DefId, obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>, args: &'tcx List<GenericArg<'tcx>> ) -> Option<InferOk<'tcx, MethodCallee<'tcx>>>


pub fn resolve_fully_qualified_call( &self, span: Span, method_name: Ident, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, self_ty_span: Span, expr_id: HirId ) -> Result<(DefKind, DefId), MethodError<'tcx>>

Performs a full-qualified function call (formerly “universal function call”) lookup. If lookup is successful, it will return the type of definition and the DefId of the found function definition.


Given a function call like Foo::bar::<T1,...Tn>(...):

  • self: the surrounding FnCtxt (!)
  • span: the span of the call, excluding arguments (Foo::bar::<T1, ...Tn>)
  • method_name: the identifier of the function within the container type (bar)
  • self_ty: the type to search within (Foo)
  • self_ty_span the span for the type being searched within (span of Foo)
  • expr_id: the hir::HirId of the expression composing the entire call

pub fn associated_value( &self, def_id: DefId, item_name: Ident ) -> Option<AssocItem>

Finds item with name item_name defined in impl/trait def_id and return it, or None, if no such item was defined there.


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn check_binop_assign( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, op: BinOp, lhs: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Checks a a <op>= b


pub fn check_binop( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, op: BinOp, lhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Checks a potentially overloaded binary operator.


fn enforce_builtin_binop_types( &self, lhs_span: Span, lhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, rhs_span: Span, rhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, op: BinOp ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_overloaded_binop( &self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, lhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, op: BinOp, is_assign: IsAssign, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)


fn check_str_addition( &self, lhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, rhs_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, lhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, rhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, err: &mut Diagnostic, is_assign: IsAssign, op: BinOp ) -> bool

Provide actionable suggestions when trying to add two strings with incorrect types, like &str + &str, String + String and &str + &String.

If this function returns true it means a note was printed, so we don’t need to print the normal “implementation of std::ops::Add might be missing” note


pub fn check_user_unop( &self, ex: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, operand_ty: Ty<'tcx>, op: UnOp, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn lookup_op_method( &self, lhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>, opt_rhs: Option<(&'tcx Expr<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>, op: Op, expected: Expectation<'tcx> ) -> Result<MethodCallee<'tcx>, Vec<FulfillmentError<'tcx>>>


impl<'tcx> FnCtxt<'_, 'tcx>


fn pattern_cause( &self, ti: TopInfo<'tcx>, cause_span: Span ) -> ObligationCause<'tcx>


fn demand_eqtype_pat_diag( &self, cause_span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


fn demand_eqtype_pat( &self, cause_span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> )


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn check_pat_top( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, span: Option<Span>, origin_expr: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, decl_origin: Option<DeclOrigin<'tcx>> )

Type check the given top level pattern against the expected type.

If a Some(span) is provided and origin_expr holds, then the span represents the scrutinee’s span. The scrutinee is found in e.g. match scrutinee { ... } and let pat = scrutinee;.

Otherwise, Some(span) represents the span of a type expression which originated the expected type.


fn check_pat( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> )

Type check the given pat against the expected type with the provided def_bm (default binding mode).

Outside of this module, check_pat_top should always be used. Conversely, inside this module, check_pat_top should never be used.


fn calc_default_binding_mode( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, def_bm: BindingMode, adjust_mode: AdjustMode ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, BindingMode)

Compute the new expected type and default binding mode from the old ones as well as the pattern form we are currently checking.


fn calc_adjust_mode( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, opt_path_res: Option<Res> ) -> AdjustMode

How should the binding mode and expected type be adjusted?

When the pattern is a path pattern, opt_path_res must be Some(res).


fn peel_off_references( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, def_bm: BindingMode ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, BindingMode)

Peel off as many immediately nested & mut? from the expected type as possible and return the new expected type and binding default binding mode. The adjustments vector, if non-empty is stored in a table.


fn check_pat_lit( &self, span: Span, lt: &Expr<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_pat_range( &self, span: Span, lhs: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, rhs: Option<&'tcx Expr<'tcx>>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn endpoint_has_type(&self, err: &mut Diagnostic, span: Span, ty: Ty<'_>)


fn emit_err_pat_range( &self, span: Span, lhs: Option<(bool, Ty<'tcx>, Span)>, rhs: Option<(bool, Ty<'tcx>, Span)> ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn check_pat_ident( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, ba: BindingAnnotation, var_id: HirId, sub: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_binding_alt_eq_ty( &self, ba: BindingAnnotation, span: Span, var_id: HirId, ty: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> )

