Struct rustc_hir_pretty::State
source · pub struct State<'a> {
pub s: Printer,
pub(crate) comments: Option<Comments<'a>>,
pub(crate) attrs: &'a dyn Fn(HirId) -> &'a [Attribute],
pub(crate) ann: &'a (dyn PpAnn + 'a),
s: Printer
comments: Option<Comments<'a>>
attrs: &'a dyn Fn(HirId) -> &'a [Attribute]
ann: &'a (dyn PpAnn + 'a)
sourceimpl<'a> State<'a>
impl<'a> State<'a>
pub fn print_node(&mut self, node: Node<'_>)
sourceimpl<'a> State<'a>
impl<'a> State<'a>
pub fn bclose_maybe_open(&mut self, span: Span, close_box: bool)
pub fn bclose(&mut self, span: Span)
pub fn commasep_cmnt<T, F, G>(&mut self, b: Breaks, elts: &[T], op: F, get_span: G)where
F: FnMut(&mut State<'_>, &T),
G: FnMut(&T) -> Span,
pub fn commasep_exprs(&mut self, b: Breaks, exprs: &[Expr<'_>])
pub fn print_mod(&mut self, _mod: &Mod<'_>, attrs: &[Attribute])
pub fn print_opt_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: &Lifetime)
pub fn print_type(&mut self, ty: &Ty<'_>)
pub fn print_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &ForeignItem<'_>)
pub(crate) fn print_associated_const(
&mut self,
ident: Ident,
ty: &Ty<'_>,
default: Option<BodyId>
pub(crate) fn print_associated_type(
&mut self,
ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
bounds: Option<GenericBounds<'_>>,
ty: Option<&Ty<'_>>
pub(crate) fn print_item_type(
&mut self,
item: &Item<'_>,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
inner: impl Fn(&mut Self)
sourcepub fn print_item(&mut self, item: &Item<'_>)
pub fn print_item(&mut self, item: &Item<'_>)
Pretty-print an item
pub fn print_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &TraitRef<'_>)
pub(crate) fn print_formal_generic_params(
&mut self,
generic_params: &[GenericParam<'_>]
pub(crate) fn print_poly_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &PolyTraitRef<'_>)
pub fn print_enum_def(
&mut self,
enum_definition: &EnumDef<'_>,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
name: Symbol,
span: Span
pub fn print_variants(&mut self, variants: &[Variant<'_>], span: Span)
pub fn print_defaultness(&mut self, defaultness: Defaultness)
pub fn print_struct(
&mut self,
struct_def: &VariantData<'_>,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
name: Symbol,
span: Span,
print_finalizer: bool
pub fn print_variant(&mut self, v: &Variant<'_>)
pub fn print_method_sig(
&mut self,
ident: Ident,
m: &FnSig<'_>,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
arg_names: &[Ident],
body_id: Option<BodyId>
pub fn print_trait_item(&mut self, ti: &TraitItem<'_>)
pub fn print_impl_item(&mut self, ii: &ImplItem<'_>)
pub fn print_local(
&mut self,
init: Option<&Expr<'_>>,
els: Option<&Block<'_>>,
decl: impl Fn(&mut Self)
pub fn print_stmt(&mut self, st: &Stmt<'_>)
pub fn print_block(&mut self, blk: &Block<'_>)
pub fn print_block_unclosed(&mut self, blk: &Block<'_>)
pub fn print_block_with_attrs(&mut self, blk: &Block<'_>, attrs: &[Attribute])
pub fn print_block_maybe_unclosed(
&mut self,
blk: &Block<'_>,
attrs: &[Attribute],
close_box: bool
pub(crate) fn print_else(&mut self, els: Option<&Expr<'_>>)
pub fn print_if(
&mut self,
test: &Expr<'_>,
blk: &Expr<'_>,
elseopt: Option<&Expr<'_>>
pub fn print_array_length(&mut self, len: &ArrayLen)
pub fn print_anon_const(&mut self, constant: &AnonConst)
pub(crate) fn print_call_post(&mut self, args: &[Expr<'_>])
pub(crate) fn print_expr_maybe_paren(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>, prec: i8)
sourcepub fn print_expr_as_cond(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>)
pub fn print_expr_as_cond(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>)
Prints an expr using syntax that’s acceptable in a condition position, such as the cond
if cond { ... }
sourcepub(crate) fn print_expr_cond_paren(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>, needs_par: bool)
pub(crate) fn print_expr_cond_paren(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>, needs_par: bool)
Prints expr
or (expr)
when needs_par
sourcepub(crate) fn print_let(
&mut self,
pat: &Pat<'_>,
ty: Option<&Ty<'_>>,
init: &Expr<'_>
pub(crate) fn print_let(
&mut self,
pat: &Pat<'_>,
ty: Option<&Ty<'_>>,
init: &Expr<'_>
Print a let pat = expr
pub(crate) fn cond_needs_par(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool
pub(crate) fn print_expr_vec(&mut self, exprs: &[Expr<'_>])
pub(crate) fn print_expr_anon_const(&mut self, anon_const: &AnonConst)
pub(crate) fn print_expr_repeat(&mut self, element: &Expr<'_>, count: &ArrayLen)
pub(crate) fn print_expr_struct(
&mut self,
qpath: &QPath<'_>,
fields: &[ExprField<'_>],
wth: Option<&Expr<'_>>
pub(crate) fn print_expr_field(&mut self, field: &ExprField<'_>)
pub(crate) fn print_expr_tup(&mut self, exprs: &[Expr<'_>])
