Deny-by-default Lints

These lints are all set to the 'deny' level by default.


The ambiguous_associated_items lint detects ambiguity between associated items and enum variants.


fn main() {
enum E {

trait Tr {
    type V;
    fn foo() -> Self::V;

impl Tr for E {
    type V = u8;
    // `Self::V` is ambiguous because it may refer to the associated type or
    // the enum variant.
    fn foo() -> Self::V { 0 }

This will produce:

error: ambiguous associated item
15 |     fn foo() -> Self::V { 0 }
   |                 ^^^^^^^ help: use fully-qualified syntax: `<E as Tr>::V`
   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
   = note: for more information, see issue #57644 <>
note: `V` could refer to the variant defined here
3  |     V
   |     ^
note: `V` could also refer to the associated type defined here
7  |     type V;
   |     ^^^^^^
   = note: `#[deny(ambiguous_associated_items)]` on by default


Previous versions of Rust did not allow accessing enum variants through type aliases. When this ability was added (see RFC 2338), this introduced some situations where it can be ambiguous what a type was referring to.

To fix this ambiguity, you should use a qualified path to explicitly state which type to use. For example, in the above example the function can be written as fn f() -> <Self as Tr>::V { 0 } to specifically refer to the associated type.

This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #57644 for more details.


The arithmetic_overflow lint detects that an arithmetic operation will overflow.


fn main() {
1_i32 << 32;

This will produce:

error: this arithmetic operation will overflow
2 | 1_i32 << 32;
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^ attempt to shift left by `32_i32`, which would overflow
  = note: `#[deny(arithmetic_overflow)]` on by default


It is very likely a mistake to perform an arithmetic operation that overflows its value. If the compiler is able to detect these kinds of overflows at compile-time, it will trigger this lint. Consider adjusting the expression to avoid overflow, or use a data type that will not overflow.


The cenum_impl_drop_cast lint detects an as cast of a field-less enum that implements Drop.


enum E {

impl Drop for E {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

fn main() {
    let e = E::A;
    let i = e as u32;

This will produce:

error: cannot cast enum `E` into integer `u32` because it implements `Drop`
14 |     let i = e as u32;
   |             ^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
   = note: for more information, see issue #73333 <>
   = note: `#[deny(cenum_impl_drop_cast)]` on by default


Casting a field-less enum that does not implement Copy to an integer moves the value without calling drop. This can result in surprising behavior if it was expected that drop should be called. Calling drop automatically would be inconsistent with other move operations. Since neither behavior is clear or consistent, it was decided that a cast of this nature will no longer be allowed.

This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #73333 for more details.


The conflicting_repr_hints lint detects repr attributes with conflicting hints.


fn main() {
#[repr(u32, u64)]
enum Foo {

This will produce:

error[E0566]: conflicting representation hints
2 | #[repr(u32, u64)]
  |        ^^^  ^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #68585 <>
  = note: `#[deny(conflicting_repr_hints)]` on by default


The compiler incorrectly accepted these conflicting representations in the past. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #68585 for more details.

To correct the issue, remove one of the conflicting hints.


The deprecated_cfg_attr_crate_type_name lint detects uses of the #![cfg_attr(..., crate_type = "...")] and #![cfg_attr(..., crate_name = "...")] attributes to conditionally specify the crate type and name in the source code.


#![cfg_attr(debug_assertions, crate_type = "lib")]
fn main() {

This will produce:

error: `crate_type` within an `#![cfg_attr] attribute is deprecated`
1 | #![cfg_attr(debug_assertions, crate_type = "lib")]
  |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #91632 <>
  = note: `#[deny(deprecated_cfg_attr_crate_type_name)]` on by default


The #![crate_type] and #![crate_name] attributes require a hack in the compiler to be able to change the used crate type and crate name after macros have been expanded. Neither attribute works in combination with Cargo as it explicitly passes --crate-type and --crate-name on the commandline. These values must match the value used in the source code to prevent an error.

To fix the warning use --crate-type on the commandline when running rustc instead of #![cfg_attr(..., crate_type = "...")] and --crate-name instead of #![cfg_attr(..., crate_name = "...")].


