
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::drop_flag_effects_for_function_entry;
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::drop_flag_effects_for_location;
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::move_path_children_matching;
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::on_all_children_bits;
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::on_all_drop_children_bits;
pub use self::drop_flag_effects::on_lookup_result_bits;


errors 🔒
Custom formatting traits used when outputting Graphviz diagrams with the results of a dataflow analysis.
framework 🔒
A framework that can express both gen-kill and generic dataflow problems.
A helpful diagram for debugging dataflow problems.
Dataflow analyses are built upon some interpretation of the bitvectors attached to each basic block, represented via a zero-sized structure.
indexes 🔒
Traits used to represent lattices for use as the domain of a dataflow analysis.


Dataflow that runs from the exit of a block (the terminator), to its entry (the first statement).
A solver for dataflow problems.
Dataflow that runs from the entry of a block (the first statement), to its exit (terminator).
A dataflow analysis that has converged to fixpoint.
Allows random access inspection of the results of a dataflow analysis.


List of places that are written to after a successful (non-unwind) return from a Call or InlineAsm.


A dataflow problem with an arbitrarily complex transfer function.
Defines the domain of a dataflow problem.
The legal operations for a transfer function in a gen/kill problem.
A gen/kill dataflow problem.
A partially ordered set that has a least upper bound for any pair of elements in the set.
Things that can be visited by a ResultsVisitor.
A type that records the edge-specific effects for a SwitchInt terminator.


Calls the corresponding method in ResultsVisitor for every location in a mir::Body with the dataflow state at that location.

Type Definitions

A ResultsCursor that borrows the underlying Results.