Module rustc_ast::tokenstream

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Token Streams

TokenStreams represent syntactic objects before they are converted into ASTs. A TokenStream is, roughly speaking, a sequence of TokenTrees, which are themselves a single Token or a Delimited subsequence of tokens.


TokenStreams are persistent data structures constructed as ropes with reference counted-children. In general, this means that calling an operation on a TokenStream (such as slice) produces an entirely new TokenStream from the borrowed reference to the original. This essentially coerces TokenStreams into “views” of their subparts, and a borrowed TokenStream is sufficient to build an owned TokenStream without taking ownership of the original.


  • An AttrTokenStream is similar to a TokenStream, but with extra information about the tokens for attribute targets. This is used during expansion to perform early cfg-expansion, and to process attributes during proc-macro invocations.
  • Stores the tokens for an attribute target, along with its attributes.
  • A lazy version of TokenStream, which defers creation of an actual TokenStream until it is needed. Box is here only to reduce the structure size.
  • By-reference iterator over a TokenStream, that produces &TokenTree items.
  • A TokenStream is an abstract sequence of tokens, organized into TokenTrees.
  • Owning by-value iterator over a TokenStream, that produces &TokenTree items.


  • Like TokenTree, but for AttrTokenStream.
  • Similar to proc_macro::Spacing, but for tokens.
  • When the main Rust parser encounters a syntax-extension invocation, it parses the arguments to the invocation as a token tree. This is a very loose structure, such that all sorts of different AST fragments can be passed to syntax extensions using a uniform type.