The enum_intrinsics_non_enums lint detects calls to intrinsic functions that require an enum (core::mem::discriminant, core::mem::variant_count), but are called with a non-enum type.


fn main() {

This will produce:

error: the return value of `mem::discriminant` is unspecified when called with a non-enum type
3 | core::mem::discriminant::<i32>(&123);
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: the argument to `discriminant` should be a reference to an enum, but it was passed a reference to a `i32`, which is not an enum.
3 | core::mem::discriminant::<i32>(&123);
  |                                ^^^^
note: the lint level is defined here
1 | #![deny(enum_intrinsics_non_enums)]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


In order to accept any enum, the mem::discriminant and mem::variant_count functions are generic over a type T. This makes it technically possible for T to be a non-enum, in which case the return value is unspecified.

This lint prevents such incorrect usage of these functions.


The ill_formed_attribute_input lint detects ill-formed attribute inputs that were previously accepted and used in practice.


fn main() {
#[inline = "this is not valid"]
fn foo() {}

This will produce:

error: attribute must be of the form `#[inline]` or `#[inline(always|never)]`
2 | #[inline = "this is not valid"]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
  = note: `#[deny(ill_formed_attribute_input)]` on by default


Previously, inputs for many built-in attributes weren't validated and nonsensical attribute inputs were accepted. After validation was added, it was determined that some existing projects made use of these invalid forms. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #57571 for more details.

Check the attribute reference for details on the valid inputs for attributes.


The implied_bounds_entailment lint detects cases where the arguments of an impl method have stronger implied bounds than those from the trait method it's implementing.



fn main() {
trait Trait {
    fn get<'s>(s: &'s str, _: &'static &'static ()) -> &'static str;

impl Trait for () {
    fn get<'s>(s: &'s str, _: &'static &'s ()) -> &'static str {

let val = <() as Trait>::get(&String::from("blah blah blah"), &&());
println!("{}", val);

This will produce:

error: impl method assumes more implied bounds than the corresponding trait method
9 |     fn get<'s>(s: &'s str, _: &'static &'s ()) -> &'static str {
  |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace this type to make the impl signature compatible: `&'static &'static ()`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #105572 <>
note: the lint level is defined here
1 | #![deny(implied_bounds_entailment)]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Neither the trait method, which provides no implied bounds about 's, nor the impl, requires the main function to prove that 's: 'static, but the impl method is allowed to assume that 's: 'static within its own body.

This can be used to implement an unsound API if used incorrectly.


The incomplete_include lint detects the use of the include! macro with a file that contains more than one expression.


fn main() {

where the file foo.txt contains:



error: include macro expected single expression in source
 --> foo.txt:1:14
1 | println!("1");
  |              ^
  = note: `#[deny(incomplete_include)]` on by default


The include! macro is currently only intended to be used to include a single expression or multiple items. Historically it would ignore any contents after the first expression, but that can be confusing. In the example above, the println! expression ends just before the semicolon, making the semicolon "extra" information that is ignored. Perhaps even more surprising, if the included file had multiple print statements, the subsequent ones would be ignored!

One workaround is to place the contents in braces to create a block expression. Also consider alternatives, like using functions to encapsulate the expressions, or use proc-macros.

This is a lint instead of a hard error because existing projects were found to hit this error. To be cautious, it is a lint for now. The future semantics of the include! macro are also uncertain, see issue #35560.


The ineffective_unstable_trait_impl lint detects #[unstable] attributes which are not used.



fn main() {
#[stable(feature = "x", since = "1")]
struct S {}

#[unstable(feature = "y", issue = "none")]
impl Copy for S {}

This will produce:

error: an `#[unstable]` annotation here has no effect
8 | #[unstable(feature = "y", issue = "none")]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: see issue #55436 <> for more information
  = note: `#[deny(ineffective_unstable_trait_impl)]` on by default


staged_api does not currently support using a stability attribute on impl blocks. impls are always stable if both the type and trait are stable, and always unstable otherwise.


The invalid_alignment lint detects dereferences of misaligned pointers during constant evluation.


fn main() {
const FOO: () = unsafe {
    let x = &[0_u8; 4];
    let y = x.as_ptr().cast::<u32>();; // the address of a `u8` array is unknown and thus we don't know if
    // it is aligned enough for reading a `u32`.