When a variable is bound several times in a PatKind::Or, it’ll resolve all of the subsequent bindings of the same name to the first usage. Verify that all of these bindings have the same type by comparing them all against the type of that first pat.


fn suggest_adding_missing_ref_or_removing_ref( &self, err: &mut Diagnostic, span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, actual: Ty<'tcx>, ba: BindingAnnotation )


fn borrow_pat_suggestion(&self, err: &mut Diagnostic, pat: &Pat<'_>)


pub fn check_dereferenceable( &self, span: Span, expected: Ty<'tcx>, inner: &Pat<'_> ) -> Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed>


fn check_pat_struct( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, qpath: &QPath<'_>, fields: &'tcx [PatField<'tcx>], has_rest_pat: bool, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_pat_path( &self, pat: &Pat<'tcx>, qpath: &QPath<'_>, path_resolution: (Res, Option<RawTy<'tcx>>, &'tcx [PathSegment<'tcx>]), expected: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn maybe_suggest_range_literal( &self, e: &mut Diagnostic, opt_def_id: Option<DefId>, ident: Ident ) -> bool


fn emit_bad_pat_path( &self, e: DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>, pat: &Pat<'tcx>, res: Res, pat_res: Res, pat_ty: Ty<'tcx>, segments: &'tcx [PathSegment<'tcx>] )


fn check_pat_tuple_struct( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, qpath: &'tcx QPath<'tcx>, subpats: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], ddpos: DotDotPos, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn e0023( &self, pat_span: Span, res: Res, qpath: &QPath<'_>, subpats: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], fields: &'tcx [FieldDef], expected: Ty<'tcx>, had_err: bool ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn check_pat_tuple( &self, span: Span, elements: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], ddpos: DotDotPos, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_struct_pat_fields( &self, adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, variant: &'tcx VariantDef, fields: &'tcx [PatField<'tcx>], has_rest_pat: bool, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> bool


fn error_tuple_variant_index_shorthand( &self, variant: &VariantDef, pat: &Pat<'_>, fields: &[PatField<'_>] ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'_, ErrorGuaranteed>>


fn error_foreign_non_exhaustive_spat( &self, pat: &Pat<'_>, descr: &str, no_fields: bool )


fn error_field_already_bound( &self, span: Span, ident: Ident, other_field: Span ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn error_inexistent_fields( &self, kind_name: &str, inexistent_fields: &[&PatField<'tcx>], unmentioned_fields: &mut Vec<(&'tcx FieldDef, Ident)>, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, variant: &VariantDef, args: &'tcx List<GenericArg<'tcx>> ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>


fn error_tuple_variant_as_struct_pat( &self, pat: &Pat<'_>, fields: &'tcx [PatField<'tcx>], variant: &VariantDef ) -> Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>>


fn get_suggested_tuple_struct_pattern( &self, fields: &[PatField<'_>], variant: &VariantDef ) -> String


fn error_no_accessible_fields( &self, pat: &Pat<'_>, fields: &'tcx [PatField<'tcx>] ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>

Returns a diagnostic reporting a struct pattern which is missing an .. due to inaccessible fields.

error: pattern requires `..` due to inaccessible fields
  --> src/
LL |     let foo::Foo {} = foo::Foo::default();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^
help: add a `..`
LL |     let foo::Foo { .. } = foo::Foo::default();
   |                  ^^^^^^

fn lint_non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns( &self, pat: &Pat<'_>, unmentioned_fields: &[(&FieldDef, Ident)], ty: Ty<'tcx> )

Report that a pattern for a #[non_exhaustive] struct marked with non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns is not exhaustive enough.

Nb: the partner lint for enums lives in compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/thir/pattern/


fn error_unmentioned_fields( &self, pat: &Pat<'_>, unmentioned_fields: &[(&FieldDef, Ident)], have_inaccessible_fields: bool, fields: &'tcx [PatField<'tcx>] ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'tcx, ErrorGuaranteed>

Returns a diagnostic reporting a struct pattern which does not mention some fields.

error[E0027]: pattern does not mention field `bar`
  --> src/
LL |     let foo::Foo {} = foo::Foo::new();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ missing field `bar`

fn check_pat_box( &self, span: Span, inner: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn check_pat_ref( &self, pat: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, inner: &'tcx Pat<'tcx>, mutbl: Mutability, expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>


fn new_ref_ty(&self, span: Span, mutbl: Mutability, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>

