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Checks that meta-variables in macro definition are correctly declared and used.

What is checked

Meta-variables must not be bound twice

macro_rules! foo { ($x:tt $x:tt) => { $x }; }

This check is sound (no false-negative) and complete (no false-positive).

Meta-variables must not be free

macro_rules! foo { () => { $x }; }

This check is also done at macro instantiation but only if the branch is taken.

Meta-variables must repeat at least as many times as their binder

macro_rules! foo { ($($x:tt)*) => { $x }; }

This check is also done at macro instantiation but only if the branch is taken.

Meta-variables must repeat with the same Kleene operators as their binder

macro_rules! foo { ($($x:tt)+) => { $($x)* }; }

This check is not done at macro instantiation.


In the presence of nested macros (a macro defined in a macro), those checks may have false positives and false negatives. We try to detect those cases by recognizing potential macro definitions in RHSes, but nested macros may be hidden through the use of particular values of meta-variables.

Examples of false positive

False positives can come from cases where we don’t recognize a nested macro, because it depends on particular values of meta-variables. In the following example, we think both instances of $x are free, which is a correct statement if $name is anything but macro_rules. But when $name is macro_rules, like in the instantiation below, then $x:tt is actually a binder of the nested macro and $x is bound to it.

macro_rules! foo { ($name:ident) => { $name! bar { ($x:tt) => { $x }; } }; }

False positives can also come from cases where we think there is a nested macro while there isn’t. In the following example, we think $x is free, which is incorrect because bar is not a nested macro since it is not evaluated as code by stringify!.

macro_rules! foo { () => { stringify!(macro_rules! bar { () => { $x }; }) }; }

Examples of false negative

False negatives can come from cases where we don’t recognize a meta-variable, because it depends on particular values of meta-variables. In the following examples, we don’t see that if $d is instantiated with $ then $d z becomes $z in the nested macro definition and is thus a free meta-variable. Note however, that if foo is instantiated, then we would check the definition of bar and would see the issue.

macro_rules! foo { ($d:tt) => { macro_rules! bar { ($y:tt) => { $d z }; } }; }

How it is checked

There are 3 main functions: check_binders, check_occurrences, and check_nested_macro. They all need some kind of environment.


Environments are used to pass information.

From LHS to RHS

When checking a LHS with check_binders, we produce (and use) an environment for binders, namely Binders. This is a mapping from binder name to information about that binder: the span of the binder for error messages and the stack of Kleene operators under which it was bound in the LHS.

This environment is used by both the LHS and RHS. The LHS uses it to detect duplicate binders. The RHS uses it to detect the other errors.

From outer macro to inner macro

When checking the RHS of an outer macro and we detect a nested macro definition, we push the current state, namely MacroState, to an environment of nested macro definitions. Each state stores the LHS binders when entering the macro definition as well as the stack of Kleene operators under which the inner macro is defined in the RHS.

This environment is a stack representing the nesting of macro definitions. As such, the stack of Kleene operators under which a meta-variable is repeating is the concatenation of the stacks stored when entering a macro definition starting from the state in which the meta-variable is bound.


BinderInfo 🔒
Information attached to a meta-variable binder in LHS.
MacroState 🔒
The state at which we entered a macro definition in the RHS of another macro definition.


Represents the processed prefix of a nested macro.
Stack 🔒
Stack represented as linked list.


Checks lhs as part of the LHS of a macro definition, extends binders with new binders, and sets valid to false in case of errors.
Checks that meta-variables are used correctly in a macro definition.
Checks the body of nested macro, returns where the check stopped, and sets valid to false in case of errors.
Checks tts as part of the RHS of a macro definition, tries to recognize nested macro definitions, and sets valid to false in case of errors.
Checks rhs as part of the RHS of a macro definition and sets valid to false in case of errors.
Checks that a meta-variable occurrence is valid.
Returns the binder information of a meta-variable.
Returns whether binder_ops is a prefix of occurrence_ops.

Type Definitions

Binders 🔒
An environment of meta-variables to their binder information.