Module cargo::util::config

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Cargo’s config system.

The Config object contains general information about the environment, and provides access to Cargo’s configuration files.

Config value API

The primary API for fetching user-defined config values is the Config::get method. It uses serde to translate config values to a target type.

There are a variety of helper types for deserializing some common formats:

  • value::Value: This type provides access to the location where the config value was defined.
  • ConfigRelativePath: For a path that is relative to where it is defined.
  • PathAndArgs: Similar to ConfigRelativePath, but also supports a list of arguments, useful for programs to execute.
  • StringList: Get a value that is either a list or a whitespace split string.

Map key recommendations

Handling tables that have arbitrary keys can be tricky, particularly if it should support environment variables. In general, if possible, the caller should pass the full key path into the get() method so that the config deserializer can properly handle environment variables (which need to be uppercased, and dashes converted to underscores).

A good example is the [target] table. The code will request target.$TRIPLE and the config system can then appropriately fetch environment variables like CARGO_TARGET_X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER. Conversely, it is not possible do the same thing for the cfg() target tables (because Cargo must fetch all of them), so those do not support environment variables.

Try to avoid keys that are a prefix of another with a dash/underscore. For example and This is OK if these are not structs/maps, but if it is a struct or map, then it will not be able to read the environment variable due to ambiguity. (See ConfigMapAccess for more details.)

Internal API

Internally config values are stored with the ConfigValue type after they have been loaded from disk. This is similar to the toml::Value type, but includes the definition location. The get() method uses serde to translate from ConfigValue and environment variables to the caller’s desired type.


  • de 🔒
    Support for deserializing configuration via serde
  • Encapsulates snapshotting of environment variables.
  • key 🔒
  • path 🔒
  • target 🔒
  • value 🔒
    Deserialization of a Value<T> type which tracks where it was deserialized from.





Type Aliases