Create a reference type with a fresh region variable.


fn try_resolve_slice_ty_to_array_ty( &self, before: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], slice: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>, span: Span ) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>


fn pat_is_irrefutable(&self, decl_origin: Option<DeclOrigin<'_>>) -> bool

Used to determines whether we can infer the expected type in the slice pattern to be of type array. This is only possible if we’re in an irrefutable pattern. If we were to allow this in refutable patterns we wouldn’t e.g. report ambiguity in the following situation:

struct Zeroes;
   const ARR: [usize; 2] = [0; 2];
   const ARR2: [usize; 2] = [2; 2];

   impl Into<&'static [usize; 2]> for Zeroes {
       fn into(self) -> &'static [usize; 2] {

   impl Into<&'static [usize]> for Zeroes {
       fn into(self) -> &'static [usize] {

   fn main() {
       let &[a, b]: &[usize] = Zeroes.into() else {

If we’re in an irrefutable pattern we prefer the array impl candidate given that the slice impl candidate would be be rejected anyway (if no ambiguity existed).


fn check_pat_slice( &self, span: Span, before: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], slice: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>, after: &'tcx [Pat<'tcx>], expected: Ty<'tcx>, pat_info: PatInfo<'tcx, '_> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Type check a slice pattern.

Syntactically, these look like [pat_0, ..., pat_n]. Semantically, we are type checking a pattern with structure:

[before_0, ..., before_n, (slice, after_0, ... after_n)?]

The type of slice, if it is present, depends on the expected type. If slice is missing, then so is after_i. If slice is present, it can still represent 0 elements.


fn check_array_pat_len( &self, span: Span, element_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arr_ty: Ty<'tcx>, slice: Option<&'tcx Pat<'tcx>>, len: Const<'tcx>, min_len: u64 ) -> (Option<Ty<'tcx>>, Ty<'tcx>)

Type check the length of an array pattern.

Returns both the type of the variable length pattern (or None), and the potentially inferred array type. We only return None for the slice type if slice.is_none().


fn error_scrutinee_inconsistent_length( &self, span: Span, min_len: u64, size: u64 ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn error_scrutinee_with_rest_inconsistent_length( &self, span: Span, min_len: u64, size: u64 ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn error_scrutinee_unfixed_length(&self, span: Span) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn error_expected_array_or_slice( &self, span: Span, expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>, ti: TopInfo<'tcx> ) -> ErrorGuaranteed


fn is_slice_or_array_or_vector(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> (bool, Ty<'tcx>)


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub(crate) fn lookup_derefing( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, oprnd_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, oprnd_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>

Type-check *oprnd_expr with oprnd_expr type-checked already.


pub(crate) fn lookup_indexing( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, base_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, base_ty: Ty<'tcx>, index_expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, idx_ty: Ty<'tcx> ) -> Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>

Type-check *base_expr[index_expr] with base_expr and index_expr type-checked already.


fn negative_index( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, base_expr: &Expr<'_> ) -> Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>


fn try_index_step( &self, expr: &Expr<'_>, base_expr: &Expr<'_>, autoderef: &Autoderef<'a, 'tcx>, index_ty: Ty<'tcx>, index_expr: &Expr<'_> ) -> Option<(Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>

To type-check base_expr[index_expr], we progressively autoderef (and otherwise adjust) base_expr, looking for a type which either supports builtin indexing or overloaded indexing. This loop implements one step in that search; the autoderef loop is implemented by lookup_indexing.


pub(crate) fn try_overloaded_place_op( &self, span: Span, base_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arg_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>], op: PlaceOp ) -> Option<InferOk<'tcx, MethodCallee<'tcx>>>

Try to resolve an overloaded place op. We only deal with the immutable variant here (Deref/Index). In some contexts we would need the mutable variant (DerefMut/IndexMut); those would be later converted by convert_place_derefs_to_mutable.


fn try_mutable_overloaded_place_op( &self, span: Span, base_ty: Ty<'tcx>, arg_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>], op: PlaceOp ) -> Option<InferOk<'tcx, MethodCallee<'tcx>>>


pub fn convert_place_derefs_to_mutable(&self, expr: &Expr<'_>)

Convert auto-derefs, indices, etc of an expression from Deref and Index into DerefMut and IndexMut respectively.

