trait InvocationCollectorNode: HasAttrs + HasNodeId + Sized {
    type OutputTy = SmallVec<[Self; 1]>;
    type AttrsTy: Deref<Target = [Attribute]> = ThinVec<Attribute>;

    const KIND: AstFragmentKind;

    fn to_annotatable(self) -> Annotatable;
    fn fragment_to_output(fragment: AstFragment) -> Self::OutputTy;

    fn descr() -> &'static str { ... }
    fn noop_flat_map<V: MutVisitor>(self, _visitor: &mut V) -> Self::OutputTy { ... }
    fn noop_visit<V: MutVisitor>(&mut self, _visitor: &mut V) { ... }
    fn is_mac_call(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn take_mac_call(self) -> (P<MacCall>, Self::AttrsTy, AddSemicolon) { ... }
    fn pre_flat_map_node_collect_attr(
        _cfg: &StripUnconfigured<'_>,
        _attr: &Attribute
    ) { ... } fn post_flat_map_node_collect_bang(
        _output: &mut Self::OutputTy,
        _add_semicolon: AddSemicolon
    ) { ... } fn wrap_flat_map_node_noop_flat_map(
        node: Self,
        collector: &mut InvocationCollector<'_, '_>,
        noop_flat_map: impl FnOnce(Self, &mut InvocationCollector<'_, '_>) -> Self::OutputTy
    ) -> Result<Self::OutputTy, Self> { ... } }
Expand description

A trait implemented for all AstFragment nodes and providing all pieces of functionality used by InvocationCollector.

Provided Associated Types

Required Associated Constants

Required Methods

Provided Methods

Implementations on Foreign Types