This will produce:

error: accessing memory with alignment 1, but alignment 4 is required
    --> /home/michael/Development/rust/library/core/src/ptr/
1157 |         copy_nonoverlapping(src, tmp.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
     = note: for more information, see issue #68585 <>
note: inside `std::ptr::read::<u32>`
    --> /home/michael/Development/rust/library/core/src/ptr/
1157 |         copy_nonoverlapping(src, tmp.as_mut_ptr(), 1);
     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u32>::read`
    --> /home/michael/Development/rust/library/core/src/ptr/
1228 |         unsafe { read(self) }
     |                  ^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `FOO`
6    |; // the address of a `u8` array is unknown and thus we don't know if
     |     ^^^^^^^^
     = note: `#[deny(invalid_alignment)]` on by default


The compiler allowed dereferencing raw pointers irrespective of alignment during const eval due to the const evaluator at the time not making it easy or cheap to check. Now that it is both, this is not accepted anymore.

Since it was undefined behaviour to begin with, this breakage does not violate Rust's stability guarantees. Using undefined behaviour can cause arbitrary behaviour, including failure to build.


The invalid_atomic_ordering lint detects passing an Ordering to an atomic operation that does not support that ordering.


fn main() {
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering};
let atom = AtomicU8::new(0);
let value = atom.load(Ordering::Release);
let _ = value;

This will produce:

error: atomic loads cannot have `Release` or `AcqRel` ordering
4 | let value = atom.load(Ordering::Release);
  |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: consider using ordering modes `Acquire`, `SeqCst` or `Relaxed`
  = note: `#[deny(invalid_atomic_ordering)]` on by default


Some atomic operations are only supported for a subset of the atomic::Ordering variants. Passing an unsupported variant will cause an unconditional panic at runtime, which is detected by this lint.

This lint will trigger in the following cases: (where AtomicType is an atomic type from core::sync::atomic, such as AtomicBool, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, or any of the other integer atomics).

  • Passing Ordering::Acquire or Ordering::AcqRel to AtomicType::store.

  • Passing Ordering::Release or Ordering::AcqRel to AtomicType::load.

  • Passing Ordering::Relaxed to core::sync::atomic::fence or core::sync::atomic::compiler_fence.

  • Passing Ordering::Release or Ordering::AcqRel as the failure ordering for any of AtomicType::compare_exchange, AtomicType::compare_exchange_weak, or AtomicType::fetch_update.


The invalid_type_param_default lint detects type parameter defaults erroneously allowed in an invalid location.


fn main() {
fn foo<T=i32>(t: T) {}

This will produce:

error: defaults for type parameters are only allowed in `struct`, `enum`, `type`, or `trait` definitions
2 | fn foo<T=i32>(t: T) {}
  |        ^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #36887 <>
  = note: `#[deny(invalid_type_param_default)]` on by default


Default type parameters were only intended to be allowed in certain situations, but historically the compiler allowed them everywhere. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #36887 for more details.


The let_underscore_lock lint checks for statements which don't bind a mutex to anything, causing the lock to be released immediately instead of at end of scope, which is typically incorrect.


fn main() {
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

thread::spawn(move || {
    // The lock is immediately released instead of at the end of the
    // scope, which is probably not intended.
    let _ = data.lock().unwrap();
    println!("doing some work");
    let mut lock = data.lock().unwrap();
    *lock += 1;

This will produce:

error: non-binding let on a synchronization lock
9 |     let _ = data.lock().unwrap();
  |         ^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this binding will immediately drop the value assigned to it
  |         |
  |         this lock is not assigned to a binding and is immediately dropped
  = note: `#[deny(let_underscore_lock)]` on by default
help: consider binding to an unused variable to avoid immediately dropping the value
9 |     let _unused = data.lock().unwrap();
  |         ~~~~~~~
help: consider immediately dropping the value
9 |     drop(data.lock().unwrap());
  |     ~~~~~                    +


Statements which assign an expression to an underscore causes the expression to immediately drop instead of extending the expression's lifetime to the end of the scope. This is usually unintended, especially for types like MutexGuard, which are typically used to lock a mutex for the duration of an entire scope.

If you want to extend the expression's lifetime to the end of the scope, assign an underscore-prefixed name (such as _foo) to the expression. If you do actually want to drop the expression immediately, then calling std::mem::drop on the expression is clearer and helps convey intent.