pub(crate) fn print_expr_call(&mut self, func: &Expr<'_>, args: &[Expr<'_>])
pub(crate) fn print_expr_method_call(
&mut self,
segment: &PathSegment<'_>,
receiver: &Expr<'_>,
args: &[Expr<'_>]
pub(crate) fn print_expr_binary(
&mut self,
op: BinOp,
lhs: &Expr<'_>,
rhs: &Expr<'_>
pub(crate) fn print_expr_unary(&mut self, op: UnOp, expr: &Expr<'_>)
pub(crate) fn print_expr_addr_of(
&mut self,
kind: BorrowKind,
mutability: Mutability,
expr: &Expr<'_>
pub(crate) fn print_literal(&mut self, lit: &Lit)
pub(crate) fn print_inline_asm(&mut self, asm: &InlineAsm<'_>)
pub fn print_expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>)
pub fn print_local_decl(&mut self, loc: &Local<'_>)
pub fn print_name(&mut self, name: Symbol)
pub fn print_path(&mut self, path: &Path<'_>, colons_before_params: bool)
pub fn print_path_segment(&mut self, segment: &PathSegment<'_>)
pub fn print_qpath(&mut self, qpath: &QPath<'_>, colons_before_params: bool)
pub(crate) fn print_generic_args(
&mut self,
generic_args: &GenericArgs<'_>,
colons_before_params: bool
pub fn print_type_binding(&mut self, binding: &TypeBinding<'_>)
pub fn print_pat(&mut self, pat: &Pat<'_>)
pub fn print_patfield(&mut self, field: &PatField<'_>)
pub fn print_param(&mut self, arg: &Param<'_>)
pub fn print_arm(&mut self, arm: &Arm<'_>)
pub fn print_fn(
&mut self,
decl: &FnDecl<'_>,
header: FnHeader,
name: Option<Symbol>,
generics: &Generics<'_>,
arg_names: &[Ident],
body_id: Option<BodyId>
pub(crate) fn print_closure_params(&mut self, decl: &FnDecl<'_>, body_id: BodyId)
pub fn print_capture_clause(&mut self, capture_clause: CaptureBy)
pub fn print_closure_binder(
&mut self,
binder: ClosureBinder,
generic_params: &[GenericParam<'_>]
pub fn print_bounds<'b>(
&mut self,
prefix: &'static str,
bounds: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'b GenericBound<'b>>
pub fn print_generic_params(&mut self, generic_params: &[GenericParam<'_>])
pub fn print_generic_param(&mut self, param: &GenericParam<'_>)
pub fn print_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: &Lifetime)
pub fn print_where_clause(&mut self, generics: &Generics<'_>)
pub fn print_mutability(&mut self, mutbl: Mutability, print_const: bool)
pub fn print_mt(&mut self, mt: &MutTy<'_>, print_const: bool)
pub fn print_fn_output(&mut self, decl: &FnDecl<'_>)
pub fn print_ty_fn(
&mut self,
abi: Abi,
unsafety: Unsafety,
decl: &FnDecl<'_>,
name: Option<Symbol>,
generic_params: &[GenericParam<'_>],
arg_names: &[Ident]
pub fn print_fn_header_info(&mut self, header: FnHeader)
pub fn print_unsafety(&mut self, s: Unsafety)
pub fn print_is_auto(&mut self, s: IsAuto)
Trait Implementations
sourceimpl<'a> PrintState<'a> for State<'a>
impl<'a> PrintState<'a> for State<'a>
fn comments(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Comments<'a>>
fn print_ident(&mut self, ident: Ident)
fn print_generic_args(&mut self, _: &GenericArgs, _colons_before_params: bool)
fn strsep<T, F>(
&mut self,
sep: &'static str,
space_before: bool,
b: Breaks,
elts: &[T],
op: F
F: FnMut(&mut Self, &T),
fn commasep<T, F>(&mut self, b: Breaks, elts: &[T], op: F)where
F: FnMut(&mut Self, &T),
fn maybe_print_comment(&mut self, pos: BytePos) -> bool
fn print_comment(&mut self, cmnt: &Comment)
fn next_comment(&mut self) -> Option<Comment>
fn maybe_print_trailing_comment(&mut self, span: Span, next_pos: Option<BytePos>)
fn print_remaining_comments(&mut self)
fn print_literal(&mut self, lit: &Lit)
fn print_string(&mut self, st: &str, style: StrStyle)
fn print_symbol(&mut self, sym: Symbol, style: StrStyle)
fn print_inner_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool
fn print_inner_attributes_no_trailing_hardbreak(
&mut self,
attrs: &[Attribute]
) -> bool
fn print_outer_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool
fn print_inner_attributes_inline(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool
fn print_outer_attributes_inline(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool
fn print_either_attributes(
&mut self,
attrs: &[Attribute],
kind: AttrStyle,
is_inline: bool,
trailing_hardbreak: bool
) -> bool
fn print_attribute(&mut self, attr: &Attribute)
fn print_attribute_inline(&mut self, attr: &Attribute, is_inline: bool)
fn print_attr_item(&mut self, item: &AttrItem, span: Span)
fn print_meta_list_item(&mut self, item: &NestedMetaItem)
fn print_meta_item(&mut self, item: &MetaItem)
fn print_tt(&mut self, tt: &TokenTree, convert_dollar_crate: bool)
fn print_tt(&mut self, tt: &TokenTree, convert_dollar_crate: bool)
This doesn’t deserve to be called “pretty” printing, but it should be
meaning-preserving. A quick hack that might help would be to look at the
spans embedded in the TTs to decide where to put spaces and newlines.
