macro_rules! macro_first_nonempty {
    { [ $($yes:tt)+ ] $($rhs:tt)* } => { ... };
    { [ ]$(,)? [ $($otherwise:tt)* ] $($rhs:tt)* } => { ... };
Expand description

Helper for assisting with macro “argument” defaulting

macro_coalesce_args!{ [ something ]  ... }  // =>   something
macro_coalesce_args!{ [ ], [ other ] ... }  // =>   other
// etc.

Usage note

It is generally possible to avoid use of macro_coalesce_args, at the cost of providing many alternative matcher patterns. Using macro_coalesce_args can make it possible to provide a single pattern with the optional items in $( )?.

This is valuable because a single pattern with some optional items makes much better documentation than several patterns which the reader must compare by eye - and it also simplifies the implementation.

macro_coalesce_args takes each of its possible expansions in [ ] and returns the first nonempty one.