The macro_expanded_macro_exports_accessed_by_absolute_paths lint detects macro-expanded macro_export macros from the current crate that cannot be referred to by absolute paths.


macro_rules! define_exported {
    () => {
        macro_rules! exported {
            () => {};


fn main() {

This will produce:

error: macro-expanded `macro_export` macros from the current crate cannot be referred to by absolute paths
13 |     crate::exported!();
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
   = note: for more information, see issue #52234 <>
note: the macro is defined here
4  | /         macro_rules! exported {
5  | |             () => {};
6  | |         }
   | |_________^
10 |   define_exported!();
   |   ------------------ in this macro invocation
   = note: `#[deny(macro_expanded_macro_exports_accessed_by_absolute_paths)]` on by default
   = note: this error originates in the macro `define_exported` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)


The intent is that all macros marked with the #[macro_export] attribute are made available in the root of the crate. However, when a macro_rules! definition is generated by another macro, the macro expansion is unable to uphold this rule. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #53495 for more details.


The missing_fragment_specifier lint is issued when an unused pattern in a macro_rules! macro definition has a meta-variable (e.g. $e) that is not followed by a fragment specifier (e.g. :expr).

This warning can always be fixed by removing the unused pattern in the macro_rules! macro definition.


macro_rules! foo {
   () => {};
   ($name) => { };

fn main() {

This will produce:

error: missing fragment specifier
3 |    ($name) => { };
  |     ^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #40107 <>
  = note: `#[deny(missing_fragment_specifier)]` on by default


To fix this, remove the unused pattern from the macro_rules! macro definition:

macro_rules! foo {
    () => {};
fn main() {


The mutable_transmutes lint catches transmuting from &T to &mut T because it is undefined behavior.


fn main() {
unsafe {
    let y = std::mem::transmute::<&i32, &mut i32>(&5);

This will produce:

error: transmuting &T to &mut T is undefined behavior, even if the reference is unused, consider instead using an UnsafeCell
3 |     let y = std::mem::transmute::<&i32, &mut i32>(&5);
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `#[deny(mutable_transmutes)]` on by default


Certain assumptions are made about aliasing of data, and this transmute violates those assumptions. Consider using UnsafeCell instead.


The named_asm_labels lint detects the use of named labels in the inline asm! macro.


use std::arch::asm;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        asm!("foo: bar");

This will produce:

error: avoid using named labels in inline assembly
6 |         asm!("foo: bar");
  |               ^^^
  = help: only local labels of the form `<number>:` should be used in inline asm
  = note: see the asm section of Rust By Example <> for more information
  = note: `#[deny(named_asm_labels)]` on by default


LLVM is allowed to duplicate inline assembly blocks for any reason, for example when it is in a function that gets inlined. Because of this, GNU assembler local labels must be used instead of labels with a name. Using named labels might cause assembler or linker errors.

See the explanation in Rust By Example for more details.


The no_mangle_const_items lint detects any const items with the no_mangle attribute.


fn main() {
const FOO: i32 = 5;

This will produce:

error: const items should never be `#[no_mangle]`
3 | const FOO: i32 = 5;
  | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  | |
  | help: try a static value: `pub static`
  = note: `#[deny(no_mangle_const_items)]` on by default


Constants do not have their symbols exported, and therefore, this probably means you meant to use a static, not a const.


The order_dependent_trait_objects lint detects a trait coherency violation that would allow creating two trait impls for the same dynamic trait object involving marker traits.


fn main() {
pub trait Trait {}

impl Trait for dyn Send + Sync { }
impl Trait for dyn Sync + Send { }

This will produce:

error: conflicting implementations of trait `Trait` for type `(dyn Send + Sync + 'static)`: (E0119)
4 | impl Trait for dyn Send + Sync { }
  | ------------------------------ first implementation here
5 | impl Trait for dyn Sync + Send { }
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `(dyn Send + Sync + 'static)`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #56484 <>
  = note: `#[deny(order_dependent_trait_objects)]` on by default


A previous bug caused the compiler to interpret traits with different orders (such as Send + Sync and Sync + Send) as distinct types when they were intended to be treated the same. This allowed code to define separate trait implementations when there should be a coherence error. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #56484 for more details.


