pub trait PointerArithmetic: HasDataLayout {
    fn pointer_size(&self) -> Size { ... }
    fn max_size_of_val(&self) -> Size { ... }
    fn machine_usize_max(&self) -> u64 { ... }
    fn machine_isize_min(&self) -> i64 { ... }
    fn machine_isize_max(&self) -> i64 { ... }
    fn machine_usize_to_isize(&self, val: u64) -> i64 { ... }
    fn truncate_to_ptr(&self, (val, over): (u64, bool)) -> (u64, bool) { ... }
    fn overflowing_offset(&self, val: u64, i: u64) -> (u64, bool) { ... }
    fn overflowing_signed_offset(&self, val: u64, i: i64) -> (u64, bool) { ... }
    fn offset<'tcx>(&self, val: u64, i: u64) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> { ... }
    fn signed_offset<'tcx>(&self, val: u64, i: i64) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> { ... }

Provided Methods

Helper function: truncate given value-“overflowed flag” pair to pointer size and update “overflowed flag” if there was an overflow. This should be called by all the other methods before returning!
