Module cargo::core::compiler::job_queue

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Management of the interaction between the main cargo and all spawned jobs.


This module implements a job queue. A job here represents a unit of work, which is roughly a rusc invocation, a build script run, or just a no-op. The job queue primarily handles the following things:

  • Spawns concurrent jobs. Depending on its Freshness, a job could be either executed on a spawned thread or ran on the same thread to avoid the threading overhead.
  • Controls the number of concurrency. It allocates and manages jobserver tokens to each spawned off rustc and build scripts.
  • Manages the communication between the main cargo process and its spawned jobs. Those Messages are sent over a Queue shared across threads.
  • Schedules the execution order of each Job. Priorities are determined when calling JobQueue::enqueue to enqueue a job. The scheduling is relatively rudimentary and could likely be improved.

A rough outline of building a queue and executing jobs is:

  1. JobQueue::new to simply create one queue.
  2. JobQueue::enqueue to add new jobs onto the queue.
  3. Consumes the queue and executes all jobs via JobQueue::execute.

The primary loop happens insides JobQueue::execute, which is effectively DrainState::drain_the_queue. DrainState is, as its name tells, the running state of the job queue getting drained.


As of Feb. 2023, Cargo and rustc have a relatively simple jobserver relationship with each other. They share a single jobserver amongst what is potentially hundreds of threads of work on many-cored systems. The jobserver could come from either the environment (e.g., from a make invocation), or from Cargo creating its own jobserver server if there is no jobserver to inherit from.

Cargo wants to complete the build as quickly as possible, fully saturating all cores (as constrained by the -j=N) parameter. Cargo also must not spawn more than N threads of work: the total amount of tokens we have floating around must always be limited to N.

It is not really possible to optimally choose which crate should build first or last; nor is it possible to decide whether to give an additional token to rustc first or rather spawn a new crate of work. The algorithm in Cargo prioritizes spawning as many crates (i.e., rustc processes) as possible. In short, the jobserver relationship among Cargo and rustc processes is 1 cargo to N rustc. Cargo knows nothing beyond rustc processes in terms of parallelism1.

We integrate with the jobserver crate, originating from GNU make POSIX jobserver, to make sure that build scripts which use make to build C code can cooperate with us on the number of used tokens and avoid overfilling the system we’re on.


The current scheduling algorithm is not really polished. It is simply based on a dependency graph DependencyQueue. We continue adding nodes onto the graph until we finalize it. When the graph gets finalized, it finds the sum of the cost of each dependencies of each node, including transitively. The sum of dependency cost turns out to be the cost of each given node.

At the time being, the cost is just passed as a fixed placeholder in JobQueue::enqueue. In the future, we could explore more possibilities around it. For instance, we start persisting timing information for each build somewhere. For a subsequent build, we can look into the historical data and perform a PGO-like optimization to prioritize jobs, making a build fully pipelined.

Message queue

Each spawned thread running a process uses the message queue Queue to send messages back to the main thread (the one running cargo). The main thread coordinates everything, and handles printing output.

It is important to be careful which messages use push vs push_bounded. push is for priority messages (like tokens, or “finished”) where the sender shouldn’t block. We want to handle those so real work can proceed ASAP.

push_bounded is only for messages being printed to stdout/stderr. Being bounded prevents a flood of messages causing a large amount of memory being used.

push also avoids blocking which helps avoid deadlocks. For example, when the diagnostic server thread is dropped, it waits for the thread to exit. But if the thread is blocked on a full queue, and there is a critical error, the drop will deadlock. This should be fixed at some point in the future. The jobserver thread has a similar problem, though it will time out after 1 second.

To access the message queue, each running Job is given its own JobState, containing everything it needs to communicate with the main thread.

See Message for all available message kinds.

  1. In fact, jobserver that Cargo uses also manages the allocation of tokens to rustc beyond the implicit token each rustc owns (i.e., the ones used for parallel LLVM work and parallel rustc threads). See also “Rust Compiler Development Guide: Parallel Compilation” and this comment in rust-lang/rust. 


  • pub use self::job::Freshness;
  • pub use self::job::Freshness::Dirty;
  • pub use self::job::Freshness::Fresh;
  • pub use self::job::Job;
  • pub use self::job::Work;
  • pub use self::job_state::JobState;



  • DiagDedupe 🔒
    Handler for deduplicating diagnostics.
  • DrainState 🔒
    This structure is backed by the DependencyQueue type and manages the actual compilation step of each package. Packages enqueue units of work and then later on the entire graph is processed and compiled.
  • This structure is backed by the DependencyQueue type and manages the queueing of compilation steps for each package. Packages enqueue units of work and then later on the entire graph is converted to DrainState and executed.
  • Count of warnings, used to print a summary after the job succeeds


  • Artifact 🔒
    Possible artifacts that can be produced by compilations, used as edge values in the dependency graph.
  • Used to keep track of how many fixable warnings there are and if fixable warnings are allowed
  • Message 🔒