This is a second pass of typechecking derefs/indices. We need this because we do not always know whether a place needs to be mutable or not in the first pass. This happens whether there is an implicit mutable reborrow, e.g. when the type is used as the receiver of a method call.


fn convert_place_op_to_mutable( &self, op: PlaceOp, expr: &Expr<'_>, base_expr: &Expr<'_> )


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn closure_analyze(&self, body: &'tcx Body<'tcx>)


impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


fn analyze_closure( &self, closure_hir_id: HirId, span: Span, body_id: BodyId, body: &'tcx Body<'tcx>, capture_clause: CaptureBy )

Analysis starting point.


fn final_upvar_tys(&self, closure_id: LocalDefId) -> Vec<Ty<'tcx>>


fn process_collected_capture_information( &self, capture_clause: CaptureBy, capture_information: Vec<(Place<'tcx>, CaptureInfo)> ) -> (Vec<(Place<'tcx>, CaptureInfo)>, ClosureKind, Option<(Span, Place<'tcx>)>)

Adjusts the closure capture information to ensure that the operations aren’t unsafe, and that the path can be captured with required capture kind (depending on use in closure, move closure etc.)

Returns the set of adjusted information along with the inferred closure kind and span associated with the closure kind inference.

Note that we always infer a minimal kind, even if we don’t always use that in the final result (i.e., sometimes we’ve taken the closure kind from the expectations instead, and for generators we don’t even implement the closure traits really).

If we inferred that the closure needs to be FnMut/FnOnce, last element of the returned tuple contains a Some() with the Place that caused us to do so.


fn compute_min_captures( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, capture_information: Vec<(Place<'tcx>, CaptureInfo)>, closure_span: Span )

Analyzes the information collected by InferBorrowKind to compute the min number of Places (and corresponding capture kind) that we need to keep track of to support all the required captured paths.

Note: If this function is called multiple times for the same closure, it will update the existing min_capture map that is stored in TypeckResults.


struct Point { x: i32, y: i32 }

let s = String::from("s");  // hir_id_s
let mut p = Point { x: 2, y: -2 }; // his_id_p
let c = || {
       println!("{s:?}");  // L1
       p.x += 10;  // L2
       println!("{}" , p.y); // L3
       println!("{p:?}"); // L4
       drop(s);   // L5

and let hir_id_L1..5 be the expressions pointing to use of a captured variable on the lines L1..5 respectively.

InferBorrowKind results in a structure like this:

      Place(base: hir_id_s, projections: [], ....) -> {
                                                           capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L5,
                                                           path_expr_id: hir_id_L5,
                                                           capture_kind: ByValue
      Place(base: hir_id_p, projections: [Field(0, 0)], ...) -> {
                                                                    capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L2,
                                                                    path_expr_id: hir_id_L2,
                                                                    capture_kind: ByValue
      Place(base: hir_id_p, projections: [Field(1, 0)], ...) -> {
                                                                    capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L3,
                                                                    path_expr_id: hir_id_L3,
                                                                    capture_kind: ByValue
      Place(base: hir_id_p, projections: [], ...) -> {
                                                         capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L4,
                                                         path_expr_id: hir_id_L4,
                                                         capture_kind: ByValue

After the min capture analysis, we get:

      hir_id_s -> [
           Place(base: hir_id_s, projections: [], ....) -> {
                                                               capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L5,
                                                               path_expr_id: hir_id_L5,
                                                               capture_kind: ByValue
      hir_id_p -> [
           Place(base: hir_id_p, projections: [], ...) -> {
                                                              capture_kind_expr: hir_id_L2,
                                                              path_expr_id: hir_id_L4,
                                                              capture_kind: ByValue

fn perform_2229_migration_analysis( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, body_id: BodyId, capture_clause: CaptureBy, span: Span )

Perform the migration analysis for RFC 2229, and emit lint disjoint_capture_drop_reorder if needed.


fn compute_2229_migrations_reasons( &self, auto_trait_reasons: UnordSet<&'static str>, drop_order: bool ) -> MigrationWarningReason

Combines all the reasons for 2229 migrations


fn compute_2229_migrations_for_trait( &self, min_captures: Option<&RootVariableMinCaptureList<'tcx>>, var_hir_id: HirId, closure_clause: CaptureBy ) -> Option<FxIndexMap<UpvarMigrationInfo, UnordSet<&'static str>>>

Figures out the list of root variables (and their types) that aren’t completely captured by the closure when capture_disjoint_fields is enabled and auto-traits differ between the root variable and the captured paths.

