pub trait FiniteBitSetTy: BitAnd<Output = Self> + BitAndAssign + BitOrAssign + Clone + Copy + Shl + Not<Output = Self> + PartialEq + Sized {
    const DOMAIN_SIZE: u32;
    const FILLED: Self;
    const EMPTY: Self;
    const ONE: Self;
    const ZERO: Self;

    fn checked_shl(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self>;
    fn checked_shr(self, rhs: u32) -> Option<Self>;
Expand description

Integral type used to represent the bit set.

Required Associated Constants

Size of the domain representable by this type, e.g. 64 for u64.

Value which represents the FiniteBitSet having every bit set.

Value which represents the FiniteBitSet having no bits set.

Value for one as the integral type.

Value for zero as the integral type.

Required Methods

Perform a checked left shift on the integral type.

Perform a checked right shift on the integral type.

Implementations on Foreign Types