The overflowing_literals lint detects literal out of range for its type.


fn main() {
let x: u8 = 1000;

This will produce:

error: literal out of range for `u8`
2 | let x: u8 = 1000;
  |             ^^^^
  = note: the literal `1000` does not fit into the type `u8` whose range is `0..=255`
  = note: `#[deny(overflowing_literals)]` on by default


It is usually a mistake to use a literal that overflows the type where it is used. Either use a literal that is within range, or change the type to be within the range of the literal.


The patterns_in_fns_without_body lint detects mut identifier patterns as a parameter in functions without a body.


fn main() {
trait Trait {
    fn foo(mut arg: u8);

This will produce:

error: patterns aren't allowed in functions without bodies
3 |     fn foo(mut arg: u8);
  |            ^^^^^^^ help: remove `mut` from the parameter: `arg`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #35203 <>
  = note: `#[deny(patterns_in_fns_without_body)]` on by default


To fix this, remove mut from the parameter in the trait definition; it can be used in the implementation. That is, the following is OK:

fn main() {
trait Trait {
    fn foo(arg: u8); // Removed `mut` here

impl Trait for i32 {
    fn foo(mut arg: u8) { // `mut` here is OK


Trait definitions can define functions without a body to specify a function that implementors must define. The parameter names in the body-less functions are only allowed to be _ or an identifier for documentation purposes (only the type is relevant). Previous versions of the compiler erroneously allowed identifier patterns with the mut keyword, but this was not intended to be allowed. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #35203 for more details.


The proc_macro_back_compat lint detects uses of old versions of certain proc-macro crates, which have hardcoded workarounds in the compiler.


use time_macros_impl::impl_macros;
struct Foo;

This will produce:

warning: using an old version of `time-macros-impl`
  ::: $DIR/
LL |     impl_macros!(Foo);
   |     ------------------ in this macro invocation
   = note: `#[warn(proc_macro_back_compat)]` on by default
   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
   = note: for more information, see issue #83125 <>
   = note: the `time-macros-impl` crate will stop compiling in futures version of Rust. Please update to the latest version of the `time` crate to avoid breakage
   = note: this warning originates in a macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)


Eventually, the backwards-compatibility hacks present in the compiler will be removed, causing older versions of certain crates to stop compiling. This is a future-incompatible lint to ease the transition to an error. See issue #83125 for more details.


The pub_use_of_private_extern_crate lint detects a specific situation of re-exporting a private extern crate.


fn main() {
extern crate core;
pub use core as reexported_core;

This will produce:

error: extern crate `core` is private, and cannot be re-exported (error E0365), consider declaring with `pub`
3 | pub use core as reexported_core;
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #34537 <>
  = note: `#[deny(pub_use_of_private_extern_crate)]` on by default


A public use declaration should not be used to publicly re-export a private extern crate. pub extern crate should be used instead.

This was historically allowed, but is not the intended behavior according to the visibility rules. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #34537 for more details.


The soft_unstable lint detects unstable features that were unintentionally allowed on stable.


fn main() {
extern crate test;

fn name(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
    b.iter(|| 123)

This will produce:

error: use of unstable library feature 'test': `bench` is a part of custom test frameworks which are unstable
5 | #[bench]
  |   ^^^^^
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #64266 <>
  = note: `#[deny(soft_unstable)]` on by default


The bench attribute was accidentally allowed to be specified on the stable release channel. Turning this to a hard error would have broken some projects. This lint allows those projects to continue to build correctly when --cap-lints is used, but otherwise signal an error that #[bench] should not be used on the stable channel. This is a future-incompatible lint to transition this to a hard error in the future. See issue #64266 for more details.


The test_unstable_lint lint tests unstable lints and is perma-unstable.


fn main() {

This will produce:

warning: unknown lint: `test_unstable_lint`
1 | #![allow(test_unstable_lint)]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: the `test_unstable_lint` lint is unstable
  = help: add `#![feature(test_unstable_lint)]` to the crate attributes to enable
  = note: `#[warn(unknown_lints)]` on by default


In order to test the behavior of unstable lints, a permanently-unstable lint is required. This lint can be used to trigger warnings and errors from the compiler related to unstable lints.


