Module rustc_mir_build::build

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  • block 🔒
  • cfg 🔒
    Routines for manipulating the control-flow graph.
  • custom 🔒
    Provides the implementation of the custom_mir attribute.
  • expr 🔒
    Builds MIR from expressions. As a caller into this module, you have many options, but the first thing you have to decide is whether you are evaluating this expression for its value, its location, or as a constant.
  • matches 🔒
    Code related to match expressions. These are sufficiently complex to warrant their own module and submodules. :) This main module includes the high-level algorithm, the submodules contain the details.
  • misc 🔒
    Miscellaneous builder routines that are not specific to building any particular kind of thing.
  • scope 🔒
    Managing the scope stack. The scopes are tied to lexical scopes, so as we descend the THIR, we push a scope on the stack, build its contents, and then pop it off. Every scope is named by a region::Scope.


  • unpack 🔒
    Update a block pointer and return the value. Use it like let x = unpack!(block =, foo)).





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