But it’d be better to parse these according to the grammar of the
appropriate macro, transcribe back into the grammar we just parsed from,
and then pretty-print the resulting AST nodes (so, e.g., we print
expression arguments as expressions). It can be done! I think. Read more
fn print_tts(&mut self, tts: &TokenStream, convert_dollar_crate: bool)
fn print_mac_common(
&mut self,
header: Option<MacHeader<'_>>,
has_bang: bool,
ident: Option<Ident>,
delim: Option<Delimiter>,
tts: &TokenStream,
convert_dollar_crate: bool,
span: Span
fn print_mac_def(
&mut self,
macro_def: &MacroDef,
ident: &Ident,
sp: Span,
print_visibility: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)
fn print_path(&mut self, path: &Path, colons_before_params: bool, depth: usize)
fn print_path_segment(
&mut self,
segment: &PathSegment,
colons_before_params: bool
fn head<S>(&mut self, w: S)where
S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
fn bopen(&mut self)
fn bclose_maybe_open(&mut self, span: Span, empty: bool, close_box: bool)
fn bclose(&mut self, span: Span, empty: bool)
fn break_offset_if_not_bol(&mut self, n: usize, off: isize)
fn nonterminal_to_string(&self, nt: &Nonterminal) -> String
fn token_kind_to_string(&self, tok: &TokenKind) -> Cow<'static, str>
fn token_kind_to_string(&self, tok: &TokenKind) -> Cow<'static, str>
Print the token kind precisely, without converting
into its respective crate name.fn token_kind_to_string_ext(
tok: &TokenKind,
convert_dollar_crate: Option<Span>
) -> Cow<'static, str>
fn token_to_string(&self, token: &Token) -> Cow<'static, str>
fn token_to_string(&self, token: &Token) -> Cow<'static, str>
Print the token precisely, without converting
into its respective crate name.fn token_to_string_ext(
token: &Token,
convert_dollar_crate: bool
) -> Cow<'static, str>
fn ty_to_string(&self, ty: &Ty) -> String
fn bounds_to_string(&self, bounds: &[GenericBound]) -> String
fn pat_to_string(&self, pat: &Pat) -> String
fn expr_to_string(&self, e: &Expr) -> String
fn literal_to_string(&self, lit: &Lit) -> String
fn tt_to_string(&self, tt: &TokenTree) -> String
fn tts_to_string(&self, tokens: &TokenStream) -> String
fn stmt_to_string(&self, stmt: &Stmt) -> String
fn item_to_string(&self, i: &Item<ItemKind>) -> String
fn assoc_item_to_string(&self, i: &Item<AssocItemKind>) -> String
fn foreign_item_to_string(&self, i: &Item<ForeignItemKind>) -> String
fn generic_params_to_string(&self, generic_params: &[GenericParam]) -> String
fn path_to_string(&self, p: &Path) -> String
fn path_segment_to_string(&self, p: &PathSegment) -> String
fn vis_to_string(&self, v: &Visibility) -> String
fn block_to_string(&self, blk: &Block) -> String
fn meta_list_item_to_string(&self, li: &NestedMetaItem) -> String
fn attr_item_to_string(&self, ai: &AttrItem) -> String
fn attribute_to_string(&self, attr: &Attribute) -> String
fn param_to_string(&self, arg: &Param) -> String
fn to_string(f: impl FnOnce(&mut State<'_>)) -> String
Auto Trait Implementations
impl<'a> !RefUnwindSafe for State<'a>
impl<'a> !Send for State<'a>
impl<'a> !Sync for State<'a>
impl<'a> Unpin for State<'a>
impl<'a> !UnwindSafe for State<'a>
Blanket Implementations
sourceimpl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
const: unstable · sourcefn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Note: Most layout information is completely unstable and may even differ between compilations. The only exception is types with certain repr(...)
attributes. Please see the Rust Reference’s “Type Layout” chapter for details on type layout guarantees.
Size: 264 bytes