

cargo-search - Search packages in


cargo search [options] [query...]


This performs a textual search for crates on The matching crates will be displayed along with their description in TOML format suitable for copying into a Cargo.toml manifest.


Search Options

--limit limit
Limit the number of results (default: 10, max: 100).
--index index
The URL of the registry index to use.
--registry registry
Name of the registry to use. Registry names are defined in Cargo config files. If not specified, the default registry is used, which is defined by the registry.default config key which defaults to crates-io.

Display Options

Use verbose output. May be specified twice for "very verbose" output which includes extra output such as dependency warnings and build script output. May also be specified with the term.verbose config value.
Do not print cargo log messages. May also be specified with the term.quiet config value.
--color when
Control when colored output is used. Valid values:

  • auto (default): Automatically detect if color support is available on the terminal.
  • always: Always display colors.
  • never: Never display colors.

May also be specified with the term.color config value.

Common Options

If Cargo has been installed with rustup, and the first argument to cargo begins with +, it will be interpreted as a rustup toolchain name (such as +stable or +nightly). See the rustup documentation for more information about how toolchain overrides work.
--config KEY=VALUE or PATH
Overrides a Cargo configuration value. The argument should be in TOML syntax of KEY=VALUE, or provided as a path to an extra configuration file. This flag may be specified multiple times. See the command-line overrides section for more information.
Prints help information.
-Z flag
Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo. Run cargo -Z help for details.


See the reference for details on environment variables that Cargo reads.


  • 0: Cargo succeeded.
  • 101: Cargo failed to complete.


  1. Search for a package from

    cargo search serde


cargo(1), cargo-install(1), cargo-publish(1)