Returns a tuple containing a HashMap of CapturesInfo that maps to a HashSet of trait names if migration is needed for traits for the provided var_hir_id, otherwise returns None


fn compute_2229_migrations_for_drop( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, closure_span: Span, min_captures: Option<&RootVariableMinCaptureList<'tcx>>, closure_clause: CaptureBy, var_hir_id: HirId ) -> Option<FxIndexSet<UpvarMigrationInfo>>

Figures out the list of root variables (and their types) that aren’t completely captured by the closure when capture_disjoint_fields is enabled and drop order of some path starting at that root variable might be affected.

The output list would include a root variable if:

  • It would have been moved into the closure when capture_disjoint_fields wasn’t enabled, and
  • It wasn’t completely captured by the closure, and
  • One of the paths starting at this root variable, that is not captured needs Drop.

This function only returns a HashSet of CapturesInfo for significant drops. If there are no significant drops than None is returned


fn compute_2229_migrations( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, closure_span: Span, closure_clause: CaptureBy, min_captures: Option<&RootVariableMinCaptureList<'tcx>> ) -> (Vec<NeededMigration>, MigrationWarningReason)

Figures out the list of root variables (and their types) that aren’t completely captured by the closure when capture_disjoint_fields is enabled and either drop order of some path starting at that root variable might be affected or auto-traits differ between the root variable and the captured paths.

The output list would include a root variable if:

  • It would have been moved into the closure when capture_disjoint_fields wasn’t enabled, and
  • It wasn’t completely captured by the closure, and
  • One of the paths starting at this root variable, that is not captured needs Drop or
  • One of the paths captured does not implement all the auto-traits its root variable implements.

Returns a tuple containing a vector of MigrationDiagnosticInfo, as well as a String containing the reason why root variables whose HirId is contained in the vector should be captured


fn has_significant_drop_outside_of_captures( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, closure_span: Span, base_path_ty: Ty<'tcx>, captured_by_move_projs: Vec<&[Projection<'tcx>]> ) -> bool

This is a helper function to compute_2229_migrations_precise_pass. Provided the type of a root variable and a list of captured paths starting at this root variable (expressed using list of Projection slices), it returns true if there is a path that is not captured starting at this root variable that implements Drop.

The way this function works is at a given call it looks at type base_path_ty of some base path say P and then list of projection slices which represent the different captures moved into the closure starting off of P.

This will make more sense with an example:

struct FancyInteger(i32); // This implements Drop

struct Point { x: FancyInteger, y: FancyInteger }
struct Color;

struct Wrapper { p: Point, c: Color }

fn f(w: Wrapper) {
  let c = || {
      // Closure captures w.p.x and w.c by move.


If capture_disjoint_fields wasn’t enabled the closure would’ve moved w instead of the precise paths. If we look closely w.p.y isn’t captured which implements Drop and therefore Drop ordering would change and we want this function to return true.

Call stack to figure out if we need to migrate for w would look as follows:

Our initial base path is just w, and the paths captured from it are w[p, x] and w[c]. Notation:

  • Ty(place): Type of place
  • (a, b): Represents the function parameters base_path_ty and captured_by_move_projs respectively.
                 (Ty(w), [ &[p, x], &[c] ])
//                              |
//                 ----------------------------
//                 |                          |
//                 v                          v
       (Ty(w.p), [ &[x] ])          (Ty(w.c), [ &[] ]) // I(1)
//                 |                          |
//                 v                          v
       (Ty(w.p), [ &[x] ])                 false
//                 |
//                 |
//       -------------------------------
//       |                             |
//       v                             v
    (Ty((w.p).x), [ &[] ])     (Ty((w.p).y), []) // IMP 2
//       |                             |
//       v                             v
       false              NeedsSignificantDrop(Ty(w.p.y))
//                                     |
//                                     v

IMP 1 (Ty(w.c), [ &[] ]): Notice the single empty slice inside captured_projs. This implies that the w.c is completely captured by the closure. Since drop for this path will be called when the closure is dropped we don’t need to migrate for it.

IMP 2 (Ty((w.p).y), []): Notice that captured_projs is empty. This implies that this path wasn’t captured by the closure. Also note that even though we didn’t capture this path, the function visits it, which is kind of the point of this function. We then return if the type of w.p.y implements Drop, which in this case is true.