The text_direction_codepoint_in_comment lint detects Unicode codepoints in comments that change the visual representation of text on screen in a way that does not correspond to their on memory representation.


fn main() {
    println!("{:?}"); // '‮');

This will produce:

error: unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in comment
3 |     println!("{:?}"); // '');
  |                       ^^^^-^^
  |                       |   |
  |                       |   '\u{202e}'
  |                       this comment contains an invisible unicode text flow control codepoint
  = note: these kind of unicode codepoints change the way text flows on applications that support them, but can cause confusion because they change the order of characters on the screen
note: the lint level is defined here
1 | #![deny(text_direction_codepoint_in_comment)]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: if their presence wasn't intentional, you can remove them


Unicode allows changing the visual flow of text on screen in order to support scripts that are written right-to-left, but a specially crafted comment can make code that will be compiled appear to be part of a comment, depending on the software used to read the code. To avoid potential problems or confusion, such as in CVE-2021-42574, by default we deny their use.


The text_direction_codepoint_in_literal lint detects Unicode codepoints that change the visual representation of text on screen in a way that does not correspond to their on memory representation.


The unicode characters \u{202A}, \u{202B}, \u{202D}, \u{202E}, \u{2066}, \u{2067}, \u{2068}, \u{202C} and \u{2069} make the flow of text on screen change its direction on software that supports these codepoints. This makes the text "abc" display as "cba" on screen. By leveraging software that supports these, people can write specially crafted literals that make the surrounding code seem like it's performing one action, when in reality it is performing another. Because of this, we proactively lint against their presence to avoid surprises.


fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", '‮');

This will produce:

error: unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in literal
3 |     println!("{:?}", '');
  |                      ^-
  |                      ||
  |                      |'\u{202e}'
  |                      this literal contains an invisible unicode text flow control codepoint
  = note: these kind of unicode codepoints change the way text flows on applications that support them, but can cause confusion because they change the order of characters on the screen
note: the lint level is defined here
1 | #![deny(text_direction_codepoint_in_literal)]
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: if their presence wasn't intentional, you can remove them
help: if you want to keep them but make them visible in your source code, you can escape them
3 |     println!("{:?}", '\u{202e}');
  |                       ~~~~~~~~


The unaligned_references lint detects unaligned references to fields of packed structs.


pub struct Foo {
    field1: u64,
    field2: u8,

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        let foo = Foo { field1: 0, field2: 0 };
        let _ = &foo.field1;
        println!("{}", foo.field1); // An implicit `&` is added here, triggering the lint.

This will produce:

error: reference to packed field is unaligned
10 |         let _ = &foo.field1;
   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
   = note: for more information, see issue #82523 <>
   = note: fields of packed structs are not properly aligned, and creating a misaligned reference is undefined behavior (even if that reference is never dereferenced)
   = help: copy the field contents to a local variable, or replace the reference with a raw pointer and use `read_unaligned`/`write_unaligned` (loads and stores via `*p` must be properly aligned even when using raw pointers)
   = note: `#[deny(unaligned_references)]` on by default


Creating a reference to an insufficiently aligned packed field is undefined behavior and should be disallowed. Using an unsafe block does not change anything about this. Instead, the code should do a copy of the data in the packed field or use raw pointers and unaligned accesses. See issue #82523 for more information.


The unconditional_panic lint detects an operation that will cause a panic at runtime.


fn main() {
let x = 1 / 0;

This will produce:

error: this operation will panic at runtime
3 | let x = 1 / 0;
  |         ^^^^^ attempt to divide `1_i32` by zero
  = note: `#[deny(unconditional_panic)]` on by default


This lint detects code that is very likely incorrect because it will always panic, such as division by zero and out-of-bounds array accesses. Consider adjusting your code if this is a bug, or using the panic! or unreachable! macro instead in case the panic is intended.


The unknown_crate_types lint detects an unknown crate type found in a crate_type attribute.


fn main() {}

This will produce:

error: invalid `crate_type` value
1 | #![crate_type="lol"]
  |               ^^^^^
  = note: `#[deny(unknown_crate_types)]` on by default


An unknown value give to the crate_type attribute is almost certainly a mistake.


The useless_deprecated lint detects deprecation attributes with no effect.


fn main() {
struct X;

#[deprecated = "message"]
impl Default for X {
    fn default() -> Self {

This will produce:

error: this `#[deprecated]` annotation has no effect
4 | #[deprecated = "message"]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove the unnecessary deprecation attribute
  = note: `#[deny(useless_deprecated)]` on by default


Deprecation attributes have no effect on trait implementations.