When working with unsafe code, we can often end up in a situation where
types or lifetimes are logically associated with a struct, but not actually
part of a field. This most commonly occurs with lifetimes. For instance, the
for &'a [T]
is (approximately) defined as follows:
However because 'a
is unused within the struct's body, it's unbounded.
Because of the troubles this has historically caused,
unbounded lifetimes and types are forbidden in struct definitions.
Therefore we must somehow refer to these types in the body.
Correctly doing this is necessary to have correct variance and drop checking.
We do this using PhantomData
, which is a special marker type. PhantomData
consumes no space, but simulates a field of the given type for the purpose of
static analysis. This was deemed to be less error-prone than explicitly telling
the type-system the kind of variance that you want, while also providing other
useful things such as the information needed by drop check.
Iter logically contains a bunch of &'a T
s, so this is exactly what we tell
the PhantomData
to simulate:
and that's it. The lifetime will be bounded, and your iterator will be covariant
over 'a
and T
. Everything Just Works.
Generic parameters and drop-checking
In the past, there used to be another thing to take into consideration.
This very documentation used to say:
Another important example is Vec, which is (approximately) defined as follows:
Unlike the previous example, it appears that everything is exactly as we want. Every generic argument to Vec shows up in at least one field. Good to go!
The drop checker will generously determine that
does not own any values of type T. This will in turn make it conclude that it doesn't need to worry about Vec dropping any T's in its destructor for determining drop check soundness. This will in turn allow people to create unsoundness using Vec's destructor.In order to tell the drop checker that we do own values of type T, and therefore may drop some T's when we drop, we must add an extra
saying exactly that:
But ever since RFC 1238, this is no longer true nor necessary.
If you were to write:
then the existence of that impl<T> Drop for Vec<T>
makes it so Rust will consider
that that Vec<T>
owns values of type T
(more precisely: may use values of type T
in its Drop
implementation), and Rust will thus not allow them to dangle should a
be dropped.
Adding an extra _owns_T: PhantomData<T>
field is thus superfluous and accomplishes nothing.
But this situation can sometimes lead to overly restrictive code. That's why the
standard library uses an unstable and unsafe
attribute to opt back into the old
"unchecked" drop-checking behavior, that this very documentation warned about: the
An exception: the special case of the standard library and its unstable #[may_dangle]
This section can be skipped if you are only writing your own library code; but if you are
curious about what the standard library does with the actual Vec
definition, you'll notice
that it still needs to use a _owns_T: PhantomData<T>
field for soundness.
Click here to see why
Consider the following example:
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
let s: String = "Short-lived".into();
} // <- `v` is dropped here
with a classical impl<T> Drop for Vec<T> {
definition, the above is denied.
Indeed, in this case we have a Vec</* T = */ &'s str>
vector of 's
-lived references
to str
ings, but in the case of let s: String
, it is dropped before the Vec
is, and
thus 's
is expired by the time the Vec
is dropped, and the
impl<'s> Drop for Vec<&'s str> {
is used.
This means that if such Drop
were to be used, it would be dealing with an expired, or
dangling lifetime 's
. But this is contrary to Rust principles, where by default all
Rust references involved in a function signature are non-dangling and valid to dereference.
Hence why Rust has to conservatively deny this snippet.
And yet, in the case of the real Vec
, the Drop
impl does not care about &'s str
since it has no drop glue of its own: it only wants to deallocate the backing buffer.
In other words, it would be nice if the above snippet was somehow accepted, by special
casing Vec
, or by relying on some special property of Vec
: Vec
could try to
promise not to use the &'s str
s it holds when being dropped.
This is the kind of unsafe
promise that can be expressed with #[may_dangle]
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] 's> Drop for Vec<&'s str> { /* … */ }
or, more generally:
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T> Drop for Vec<T> { /* … */ }
is the unsafe
way to opt out of this conservative assumption that Rust's drop
checker makes about type parameters of a dropped instance not being allowed to dangle.
And when this is done, such as in the standard library, we need to be careful in the
case where T
has drop glue of its own. In this instance, imagine replacing the
&'s str
s with a struct PrintOnDrop<'s> /* = */ (&'s str);
which would have a
impl wherein the inner &'s str
would be dereferenced and printed to the screen.
Indeed, Drop for Vec<T> {
, before deallocating the backing buffer, does have to transitively
drop each T
item when it has drop glue; in the case of PrintOnDrop<'s>
, it means that
Drop for Vec<PrintOnDrop<'s>>
has to transitively drop the PrintOnDrop<'s>
s elements before
deallocating the backing buffer.
So when we said that 's
, it was an excessively loose statement. We'd rather want
to say: "'s
may dangle provided it not be involved in some transitive drop glue". Or, more generally,
may dangle provided it not be involved in some transitive drop glue". This "exception to the
exception" is a pervasive situation whenever we own a T
. That's why Rust's #[may_dangle]
smart enough to know of this opt-out, and will thus be disabled when the generic parameter is held
in an owned fashion by the fields of the struct.
Hence why the standard library ends up with:
Raw pointers that own an allocation is such a pervasive pattern that the
standard library made a utility for itself called Unique<T>
- wraps a
*const T
for variance - includes a
- auto-derives
as if T was contained - marks the pointer as
for the null-pointer optimization
Table of PhantomData
Here’s a table of all the wonderful ways PhantomData
could be used:
Phantom type | 'a | T |
PhantomData<T> | - | covariant (with drop check) |
PhantomData<&'a T> | covariant | covariant |
PhantomData<&'a mut T> | covariant | invariant |
PhantomData<*const T> | - | covariant |
PhantomData<*mut T> | - | invariant |
PhantomData<fn(T)> | - | contravariant |
PhantomData<fn() -> T> | - | covariant |
PhantomData<fn(T) -> T> | - | invariant |
PhantomData<Cell<&'a ()>> | invariant | - |