Consider another example:

struct X;
impl Drop for X {}

struct Y(X);
impl Drop for Y {}

fn foo() {
    let y = Y(X);
    let c = || move(y.0);

Note that y.0 is captured by the closure. When this function is called for y, it will return true, because even though all paths starting at y are captured, y itself implements Drop which will be affected since y isn’t completely captured.


fn init_capture_kind_for_place( &self, place: &Place<'tcx>, capture_clause: CaptureBy ) -> UpvarCapture


fn place_for_root_variable( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, var_hir_id: HirId ) -> Place<'tcx>


fn should_log_capture_analysis(&self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId) -> bool


fn log_capture_analysis_first_pass( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, capture_information: &Vec<(Place<'tcx>, CaptureInfo)>, closure_span: Span )


fn log_closure_min_capture_info( &self, closure_def_id: LocalDefId, closure_span: Span )


fn determine_capture_mutability( &self, typeck_results: &'a TypeckResults<'tcx>, place: &Place<'tcx> ) -> Mutability

A captured place is mutable if

  1. Projections don’t include a Deref of an immut-borrow, and
  2. PlaceBase is mut or projections include a Deref of a mut-borrow.

impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


pub fn resolve_type_vars_in_body( &self, body: &'tcx Body<'tcx> ) -> &'tcx TypeckResults<'tcx>

Methods from Deref<Target = Inherited<'tcx>>§


pub(crate) fn register_predicate(&self, obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>)


pub(crate) fn register_predicates<I>(&self, obligations: I)where I: IntoIterator<Item = PredicateObligation<'tcx>>,


pub(crate) fn register_infer_ok_obligations<T>( &self, infer_ok: InferOk<'tcx, T> ) -> T


pub fn update_infer_var_info(&self, obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>)

Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, 'tcx> AstConv<'tcx> for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx>


fn item_def_id(&self) -> DefId


fn get_type_parameter_bounds( &self, _: Span, def_id: LocalDefId, _: Ident ) -> GenericPredicates<'tcx>

Returns predicates in scope of the form X: Foo<T>, where X is a type parameter X with the given id def_id and T matches assoc_name. This is a subset of the full set of predicates. Read more

fn re_infer( &self, def: Option<&GenericParamDef>, span: Span ) -> Option<Region<'tcx>>

Returns the lifetime to use when a lifetime is omitted (and not elided).

fn allow_ty_infer(&self) -> bool

Returns true if _ is allowed in type signatures in the current context.

fn ty_infer(&self, param: Option<&GenericParamDef>, span: Span) -> Ty<'tcx>

Returns the type to use when a type is omitted.

fn ct_infer( &self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, param: Option<&GenericParamDef>, span: Span ) -> Const<'tcx>

Returns the const to use when a const is omitted.

fn projected_ty_from_poly_trait_ref( &self, span: Span, item_def_id: DefId, item_segment: &PathSegment<'_>, poly_trait_ref: PolyTraitRef<'tcx> ) -> Ty<'tcx>

Projecting an associated type from a (potentially) higher-ranked trait reference is more complicated, because of the possibility of late-bound regions appearing in the associated type binding. This is not legal in function signatures for that reason. In a function body, we can always handle it because we can use inference variables to remove the late-bound regions.

fn probe_adt(&self, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<AdtDef<'tcx>>

Returns AdtDef if ty is an ADT. Note that ty might be a projection type that needs normalization. This used to get the enum variants in scope of the type. For example, Self::A could refer to an associated type or to an enum variant depending on the result of this function.

fn set_tainted_by_errors(&self, e: ErrorGuaranteed)

Invoked when we encounter an error from some prior pass (e.g., resolve) that is translated into a ty-error. This is used to help suppress derived errors typeck might otherwise report.

fn record_ty(&self, hir_id: HirId, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span)


fn infcx(&self) -> Option<&InferCtxt<'tcx>>


fn astconv(&self) -> &dyn AstConv<'tcx>where Self: Sized,


impl<'a, 'tcx> Deref for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


type Target = Inherited<'tcx>

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target

Dereferences the value.

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, 'tcx> !RefUnwindSafe for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> !Send for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> !Sync for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> Unpin for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>


impl<'a, 'tcx> !UnwindSafe for FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for Twhere T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for Twhere U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for Twhere U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for Twhere U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.


Note: Most layout information is completely unstable and may even differ between compilations. The only exception is types with certain repr(...) attributes. Please see the Rust Reference's “Type Layout” chapter for details on type layout guarantees.

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