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The InstrumentCoverage MIR pass implementation includes debugging tools and options to help developers understand and/or improve the analysis and instrumentation of a MIR.

To enable coverage, include the rustc command line option:

  • -C instrument-coverage

MIR Dump Files, with additional CoverageGraph graphviz and CoverageSpan spanview

Additional debugging options include:

  • -Z dump-mir=InstrumentCoverage - Generate .mir files showing the state of the MIR, before and after the InstrumentCoverage pass, for each compiled function.

  • -Z dump-mir-graphviz - If -Z dump-mir is also enabled for the current MIR node path, each MIR dump is accompanied by a before-and-after graphical view of the MIR, in Graphviz .dot file format (which can be visually rendered as a graph using any of a number of free Graphviz viewers and IDE extensions).

    For the InstrumentCoverage pass, this option also enables generation of an additional Graphviz .dot file for each function, rendering the CoverageGraph: the control flow graph (CFG) of BasicCoverageBlocks (BCBs), as nodes, internally labeled to show the CoverageSpan-based MIR elements each BCB represents (BasicBlocks, Statements and Terminators), assigned coverage counters and/or expressions, and edge counters, as needed.

    (Note the additional option, -Z graphviz-dark-mode, can be added, to change the rendered output from its default black-on-white background to a dark color theme, if desired.)

  • -Z dump-mir-spanview - If -Z dump-mir is also enabled for the current MIR node path, each MIR dump is accompanied by a before-and-after .html document showing the function’s original source code, highlighted by it’s MIR spans, at the statement-level (by default), terminator only, or encompassing span for the Terminator plus all Statements, in each block (BasicBlock).

    For the InstrumentCoverage pass, this option also enables generation of an additional spanview .html file for each function, showing the aggregated CoverageSpans that will require counters (or counter expressions) for accurate coverage analysis.

Debug Logging

The InstrumentCoverage pass includes debug logging messages at various phases and decision points, which can be enabled via environment variable:


Other module paths with coverage-related debug logs may also be of interest, particularly for debugging the coverage map data, injected as global variables in the LLVM IR (during rustc’s code generation pass). For example:


Coverage Debug Options

Additional debugging options can be enabled using the environment variable:


These options are comma-separated, and specified in the format option-name=value. For example:

$ RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS=counter-format=id+operation,allow-unused-expressions=yes cargo build

Coverage debug options include:

  • allow-unused-expressions=yes or no (default: no)

    The InstrumentCoverage algorithms should only create and assign expressions to a BasicCoverageBlock, or an incoming edge, if that expression is either (a) required to count a CoverageSpan, or (b) a dependency of some other required counter expression.

    If an expression is generated that does not map to a CoverageSpan or dependency, this probably indicates there was a bug in the algorithm that creates and assigns counters and expressions.

    When this kind of bug is encountered, the rustc compiler will panic by default. Setting: allow-unused-expressions=yes will log a warning message instead of panicking (effectively ignoring the unused expressions), which may be helpful when debugging the root cause of the problem.

  • counter-format=<choices>, where <choices> can be any plus-separated combination of id, block, and/or operation (default: block+operation)

    This option effects both the CoverageGraph (graphviz .dot files) and debug logging, when generating labels for counters and expressions.

    Depending on the values and combinations, counters can be labeled by:

    • id - counter or expression ID (ascending counter IDs, starting at 1, or descending expression IDs, starting at u32:MAX)
    • block - the BasicCoverageBlock label (for example, bcb0) or edge label (for example bcb0->bcb1), for counters or expressions assigned to count a BasicCoverageBlock or edge. Intermediate expressions (not directly associated with a BCB or edge) will be labeled by their expression ID, unless operation is also specified.
    • operation - applied to expressions only, labels include the left-hand-side counter or expression label (lhs operand), the operator (+ or -), and the right-hand-side counter or expression (rhs operand). Expression operand labels are generated recursively, generating labels with nested operations, enclosed in parentheses (for example: bcb2 + (bcb0 - bcb1)).


A non-public support class to DebugCounters.
If enabled, this struct maintains a map from CoverageKind IDs (as ExpressionOperandId) to the CoverageKind data and optional label (normally, the counter’s associated BasicCoverageBlock format string, if any).
Parses and maintains coverage-specific debug options captured from the environment variable “RUSTC_COVERAGE_DEBUG_OPTIONS”, if set.
If enabled, this data structure captures additional debugging information used when generating a Graphviz (.dot file) representation of the CoverageGraph, for debugging purposes.
If enabled, this struct captures additional data used to track whether expressions were used, directly or indirectly, to compute the coverage counts for all CoverageSpans, and any that are not used are retained in the unused_expressions Vec, to be included in debug output (logs and/or a CoverageGraph graphviz output).



Generates the MIR pass coverage-specific graphviz dump file.
Generates the MIR pass CoverageSpan-specific spanview dump file.
Converts the computed BasicCoverageBlockDatas into SpanViewables.
term_type 🔒
Returns a simple string representation of a TerminatorKind variant, independent of any values it might hold.